Endocrine 1 Flashcards
Steroid Hormone
Secreted from..
Obtained from..
Hydrophobic – can pass thru cell membrane
Act as primary messengers and directly interact w DNA
Secreted from: adrenal cortex (cortisol, aldosterone), testes (testosterone), ovaries and placenta (estrogen, progesterone)
Cholesterol obtained from: animal fat in diet, steroidogenic endocrine cells and liver cells
6-C side chain cleaved from cholesterol to form pregnenolone in mitochondria
Pregnenolone travels to smooth ER
Other enzymes (processes) produce diff steroid molecules
Very little steroid hormone storage –synthesized on demand and secreted by diffusion thru cell membrane
Peptides/Protein Hormones
Typically charged (hydrophilic, polar) --may not pass thru cell membrane Act via 2nd messenger system
Secreted from: pituitary (ACTH, GH, TSH, ADH, oxytocin), parathyroid (PTH), pancreas (insulin, glucagon)
Peptide hormones synthesized at ribosomes, stored in vesicles, secreted on demand
Preprohormone modified by posttranslational processing to prohormone to create a mature hormone
Insulin Synthesis
Synthesized in beta-cells of islets of Langerhans
Consists of 2 peptide chains (A, B) which are connected by disulfide bonds
1) P of preproinsulin cleaved to produce proinsulin (in ER)
2) Proinsulin moves in vesicles into Golgi
3) 3 disulfide bonds fold proinsulin and link A and B
4) C cleaved from proinsulin to form mature insulin
5) Insulin and C stored 1:1 in vesicles awaiting release
6) Depolarization=exocytosis to blood
Amines Hormones (tyrosine derivatives)
Secreted from: thyroid gland (T4, T3)–steroid-like, adrenal medulla (epinephrine, NE)–protein-like
Catecholamine-secreting cells need tyrosine to produce dopamine, NE, E
In the thyroid gland, enzymatic reactions in the follicle cells and colloid start with tyrosine to produce iodothyronines
Tryptophan is modified biochemically in the pineal gland to produce melatonin
Hormone Transport & Clearance
Steroid and thyroid hormones transported thru blood by being bound to carrier proteins (serum pr bind them and increase hormone solubility in water)
Hormones are cleared by: metabolic destruction by tissue, binding w tissues, excretion by liver into bile, excretion by kidneys into urine
Water soluble hormones (peptides and catecholamines): degraded by enzymes in blood/tissue and excreted by kidneys or liver
• Short half-life: less than a minute
Lipid soluble hormones (steroids): plasma protein bound and are cleared slowly
• Half-life: hours to days
Intracellular receptors
Lipid soluble hormones (like steroids)–receptors inside cell (cytoplasm or in the nucleus)=intracellular receptors Alter gene expression by turning transcription/translation on/off =affect production of new pr (genomic effect) New protein (can be enzyme or structural pr) carry out target cells physiological responses (this takes time)
G-protein-coupled membrane receptors
Water soluble peptide and amines hormones –bind receptor molecules located in cell membrane and binding sites that face extracellular fluid
Mediate hormones actions by regulating ion-channel permeability or by activating intracellular 2nd messenger system
Adenylyl cyclase-cAMP
Secondary Messenger
- Activated G-pr stim adenylyl cyclase
- Catalyzes conversion of ATP to cAMP inside cell
- Active cAMP-dependent pr- kinases will phosphorylate (activate) specific pr- triggering biochem rxns leading to cell’s response to hormone
Cell membrane phospholipid
Secondary Messenger
- Hormone binding causes activation of enzyme phospholipase C which breaks down PIP2 into inositol triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG)
- IP3 mobilizes Ca2+ from intracellular stores causing smooth muscle contraction and changes in cell secretion
- DAG (membrane-bound) will activate PKC which will phosphorylate large # of pr leading to cell’s response
Secondary Messenger
- Operates in response to entry of Ca2+
- Ca2+ binds to 4 sites on calmodulin causing conformational change
- This causes activation/inhibition of pr- kinases within cell
Enzyme-linked membrane receptors
Some peptide hormones (insulin and growth hormone) bind to enzyme-linked membrane receptors (which faces ECF) and change activities of existing pr- (delay for min)
