Endocrine Flashcards
Graves Disease
Autoimmune - Antibodies binds to TSH receptor on thyroid and increases T4/T3
Heat intolerance, sweating, increased appetite, weight loss, palpitation, tachycardia, nervousness, tired but cant sleep, exophthalmus
Cold intolerance, weight gain, slowness in movement speech and thought, lethargy, myxedema
Stimulates gluconeogenesis, antiinflammatory, suppresses immune response, maintains vascular response to catecholamines, inhibits bone formation, increases GFR
Addisons Disease (Primary)
Destruction of the gland, cancer of lung (high ACTH)
Weakness, Hypoglycemia, hyperpigmentation, anorexia
Addisons disease (secondary)
Failure to stimulate the gland, pituitary tumor, hypothalmic disorder
Hypoglycemia, anorexia, weakness, no hyperpigmentation (No MSH increase)
Hyperglycemia, hypertension, moon face, buffalo hump, abdominal striae
Hyperreflexia, muscle cramping, spontaneous twitching, tingling and numbness, Chvostek sign - twitching of facial muscle caused by tapping on facial nerve. Trosseau sign - Carpopedal spasm with inflation of BP cuff
Polyuria, polydipsia, hyporeflexia, constipation, lethargy coma death
Growth Hormone
Increase linear growth, increase protein synthesis, increased lean body mass, promotes utilization of fats for energy source, increases insulin resistance
Stimulated by fasting, starvation, increased plasma levels of amino acids, exercise
Inhibited by dopamine
Pregnancy and sucking are stimuli for production and release
Lactogenesis - stimulation of milk production, Inhibits ovulation by inhibiting HnRH, Breast development at puberty
Thyroid Hormone actions
Increased thermogenesis, sweating, rate and depth or respiration, cardiac output and arrhythmias, pulse pressure, utilization of nutrients, food intake, weight loss
Promotes K+ uptake into cells