End of Vietnam War Flashcards
- Which president replaced LBJ in January, 1969?
Richard Nixon
- What was his policy of removing US troops and replacing them with South Vietnamese troops called?
- The South Vietnamese army had 82,000 soldiers in 1968. How big was it by 1970?
1 million
- What was the 1972 Viet Cong attack on the South called?
The Spring Offensive
- During Operation Linebacker 1 between May and October 1972, how many tonnes of bombs were dropped on North Vietnam?
150,000 tons
- In 1970 Nixon started SALT talks with the USSR to limit nuclear weapons. What does SALT stand for?
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
- Which two countries did Nixon visit in 1972 in a bid to put pressure of North Vietnam to end the war?
USSR and China
- Which country did the USA invade in March 1969, in Operation Menu, in an attempt to destroy Communist help for the VC?
- What was the name of the Communist group in this country under the leadership of Pol Pot?
Khmer Rouge
- What was the name given to the operation to invade Laos in February 1971 which ended in disaster and defeat for the South Vietnamese army?
Operation Lam Son 719
- What John Lennon song was adopted by the peace movement in 1969?
Give peace a chance
- What percentage of TV reports showed dead or wounded people?
25 percent
- How many people watched the shocking images of the execution of a VC soldier live on US TV?
20 million
- What was Ronald Haeberle famous for?
Photographing the dead at My Lai
- Which famous boxer burnt his draft card?
Muhammad Ali
- How many students at Berkeley, Yale and Stanford Universities protested against the Vietnam war in 1968?
- After 4 student were killed at Kent State University, how many students went on strike?
4 million
- Finish this chant.. Hey, Hey LBJ??.
How many kids did you kill today?
- What was the name of shops opened for anti-war, ex-servicemen to get coffee and doughnuts?
GI coffeehouses
- In 1970 there were 209 fraggings? What is fragging?
Killing your own officer
- Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland and Fred Gardner were famous actors. What did they set up to protest against the war?
The FTA tour (Free the Army roadshow)
- What did the VVAW stand for?
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
- What was the name given to the investigations held in Detroit in December 1970 about US atrocities in Vietnam?
Winter Soldier Investigations
- What was the name of the hearings set up in 1971 to try and find a way out of Vietnam?
Fulbright Hearings
- What was the name of the VVAW ex-soldier who gave the most famous evidence at these hearings?
John Kerry
- What was the name of the disabled ex-soldier who became a campaigner against war?
Ron Kovic
- What was the name of the scandal which ended in Nixon’s resignation?
28.Where did peace talks start in May 1968 and lasted until January 1973?
- Which two men had secret meetings for three years between 1969 and 1972?
Kissinger and Tho
- Who was leader of South Vietnam, who was appalled by the Paris Peace Accords in 1973?
- Why couldn’t the USA keep up the promises made to protect South Vietnam at the Paris Peace Accords?
Stock market crash and world oil crisis meant less money for war.
- Why did the North feel confident enough to break the Paris Accords and attack the South in 1975?
US Congress wouldn’t allow Ford to commit any more money to Vietnam.
- What was the codename of the US evacuation of South Vietnam?
Operation Frequent Wind
- On what date did the North defeat the South and reunite Vietnam?
April 30th 1975