encryption Flashcards
mathematical applications applied to a block of data
small piece of data that controls an algorithm’s execution and is required to
encrypt and decrypt a message.
uses the same key for both encryption and decryption. Because it performs
quickly and requires a smaller key, <> is a more practical means for encrypting
large blocks of data and data to be shared with multiple people.
symmetric encryption
uses one key for encryption and another key for
decryption. The sender uses a public key to encrypt the message, and the recipient uses a private
key to decrypt the message.
assymetric encrpytion
provides built-in encryption that is applied throughout a program (for example,
databases, word processors and email programs). The benefit of <> is that organizations do not need to develop encryption features. The drawback, however, is that it offers little choice in the type of encryption that can be applied to the data. There is also a risk that the encryption technology may become outdated
application encryption
records are encrypted one record at a time. This
provides enhanced protection because the protection is more granular; however, record encryption
may cause performance issues because encrypting and decrypting data can be time consuming.
record encryption
provides the ability to encrypt specific fields of data; typically,
fields that are considered sensitive, such as credit card numbers or health-related information.
field encryption
uses the
principles of quantum mechanics to encrypt messages in a way that prevents anyone other than
the intended recipient from reading them.<> is limited by its lack of practicality,
including transmission distance and key generation rate, as well as the need for technology that is
still in the early stages of development.
Quantum encryption
makes public-key cryptography workable by
providing tools for obtaining and verifying public keys that belong to individuals, web servers,
organizations and other entities that require digital identification
public-key infrastructure
allows encrypted information to be
manipulated without first being decrypted. Early homomorphic encryption was too slow to be of
practical use but is now fast enough to use with some applications that require high degrees of
privacy and security
homomorphic encryption
the algorithm (the encryption/decryption
pair) is mutated with each copy of the code, while the outcome of the encryption remains the same
for any given key. The advantages of this type of encryption are that due to the frequent changes
the algorithm becomes more difficult to recognize over time, and it becomes harder to decrypt
because of the lack of an obvious relationship between the algorithm and the results.
polymorphic encryption
a way to hide one’s traffic within a crowd by combining traffic from multiple computers into a single channel that is sent between multiple computers, and then separating the traffic out aga
mix networks, onion routing networks,
a class of algorithms that
allows programs running on different computers to participate in computations such that results
can be computed without compromising each party’s private data. Currently, <> are faster than homomorphic encryption algorithms but harder to set up
because of the need to coordinate the computations.
Secure multiparty computation
a range of protocols through
which data can be retrieved from a database without revealing to the database or another observer the information that is retrieved. PIR systems provide for data access but not necessarily for data
modification. Some <> systems allow for the database to perform sophisticated operations, such as searching for documents that match a particular keyword, or for retrieving encrypted documents
in sorted order, all without knowing the underlying data that is being operated upon.
Private information retrieval