Endo treated teeth P1 Flashcards
What is the main goal of restoring endodontically treated teeth?
To ensure the tooth can resume full function and resist occlusal forces.
Why is cuspal coverage recommended for endodontically treated teeth?
To protect the weakened tooth structure from fracture.
How does loss of tooth structure affect endodontically treated teeth?
It reduces the tooth’s ability to resist occlusal forces.
What is a post crown?
A full coverage crown that gains retention by a post inserted in the root canal.
What materials are used for posts in post crown systems?
Metallic (e.g., alloys), ceramic (e.g., zirconium oxide), or fiber-reinforced resin.
What is the purpose of a core in a post crown system?
To rebuild the lost coronal tooth structure and provide the shape for extracoronal restoration.
What is an extracoronal restoration?
A restoration that restores the esthetics and function of a tooth, typically a crown.
When is a post crown indicated?
For severely damaged endodontically treated teeth or as retainers for short span bridges.
What is a contraindication for a post crown?
Presence of periapical pathology or insufficient periodontal support.
What are the advantages of a post crown?
Provides good retention, strengthens the tooth, and allows correction of malalignment.
What is the main disadvantage of a post crown?
It can weaken the root if the canal is improperly prepared or over-widened.
How are post and core systems classified by material?
Metallic, combination of metal and non-metal, or all non-metal.
What is the function of a ferrule in tooth preparation?
To reduce stress concentration and prevent root fracture during function.
What factors influence retention of a post crown?
Preparation geometry, post design, length, diameter, surface, and luting agents.
Why is a parallel-sided post more retentive than a tapered one?
Parallel walls provide more surface area for retention.
How does post length affect retention?
Increased post length improves retention but may risk perforation if too long.
What are the disadvantages of using a thick post?
It may weaken the root and lead to fractures.
What is the purpose of using a serrated post?
To increase retention by providing more surface area for bonding.
Why is the apical seal important during post placement?
It prevents leakage and maintains the integrity of the root canal filling.
What is the impact of improper canal preparation on post crown longevity?
It can weaken the root and increase the risk of post failure or root fracture.
How should gutta-percha be removed when preparing for a post?
Using a hot instrument, Peeso reamers, or rotary instruments with care to avoid apical seal damage.
Why is minimal canal enlargement important?
To maintain root strength and prevent perforation.
When is a custom-made cast post preferred?
In non-circular or highly tapered canals where prefabricated posts do not fit well.
What is the advantage of prefabricated posts?
They are easy to use and require minimal adjustment for fitting.