End of Y8 revision Flashcards
What does a CPU do?
Process information
What does RAM stand for?
Random access memory
What does ROM stand for?
Read only memory
What does a RAM do?
Very fast with volatile data storage. Contains the OS, current programs and data
What does a ROM do?
non-volatile memory, contains the boot strap and BIOS
What does CPU stand for?
Central Processing Unit
What does GPU stand for?
Graphics Processing Unit
What does a GPU do?
Makes the screen look good
What does LED stand for?
Light Emitting Diode
What is an LED?
A light. They come in red, green, amber, white and blue
What is an input?
A method of entering data onto a computer system, usually with an input device, such as a keyboard or mouse
What is an output?
A method of displaying information to a user e.g. a screen
What does volatile mean?
That data will be lost if the machine is turned off
what does BIOS mean?
Basic input and output system
What is a motherboard?
A circuit board that connects all of the other component
What is HTML?
A code used to create web pages
What is CSS?
It is used to centralise the format/style of a website
What does CSS stand for?
Cascading Style Sheet
What does HTML stand for?
HyperText Markup Language
What is a motherboard?
A circuit board that connects all of the components t
What is an algorithm?
A set of instructions that achieve a task
What is an iteration?
A repeated set of instructions- common loops include forever, until, while true
What is a variable?
A named container for a value which can be altered by the program
What is a selection?
A choice of which set of code to follow is dependent on a true of false question – common selections are “if then else”, “when..do”
What is CAD?
Computer Aided Design
What are the advantages of CAD?
Much cheaper than building a prototype
Easy to edit
Can try out ideas without having the cost of building them
Can try materials/colours using rendering
Can produce walkthroughs
What is CAM?
Computer Aided Manufacturing
What are the advantages of CAM?
After initial instillation, cheaper than having a workforce
Precision, machines are much more accurate than humans
Can work 24/7
Mistakes can be easily changed
What does p mean?
What does br mean?
line break
What does h1 mean?
header one
What does img mean?
includes an image
What does div mean?
A selection of the document
What does ol mean?
Ordered/numbered list
What does ul mean?
unordered list
What does li mean?
list item
What does “float” do?
positions the div element to the right or left of the surrounding element
What does “text-colour” do?
Detirmines the colour of the tex
What does “text-align” do?
Specifies the horizontal alignment of text
What is Wireframe?
A feature in CAD that allows for design without solid walls
How does a mobile phone connect to a network?
3g, 4g, bluetooth or wifi to connect to a network
What are the three main parts of a cpu?
The CPU is made up of three main components, the control unit, the immediate access store and the arithmetic and logic unit.
what does the control unit do?
The control unit controls the flow of data within the system.
what does the immediate access store do?
The immediate access store is where the CPU holds all the data and programs that it is currently using.
what does the arithmetic and logic unit do?
The arithmetic and logic unit is where the CPU performs the arithmetic and logic operations. Every task that your computer carries out is completed here, even typing words.
What is another name for the arithmetic and logic unit?
Which part of the CPU controls the input and output of data, checks that signals have been delivered successfully and and makes sure that data goes to the correct place at the correct time?
The control unit
What three things detirmine how fast a computer can carry out instructions?
clock speed
How do cores affect how fast a computer can carry out instructions?
For each core a CPU has, the more instructions it can do at one time.
How does clock speed affect how fast a computer can carry out instructions?
The speed at which the CPU can carry out instructions is called the clock speed. This is controlled by a clock. With every tick of the clock, the CPU fetches and executes one instruction.
What is clock speed measured in?
How is Hertz detirmined?
cycles per second
How many cycles can a cpu with a clock speed of 2GHz?
a CPU with a clock speed of 2 gigahertz (GHz) can carry out two thousand million (or two billion) cycles per second.
What is the abbreviation of hertz?
What is a disadvantage of a CPU with more cores?
It is more expensieve and uses more power
What is a cache?
A cache (pronounced ‘cash’) is a tiny block of memory built right onto the processor.
How does a cache affect the speed of a computer?
The most commonly used instructions and data are stored in the cache so that they are close at hand. The bigger the cache is, the more quickly the commonly used instructions and data can be brought into the processor and used.
What is the fetch-excecute cycle?
The CPU fetches instructions from the main memory and executes them. This is always happening when a computer is on.
The CPU fetches the instructions one at a time from the main memory into the registers. One register is the program counter (pc). The pc holds the memory address of the next instruction to be fetched from main memory.
The CPU decodes the instruction.
The CPU executes the instruction.
Repeat until there are no more instructions.
How would a computer excecute this instruction? “area = length * width”
First, the computer needs to load in the value of the variable length into the immediate access store (registers). Next it needs to load in the value of the variable width. Then it needs to multiply the two numbers together, and finally it needs to store the result in the variable area.
How would a computer excecute this instruction? “area = length * width”
First, the computer needs to load in the value of the variable length into the immediate access store (registers). Next it needs to load in the value of the variable width. Then it needs to multiply the numbers together, and finally store the result in the variable area.
What are malware?
Malware are programs that install and run on your computer without your knowledge or consent.
What is another name for malware?
Malicious programs
What is a virus?
A type of malware designed to copy itself and spread to other programs
What is a zombie?
A type of malware that takes over a computer to perform a malicious task
What is a Trojan?
Malware that seems legitimate, but is actually malicious
What is anti-virus software?
Anti-virus software scans all forms of storages devices for viruses, and if found, attempts to remove them
What is the html element for the largest heading?
Which html element defines important text?
Which html element defines important text?
Which character is used as an end tag in html?
How can you open a link in a new tab/browser window?
a href=”url”
Inline elements are normally displayed without starting a new line- true or false?
What is the correct HTML for making a checkbox?
input type=”checkbox”
What is the correct HTML for making a text input field?
input type=”text”
What is the correct HTML for making a drop-down list?
What is the correct HTML for making a text area?
What is a text area in HTML?
A textbox where users can input text
Block elements are normally displayed without starting a new line- true or false?
Which HTML element defines the title of a document?
What is the correct HTML element for playing video files?
What is the correct HTML element for playing audio files?
The HTML global attribute, “contenteditable” is used to:
Specify whether the content of an element should be editable or not
In HTML, onblur and onfocus are:
Event attributes
Graphics defined by SVG are in which format?
The HTML element is used to:
Draw graphics
Which input type defines a slider control?
broken question
Content aside from the main content
What is data?
Units of information. In computing there can be different data types, including integers, characters and Boolean. Data is often acted on by instructions.
What is a firewall?
An application that prevents unauthorised connections to and from the Internet.
What is spyware?
A program which monitors computer activity in an attempt to steal passwords or financial information