Ligand binds=>activates active site=>GTP to cGMP
BAT vs WAT & Leptin
Inducing lipolysis (release fatty acids) in white adipose tissue (WAT) –appetite Inducing thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT) –body temp
Leptin & Obesity
Leptin: hormone released from fat cells located in adipose tissue, send signals to hypothalamus
When ppl diet, they eat less=their fat cells lose some fat=decrease amount of leptin produced
Leptin level goes below personal leptin threshold =brain sense starvation
Brain believes it doesn’t have enough energy=stim huge appetite and increased food intake
Extremely rare genetic condition called congenital leptin deficiency (body cannot produce leptin)
Absence of leptin make body think it does not have any fat resulting in uncontrolled food intake and severe childhood obesity
Obese ppl have unusually high levels of leptin b/c brain does not respond to leptin, so they keep eating despite adequate fat stores (known as “leptin resistance”)
Downregulation vs Upregulation
Downregulation: when hormone increases, cell decreased number of receptors –become less reactive to hormone levels
Upregulation: when hormone decreases, cells increased number of receptors –become more reactive to hormone levels
Permissive, Synergistic, Antagonistic effects
- Permissive effect: in which the presence of 1 hormone enables another hormone to act
- Synergistic effect: in which w hormones w similar effects produce an amplified response
- Antagonistic effect: in which two hormones have opposing effects
EX: insulin and glucagon
Control of hormone secretion
Secretion is regulated by:
Neural signals –nerve impulses to adrenal medulla regulate secretion of epinephrine
Chemical changes in blood –Ca2+ regulate secretion of parathyroid hormone
Other hormones –from anterior pituitary gland
3 Types of Control
1) Neural Control: direct stimulation by ANS
CNS=>endocrine gland=>secrete hormone (when hormone great enough, signal to CNS to stop stimulation to endocrine gland)
2) Endocrine Control: stimulation by tropic hormone
Endocrine gland A release hormone A (tropic hormone) which effects another endocrine gland B releasing hormone B
Too much hormone B=inhibit endocrine gland A
3) Humoral Control: blood level of certain ions and nutrients sensed directly by endocrine tissue
Internal environmental stimulus =>endocrine gland=>hormone
Pituitary Gland (hypophysis)
Connected to hypothalamus via pituitary stalk
Bodies of neurosecretory cells located in nuclei in hypothalamus extend their axons along infundibular stalk to pars nervosa (posterior lobe) of posterior pituitary
These axon terminals secrete oxytocin and vasopressin by exocytosis into general circulation
(Parvocellular) neurosecretory neurons in hypothalamus secrete releasing and inhibiting hormones =control secretions of non-neural anterior pituitary endocrine cells
Neurosecretory neurons at para-ventricular nucleus (PVN) secrete oxytocin and vasopressin
Anterior Pituitary (adenohypophysis)
darker, made up of cells, involved in producing and releasing hormones
• controlled via hypophyseal portal system
Hypothalamic Releasing Hormone secreted by hypothalamic neurons into primary capillary
Carried to anterior pituitary by hypophyseal portal venules
Delivered to secondary capillary which distributes it to cells of anterior pituitary
Anterior pituitary secretes hormone into secondary capillary
Anterior Pituitary Neg Feedback
Stressors=>release of CRH from hypothalamus=>release of ACTH from ant. pit.=>release of cortisol from adrenal cortex (suppresses CRH and ACTH)
Posterior Pituitary (neurohypophysis)
fewer cells and more nerve ends, stores hormones released into hypothalamus
• Secretes/stores neurohormones
• Controlled via hypophyseal tract
Axons of hypothalamic neurons project to posterior pituitary as hypophyseal tract
Their axon terminals secrete neurohormones (oxytcin and ADH) directly into blood
Posterior Pituitary Neg Feedback
1) Conc blood (low H2O) enters hypothalamus
2) Hypothalamic neurons send impulses to posterior pit
3) Axon terminals release ADH into blood
ADH -anti-diuretic hormone (less urination)
4) Water conserved in kidneys (increase H2O)
5) Stim of hypothalamus stops