Endo Flashcards
Pregnant patient - TFTs
TSH can be mildly suppressed in up to 13% of pregnancy in first trim. T3 and T4 can slightly increased too due to HCG stimulation
T-binding globulin has twofold increase due to reduced hepatic clearance and increased synthesis due to oestrogen
Best management for hirtuism in PCOS
weight loss
5% weight loss has 40% improvement of hirtuism
Crypterone acetate& ethinyloestradiol or COCP can be used
Patient collapses. Raised c peptide, hypoglycemic
Could be sulphonylurea abuse, esp if family member has T2DM
Could be insulinoma, but rare
Could be Addisonian crisis - low BP, hyperkal hyponat
Insulin abuse would have suppressed c peptide
Management of prolactinoma
Cabergoline, very effective, unlikely to need surgery
Management for acromegaly
Treat with Somatostatin Analogues (Octreotide) then transphenoidal surgery
Patient with hyperthyroidism on amiodarone due to paroxysmal VT. On Doppler USS blood flow is increased
Start carbimazole 40mg OD
Amiodarone should ideally be stopped but given the VT this is difficult
USS with increased blood flow is Type 1 amiodarone hyperthy, treat with carbimazole
decreased blood flow is Type 2, corticosteroids
Type 2 is usually with no underlying disease
Thyrotoxicosis in pregnancy…management
propylthiouracil in first trim, then carbimazole
If painful goitre, raised ESR could be subacute so NSAIDs
Bartter Vs gittelman
Bartter is usually in childhood with failure to thrive
Also has elevated urinary calcium excretion
77 with Colles wrist fracture. Management
Start alendronate in patients >= 75 years following a fragility fracture, without waiting for a DEXA scan
Cause of adrenal insufficiency in developing world
TB is most common cause
Remember can get transient low T4 , but corrects with steroid replacement
Management of patient that presents with hypoglycemia. BG of T2DM, on metformin and gliclazide
Not responsive to 10% dextrose
What is management
Octreotide in sulphonylurea OD
- blocks insulin secretion
(aka Sandostatin - synthetic somatostatin)
Most likely cause of Low TSH levels in hospitalised patients
Sick thyroid syndrome 3x more likely than hyperthyroidism
Management of gestational diabetes
Fasting >=5.6
2hr glucose >= 7.8
Fasting glucose 5.6 - 7 then diet,+/- Metformin after 1-2/52
6-6.9 with complications -macrosomia or hydramnios, then offer insulin
Fasting >7 then start insulin
Management of subclinical hypothyroidism
Treat if TSH above 10 (if younger than 70)
TSH 4-10 then treat if symptomatic
Hyponatremia with normal osmolarity
… serum Na is measured as a ratio of Na to plasma volume. If the patients plasma has high amounts of proteins or lipids, the plasma volume will be increased resulting in a measured hyponatraemia. This is not a true hyponatraemia as the actual ratio of sodium to plasma fluid will be normal.
So look out for hyperproteinaemia (e.g. TPN, IVIG) and hyperlipidaemia (in particular hypertriglyceridemia)
Management for patient with familial hypercholesterolemia
First line: high dose statins.
Second line: Ezetimibe (inhibits the intestinal absorption of cholesterol)
Calcium in adrenal Insufficiency
combination of increased calcium input into the extracellular space and reduced calcium removal by the kidney
hyponatraemia in 85–90%
hyperkalaemia in 60–65%,
“hypercalcaemia is a rare occurrence”
familial benign hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia Vs primary hyperparathyroidism
Both may have high calcium with high or (inappropriately) normal PTH
But FHH has low urinary calcium
High calcium should lead to high urinary calcium
FHH is auto dom asymp hypercal - defect in the calcium-sensing receptor
What is familial benign hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia
FHH is auto dom asymp hypercal - defect in the calcium-sensing receptor
macroadenoma with high prolactin management
If prolactin extremely high (>6000) then prolactinoma, so treat with bromocriptine or cabergoline (dopamine-R agonist)
In macroadenoma, other may be reduced and prolactin can be raised ( 600–3000 mU/L) secondary to pit stalk blockage w prevention of dopamine reaching the pituitary
Mx Trans-sphenoidal surgery