Endocrine Flashcards
what most often causes hyperparathyroidism?
parathyroid adenoma
s/s of hyperparathyroidism
moans, groans, stones, bones
dx hyperparathyroidism
elevated serum Ca
PTH assay
tx hyperparathyroidism
NS + furosemide
most common cause of hypoparathyroidism
iatrogenic: post-thyroidectomy
what deficiency may cause development of hypoparathyroidism?
s/s of hypoparathyroidism
muscle cramps, carpopedal spasms, chvosteks & trousseaus sign, hyperactive DTR
dx hypoparathyroidism
decreased serum Ca, elevated PO4
EKG: QT prolongation
tx hypoparathyroidism
calcium gluconate
oral calcium, vit d, mg
causes of hyperthyroidism
hot/toxic nodule
s/s hyperthyroidism
irritability, heat intolerance, anxiety, tachycardia
dx hyperthyroidism
elevated T3/T4
decreased TSH
tx hyperthyroidism
propanolol for sxs
methimiazole & PTH
RAI is definitive tx
what is Graves & who is it more common in?
autoimmune hyperthyroidism
8x more common in women (onset 20-40)
what are clinical manifestations of Graves?
orange skinned
causes of hypothyroidism
autoimmune -> Hashimotos
iatrogenic -> thyroidectomy
s/s of hypothyroidism
cold intolerance, fatigue, bradycardia, constipation
what will the thyroid be like in hypothyroidism
diffusely enlarged, firm, finely nodular thyroid
what does congenital hypothyroidism cause
mental retardation -> cretinism
dx hypothyroidism
decreased T3/T4
elevated TSH
tx hypothyroidism
what is cushings
excess cortisol
causes of cushings
endogenous: tumor secreting excess cortisol or ACTH
exogenous: drugs
what is cushings syndrome
adrenal tumor
what is cushings disease
pituitary tumor
s/s of cushings
central obesity, moon facies, striae, buffalo hump, DM/glucose intolerance, thin extremities, HTN
dx cushings
elevated AM cortisol with loss of diurnal pattern
Dexamethasone suppression test
tx cushings
stop drug
remove tumor
what is addison’s disease
adrenal insufficiency
autoimmune destruction of adrenal glands
s/s of addison’s disease
hyperpigmentation, palmar creases, fatigue, weakness, arthralgias, reduction in axillary & pubic hair
dx addison’s disease
low AM cortisol level
ab CT: small, non-calcified adrenals
cosyntropin stimulation test
tx addison’s disease
glucocorticoid replacement
how much must you increase maintenance cortisol during periods of stress
what may precipitate acute adrenal insufficiency/crisis
abrupt stop of corticosteroids
s/s of acute adrenal insufficiency
confusion, diarrhea, temp > 40, hypotension, cyanosis, hemodynamic collaps
patient w/ hypotension/shock unresponsive to IV fluids & pressors
acute adrenal insufficiency
tx acute adrenal insufficiency
rapid infusion of isotonic fluids & IV hydrocortisone
what is pheochromocytoma
rare adrenal tumor that secretes NE/EPI
s/s pheochromocytoma
sustained HTN, palpitations, HA, excessive sweating
dx pheochromocytoma
24 hour urine for catecholamines & metanephrines
tx pheochromocytoma
laparoscopic removal of tumor
what is pagets disease
focal ares of excessive osteoclast-mediated bone resorption preceding disorganized osteoblast-mediated bone repair
what does the bone look like in pagets disease
mosaic/jigsaw puzzle
s/s of pagets disease
usually asymptomatic
dx of pagets disease
x-ray w/ characteristic bone deformities
tx pagets disease
NSAIDS for pain