endo fucking life if <80 biotch Flashcards
endorcine glands are…
ductless glands rls hormones into surrounding tissue
-regulate metabolic processes
-rich vascular and lymphatic drainage to recieve their hormones and release
exocrine glands are…
glands that have ducts in which nonhormonal products are routed to membrane surface
endo contains…
a hormone is…
chemical substance secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids which regulate metabolic function of other cells
2 hormone classification…
amino acid based and steroids
most hormones are classidied
amino acid based
steroids synthesized from…
only steroidal hormones are…
gonadal and adrenocortical
mechanism of hormone action…
each hormone receptor is a portien or gylcoprotein molecule that has a binding site for specific hormone>hormone delivers its message to cell by uniting with its binding site on recpetor
T/F- more receptors=greater response
second messenger systems happen for…
amino acid based hormones
2nd messenger system process…
hormone combines w receptor outside of cell>activates enzyme which is bound to inside of cell membrane>activates another set of enzymes and causes change in cellular process. therefore the enzyme on inside of cell in 2nd messenger, reponses determined by type of protein substrate it contains
direct gene activation is for…
steroid hormones
direct gene activation proccess…
steroid hormones are lipid soluble and make up bulk of cell membrane, so they can enter cell easily. once inside»combine with specific cytoplasmic proteins (receptors)>enyer nucleus, bind to chromatin, activate genes>causing synthesis of messenger RNA. mRNA leaves nucleusand enters cytoplams where it auses target effects
target effects causes reponses such as…
-altering membrane permeability
-actvating enzymes
-promoting synthesis of proteins
-stimulating/inhiniting specific metabolic pathways
-promoting cellular movement
-intiating secretion of other hormones
control of hormone release include three stimuli…
humoral, neural, hormonal
humoral stimuli
changing blood levels of certain ions and nutrients
neural stimuli
nerve fibers
hormonal stimuli
in response to hormones produced by endocrine glands
pituitary gland (hypophysis)
seated in spehnoid bone, size and shape of pea w stalk. anterior galnd= adenohypophysis
posterior nervous = neurohypophysis
anterior lobe of pituitary gland and manufactures and releases many hormones
posterior lobe of pituitary gland and stores and releases neurohormones from hypothalamus
funnel shaped stalk connecting hypothlamaus and pituitray posteriorly (together with posterior lobe make neurohypophysis)
hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract is…
the neural connection between the posterior lobe and hypothalamus