Endo Flashcards
What are the different types of cell to cell communication
- Direct
- gap junctions
- cell membrane proteins - Indirect
- paracrine
- autocrine
- endocrine
- neurocrine
Differences between endocrine + nervous communications
Endo released from glands / cells, nerv released from neurons
Endo slower acting, longer lasting
Nerv rapid transmission, short-lived
- endocrine
- paracrine
- autocrine
- neurocrine
- secreted from cell / gland into blood
- acts on adjacent cell
- acts on same cell chemical is released from
- neurotransmitter released from neuron
Explain how target cells are active participants in cell to cell communications
ligand binds
intracellular signalling proteins
effector proteins causing desired result
What is a second messenger?
Intracellular signaling molecules released by the cell when triggered by extracellular signaling molecules—the first messengers. Second messengers trigger physiological changes
Metabotropic receptor responses activate amplifier enzymes that create intracellular second messengers
Name the different second messengers
Calcium Cyclic AMP (cAMP) Cyclic GMP (cGMP) Inositol triphosphate (IP3) Diaceyl glycerol (DAG)
Name major endocrine glands (8)
Hypothalamus Pituitary Thyroid Parathyroid Thymus Adrenal Pancreas Gonads
Name secondary endocrine glands (4)
Adipose Tissue
Distinguish between exocrine + endocrine glands
Exocrine: secreted into duct
Endocrine: secreted into blood
How are nervous + endocrine alike + different?
Both transmit messengers
- nerves closer proximity vs endocrine into blood
- nerves = neurotransmitters, endo = hormones
- nerves = rapid + short-lived, endo=longer for change to occur but sustained
Classes of hormones
- Proteins + polypeptides
- Steroid hormones
- Derivatives of AA tyrosine
- catecholamines
- thyroid
how steroid and non-steroid hormones are synthesized
Steroid: from cholesterol
synthesis is in mitochondria
all derived from choleterol -> from pregnenolone
Protein: prehormone by ribosomes on rough ER + cleaved to prohoromones
- > golgi (packaged)
- > secretory vesicles (stored)
How how steroid and non-steroid hormones affect target cells
Steroid: lipophillic = diffuse through membrane -> intracellular receptors
Non-steroid (protein) = lipophobic = protein receptors
How negative feedback mechanisms regulate hormonal secretions
Long-loop: Target gland -> hypothalamus / pituitary
Short-loop: pituitary -> hypothalamus
Ultrushort-loop -> hypothalamic hormone inhibited by the same hormone
Hormone actions of plasma membrane receptors vs intracellular receptors
Plasma membrane activates second messenger inside cell
Intracellular messengers are already inside of cell