Endocrine Flashcards
A client with diaphoresis, palpitations, jitters, and tachycardia
approximately 1½ hours after taking his regular morning insulin is
experiencing symptoms of ____________
Chronic complication of diabetes mellitus
_______ decreases insulin resistance
______produces fatty masses at injection sites, causing
unpredictable absorption of insulin injected into these sites
Insulin lipodystrophy
____ is sometimes seen after normal blood glucose levels are
established in a client with prolonged hyperglycemia
Insulin edema
______ occurs mostly in overweight clients and is due to
insulin binding with antibodies, decreasing the amount of absorption
Insulin resistance
Results of a urine glucose test correlate poorly with____
Glucose levels.
Weight gain, lethargy, and slow pulse rate along with decreased T3 and T4 levels indicate
_____ are thyroid hormones that affect growth and development as
well as metabolic rate
and T4
____ is related to low calcium levels
To palpate the thyroid gland, ask the client to ____
Swallow; as he does so,
palpate the gland for enlargement as the tissue rises and falls
Measurement of glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb A1c) is used to assess_______
Coarsening of facial features and extremity enlargement are symptoms of_____
The medulla of the adrenal gland releases two hormones:
and norepinephrine
Thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and calcitonin are secreted by the _____
thyroid gland
The islet cells of the pancreas secrete____
insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin
Diabetes insipidus is at risk for developing____
Hypovolemic shock because of increased urine output
In clients with diabetes insipidus, urine specifi c gravity should be
monitored for____
Low osmolality (generally less than 1.005) due to the body’s inability to concentrate urine.
Fluid deprivation test involves
withholding water for 4 to 18 hours
and checking urine osmolarity periodically