Encountering the New Testament Flashcards
What does “testament” mean in the titles “Old Testament” and “New Testament”?
The Scripture God gives over the courses of many centuries to an ancient people with whom he chose to deal in a unique way
What is the relationship of the Old Testament to the New?
The new Testament tells of fulfillment what the Old Testament promises.
What is a canon? What are the ancient divisions of the Old Testament canon?
An authoritative collection of Documents There were wides spread agreement among Jewish authorities that in certain writing God has revealed his will to his people and indeed to the whole world . Certain writings of God
What is cultural literacy? What part does the New Testament play in acquiring it?
The acquaintance at least the broad aspects of Science, Humanities, and fine arts. Familarity with beliefs, social organizations, and moral traits of society
Give three reasons for special study of the New Testament canon.
- Old Testament precedent for a cannon \, If God’s people had found life and nurture through inspired writing point forward to a savior. they might alsao be given inspired writing to explane theuir savior to them tand to the wrold after He had appeared.
- it is comprised of inspired (god breathing ) writing . The divine authorship of the New Testament .
- The preeminent role they gradually assumed in the ancient church.
What are the bases of our high level of certainty regarding the text of the New Testament?
The wealth of evidence.
Brief Time Lapse
Versions and Fathers
So many translations.
What other subjects have you found it necessary to study in order to master? What differences are there, if any, between the study of those subjects and the study of the New Testament?
- To avoid thew Tranny of Performed Personal Opinion
- To avoid misguided Reliance on the Holy Spirit
- To enable Historical -Theological Interpretation.
What were the main theological beliefs of the Pharisees?
They believed in God , angels,and spirits, providence, prayer and necssity of faith and goodworks , the ;last judgement , coming messiah , and the immortality of the soul.
What factors unified Judaism in Jesus’s day?
Lifestyle Eating , Washing and ritual purity
God, their own uniquness in the History of the world. . THe belief that theuy have been chosen by the one and onlty God to fullfill a singluar destiny. nagogue , ., THe law, tradition of the Eldfers , , The Temple , THe presthood and the Festivals.
What is the Apocrypha?
Thew information a specical revelation from God that unvealed the hiddeen secrets of the universe espewcally the event sdurrounding the end of age.
Why was the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 significant for Christianity?
Move away from Jerusalm The center of Christianity mustr be somewhetre else. New theological voccabulary and worship style designed to reach the gentales .
What are the major geographical regions of Palestine?
Galliliee , Samaria, and Judea.
What are the major geographical regions of Palestine?
Galliliee , Samaria, and Judea. A collection of small disricts pin the east of JOrdan river
Who were the Hasmoneans, and why were they important?
A group of pious warriors waged war against the Syriuans
What were the strengths and weaknesses of Herod the Great?
Sestivityt to Religious feelings and master buirr\
Bruter In humamn
How was the land of Palestine divided after Herod the Great, and what was the rule of his sons like?
Archelaus: Idumea Judia and Samaria
Antipas: Galilee, Perea
Philip:Batanaea, Trachonitis, and Auranitis.
What are the distinctive features of “apocalyptic” writings?
Stres Soverieignty and trranscedndencve of God
Cosmic struggl;e opf good and Evil
Dominvce of mood of Strain and tension
Expection of ultimate triumph of God
Deemphaisis on human wisdom and strength in ther declinning world sitution.
What elements of the life of Jesus were included in the preached gospel message of the early church?
The Lordship of Jesus
The ministry of John the Baptist
Thew Life of Jesus in Galilee
Jesus’s power, miracles, healings, and exorcism.
The death of Jesus by Crucifixion and His resurrection.
His appearence to believers in full bodily form after death.
The commnad top preach forgivness bof sins through faith in Christ
The assertion that the Oldtestament prophecies pointed to all therse things.
God offered salvation ; the Life death and resurection of Jesus and the call of faith in light of coming judgerment.
Cite five reasons why the Gospels were written.
- The speed and extent of the spread of the gospel made it impossible for the church to spread the Word. by the oral meaning alone.
- The apostles aged and passed from the scene.
- Early believers were looking to the future
- Inauthentic or distorted accounts were begin to make their apperarence.
- The need for factural materal to use in the instructioin of new converts.
Why may the Gospels be trusted?
- It took place when those who had known Jesus were still alive and the information could be traced back to them
- According to the best evidence avaible from the early years of the chiurch ,Three of the four Gospels are dirtectly linked toi the apostles. the fourth one Luke by his own testimoiny waere depend on eye withness s and those who had klnown Jesuis from the beginning .
- It is inspired by God