End of Chapter Terms Flashcards
Any of the alternative forms of a given gene
Prenatal test in which a small sample of amniotic fluid is removed for testing
A condition in which extra or fewer copies of particular genes or chromosomal regions are present compared with the wild type
a pattern of inheritance in which an affected individual has one copy of the mutant gene and on of the normal on a pair of autosomal chromosomes. 50:50 chance of passing the mutant gene to each of their children
Autosomal dominant
All chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes
a prenatal test that involves taking tiny tissue sample from outside the sac where fetus develops. btw 10-12 weeks
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
alteration in the number or physical structure of chromosomes
chromosomal aberration
DNA molecule that contains genes in linear order to which numerous proteins are bound
a sequence of three adjacent nucleotides in an mRNA molecule, specifying either an amino acid or a stop signal in protein synthesis
Degree of relationship between persons who descend from a common ancestor
a feature of the genetic code in which an amino acid corresponds to more than one codon
loss of chromosomal material
a macromolecule usually composed of two polynucleotide chains in a double helix that is the carrier of genetic material
refers to an allele whose presence in a heterzygous genotype results in a phenotype characteristic of the allele
a chromosomal dysgenesis syndrome consisting of a variable constellation of abnormalities caused by triplication or translocation of chromosome 21
Down syndrome
a region of DNA containing genetic information, which is usually transcribed into an RNA molecule that is processed and either functions directly or is translated into a polypeptide chain
systematic study of an organism’s genome using large-scale DNA sequencing, gene-expression analysis
a mutation that takes place in a reproductive cell
Germinal mutations
an individual who has only one member of a chromosome pair or chromosome segment rather than the usual two; x linked genes in males who under normal situations only have one X
Carrying dissimilar alleles of one or more genes
having the same allele of a gene in homologous chromosomes
a genetically determined biochemical disorder usually in the form of an enzyme defect that produces a metabolic block
inborn errors of metabolism
a structural aberration in a chromosome in which the order of several genes is reversed from the normal order
a disorder that occurs when an ovum with an extra x chromosome is fertilized by a sperm with a Y chromosome. XXY in males = sterile
Klinefelter syndrome
the site or position of a particular gene on a chromosome
the mechanism of inheritance in which the statistical relations btw the distribution of traits in successive generations result from three factors
mendelian genetics
an RNA molecule that is transcribed from a DNA sequence and translated into amino acid sequence of a polypeptide
Messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA
a small circular chromosome found in each mitochondria that encodes tRNA rRNA and proteins involved in oxidative phosphorylation and ATP generation
Mitochondrial chromosome
controlled by a single gene
a condition in an otherwise diploid organism in which one member of a pair of chromosomes is missing
heritable alterations in a gene or chromosome
failure of chromosomes to separate and move to opposite poles of the division spindle loss or gain or chromosome
a diagram representing the familial relationship among relatives
pedigree analysis
genetic disorder resulting from the combined action of alleles of more than one gene
refers to an allele or the corresponding phenotypic trait, that is expressed only in homozygoutes
a type of RNA molecule that is a component of the ribosomal subunits
a chromosome that plays a role in the determination of sex x y
sex chromosomes
a mutation arising in a somatic cell
somatic mutation
translates a codon into an amino acid
mRNA -> protein
a mutation results from an exchange of parts of two chromosomes
disorder in which a normally diploid organism has an extra copy of one of the chromosomes
protein that does not achieve its full length or its proper form, cannot perform its function
truncated protein
monosomy syndrome that results when an ovum is lacking the X chromosome is fertilized by a sperm that contains a X. or when normal ovum X is fertilized with sperm lacking X or Y. XO
Turner Syndrome
a mutation in this gene disrupts chloride and water transport across membranes and ends up producing thick mucus that obstructs airways in the lungs and pancreatic ducts
CFTR gene
differentially labeled, chromosome-specific DNA strands for hybridization with chromosomes to label each chromosome with a different color.
chromosome painting
mating between related individuals
autosomal recessive trait/congenital metabolic disorder in which secretions of exocrine glands are abnormal. Excessively viscid mucus causes obstruction of passageways (pancreatic, bile, intestines, and bronchi) and the Na and Cl content of sweat are increased in pt’s life
Cystic Fibrosis
a genetically determined biochemical disorder, usually in the form of an enzyme defect that produces a metabolic block
inborn error of metabolism
the chromosome complement of a cell or organism; often represented by an arrangement of metaphase chromosomes according to lengths and the positions of their centromeres
the proportion of organisms having a particular genotype that actually express the corresponding phenotype.
the enzymes that converts phenylalanine to tyrosine and that is defective in phenylketonuria
Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH)
a hereditary human condition resulting from inability to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine; causes severe mental retardation unless treated in infancy and childhood by a low-phenylalanine diet
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
repeated cycles of DNA denaturation, renaturation with primer oligonucleotide sequences, and replication, resulting in exponential growth in the # of copies of the DNA sequence located b/w the primers
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
a labeled DNA or RNA molecule used in DNA-RNA or DNA-DNA hybridization assays
a brother or sister, having the same parents
a membrane that forms a fluid-filled sac around embryo
an early stage of embryo development, which can be recognized through the presence of an inner cell mass
the outer layer of cells in the embryo, after establishment of the 3 primary germ layers; the germ layer that comes in contact with the amniotic cavity
the developing human within the first 2 months after conception
the innermost of the 3 primary germ layers of embryo; the epithelial lining of the primitive gut tract and the epithelial component of the glands and other strictures that develop as outgrowths from the gut tube are derived from the endoderm
the development of relatively MILD degrees of mental deficiency and emotional disorders in children whose mothers use alcohol during their pregnancy
fetal alcohol effect
a condition marked by an excessive accumulation of CSF, resulting in dilation of the cerebral ventricles and raised ICP; may result in enlargement of the cranium and atrophy of brain
the cells at the embryonic pole of the blastocyst, which are concerned with formation the body of the embryo
inner cell mass (ICM)
the middler of the 3 germ layers of the embryo the origin of connective tissues, myoblasts, blood, the CV and lymphatic systems, most of urogenital system, and the lining of pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal cavities.
abnormal smallness of the head; a term applied to a skull with a capacity of less than 1350mL; associated with mental retardation
a form of emergency birth control used to prevent a woman from getting pregnant after she has engaged in unprotected vaginal intercourse
morning after pill
the earliest stage of embryo after cell division, consisting of a ball of identical cells