Endocr. Anterior pituitary 11-01 (1) Flashcards
causes? 3
Prolactin secreting tumor - Benign.
Other causes of hyperprolactinemia:
Dopamine antagonists.
Very high TRH levels (hypothyroidism).
CP women?
▪ Amenorrhea; due to suppression of GnRH.
▪ Galactorrhea.
▪ Presents earlier –> microadenoma. No field cuts.
Galactorrhea is milk production from the breast unrelated to pregnancy or lactation.
CP men?
Decreased libido.
infertility, impotence, gynecomastia
Macroadenoma –> Bitemporal hemianopsia, headache.
Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation.
Prolactinoma. In premenopausal women CP?
related to hormones - galactorrhea, amenorrhea, decr. bone density
Prolactinoma. In postmenopausal women CP?
mass effect - headache, visual field
Labs. prolactin?
> 200
correlates with size of prolactinoma
what to check when diagnosig? 4 things
Check medications first
TSH levels
Prolactin levels
MRI for tumor
Prolactinoma. what to rule out when diagnosing?
Renal insuff - lab: Cr
Hypothyroidism - lab: TSH, tyroxine
Prolactinoma. imaging for diagnosis?
Prolactinoma. management scheme in premenopausal. First step?
Detailed clinical evaluation
Rule out secondary cause (eg pregnancy)
Prolactinoma. management scheme in premenopausal. Clinical + secondary cause —> what next?
MRI of pituitary
Prolactinoma. management scheme in premenopausal. MRI = asymptomatic prolactinoma (<10 mm) –> treatment?
Prolactinoma. management scheme in premenopausal. MRI = MACROPROLACINOMA (>10 mm)
Symptomatic microprolactinoma –> treatment?
Abu variantai:
Dopamine agonists
Resection: Very large (>=3 cm) arba incr. in size while on drug treatment.
Jeigu galima, tai pradedam drugs –>jeigu neefektyvu –> resection
Acromegaly. pathophysiology?
Growth hormone increases hepatic production of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) –> causes excessive growth of bone and soft tissue
Surgery can minimize the hypertrophic stages but will not
reverse degenerative changes.
Diastolic heart failure due to hypertension.
Acromegaly. first step test?
Suspected acromegaly –> IGF-I level
IGF-I level –> elevated –> what next step?
Oral glucose suppression test
IGF-I level –> elevated –> normal –> next step?
normal level rules out acromegaly
IGF-I level –> elevated –>Oral glucose suppression test –> adequate suppression –>?
suppression rules out acromegaly
IGF-I level –> elevated –>Oral glucose suppression test –> NO adequate suppression –>?
MRI of brain
Acromegaly. in general sequence in diagnosis?
elevated IGF-I –> Inadequate GH suppression on oral glucose suppression test –> do MRI.
IGF-I level –> elevated –>Oral glucose suppression test –> NO adequate suppression –> MRI pituitary mass –> ?
Surgical versus medical management
IGF-I level –> elevated –>Oral glucose suppression test –> NO adequate suppression –> MRI NO pituitary mass –> ?
Evaluate extrapituitary cause of acromegaly (ectopic GH and GHRH secreting tumor)
Glucose test mechanism?
Oral glucose given –> insulin increases –> growth hormone should decrease but it stays the same.
yra atspausdinta lentele su clinical features of untreated acromegaly.
Surgery can minimize the hypertrophic stages but will not
reverse degenerative changes.
Hypopituitarism. acute. causes?
Causes: infection, infarction, or iatrogenic.
Hypopituitarism. acute. diagnosis?
Assessment of cortisol and T4 levels
Hypopituitarism. acute. treatment?
replace hormones
Hypopituitarism. acute. RECOGNIZE sheenan and apoplexy
Sheenan CP?
Lactation failure (decr. prolaclin)
Amenorrhea, hot flashes, vaginal atrophy(decr. FSH, LH)
Fatigue, bradycardia (decr. TSH)
Anorexia, weight loss, hypotension (decr. ACTH)
Decreased lean body mass (decr. growth hormone)
Hypopituitarism. Chronic. causes?
Causes: autoimmune, deposition disease, or slow growing tumor.
Hypopituitarism. Chronic. cp?
GH and FSH/LH will be sacrificed to maintain TSH and ACTH.
Decreased libido.
Menstrual irregularities
Hypopituitarism. Chronic. diagnosis?
a) Insulin stimulation test.
Give insulin –> glucose drops –> GH should increase but it stays the same.
b) Vasopressor stimulation test.
If tests positive –> MRI.
Hypopituitarism. Chronic. treatment?
Replace the hormones.
Fix underlying disease.
Hypopituitarism. table. Pituitary causes? 3
Primary (eg adenoma) or metastatic
Infiltration (hemochromatosis, lymphocytic hypophysitis)
Hemorrhage (apoplexy) or infarction (sheenan)
Hypopituitarism. table. Hypothalamic causes? 5
Mass lesion
Radiation therapy
Infiltration (sarcoidosis)
Trauma to skull base
Infections (TBC meningitis)
Hypopituitarism. table. CP.
ACTH deficiency (secondary adrenal insuf)?
Postural hypotension, tachy, fatigue, weight loss, hypoglycemia, eosinophilia
Hypopituitarism. table. CP.
Hypothyroidism (central)?
Fatigue, cold intolerance, constipation, dry skin, brady, slowed deep tendon reflexes
Hypopituitarism. table. CP.
Women - amenorrhea, infertility
Men - infertility, loss of libido
Empty Sella syndrome:
Pituitary is not in the Sella –> located somewhere else.
CP, diagnosis and treatment?
● C/P: asymptomatic.
● Diagnosis: MRI.
● Treatment: do nothing.
Pituitary apoplexy. CP?
Sudden hemorrhage into an enlarged pituitary adenoma.
Headache, ptosis, and vision changes.
Adrenal crisis.