Ending of the Cold War Flashcards
What did Gorbachev do to change relations in the 1980s
- He withdrew troops from Afghanistan, this made the US happy as they were no longer trying to spread communism in the middle east
- Gorbachev realised the Soviets could not afford the arms race and opened the START with the USA, this reduced the amount of nuclear weapons each side had
- Gorbachev began reforming the Soviet system by allowing perestroika, this allowed competition between businesses. This appeased the US as they saw the Government was trying to improve the Soviet Union
- Many Soviets had turned to alcohol as their lives were so miserable. Gorbachev made campaigns against alcohol to try help the people. This made the US happy as the government were caring for the citizens
- He helped Soviets to become better educated and have better knowledge of the outside world
- He helped the economy grow
- He formed positive relations with President Reagan
- Glasnost which was when the government were more open with the Soviet citizens
What did President Reagan do to end change relations in the 1980s
- Increased USA’s defence spending to 3 trillion dollars - this made it clear he would not stop to beat the communists
- NUTS - Directed US missiles at Soviet warheads - this could destroy the Soviets weapons and they would have nothing to defend themselves with
- Star Wars - A US defence system that destroys missiles mid-air. The Soviets did not have this protection
what were the results
- Many Eastern European countries drove out the communists- Poland
Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania & East Germany - The Berlin Wall was dismantled in 1989
- Communism eventually ended in the Soviet Union in 1991, after Gorbachev
fell from power.