EN/PN Deck Flashcards
What is the Normal Osmolality of EN formulas?
up to 320 mOsm/kg
What is the Hypertonic Osmolality of EN solution?
greater than 320 mOsm/kg
What is the hang time for EN open systems or ready to serve?
4-12 hr
What is the hang time of EN closed systems or ready to hang?
24-48 hr
What rate is continuous EN initiated at?
20-50 mL/h (if 2.0 kcal/mL formula, start at 25-30mL/h)
What rate should continuous EN be advanced by?
10-25mL q4-24h until goal volume is reached
What volume should intermittent or bolus EN be started at?
120mL q4h
What volume should intermittent or bolus be advanced by?
30-60mL q8-12h until goal volume is reached
What are the steps to determine EN regimen?
- Calculate Nutrition Needs
- Feeding Route
- Formula
- Delivery
- Volume and goal rate
- Additional modular products
- Water flushes
- Initiation and progression
- Document
What needs to be documented in an EN prescription?
- Formula Name
- Initial volume of feeding, progression, and goal rate
- Total energy, protein, and fluids delivered by regimen at goal rate
- Feeding route, schedule, and method
- Water flushes
- Extra modular products or supplements
What angle does HOB need to be at during EN feeds?
greater than 30 degrees
What is the minimum amount of water flushes needed for EN regimens?
30mL q4h
How many drops are equal to 1mL for gravity feeds?
20 drops = 1mL
How much formula can the stomach handle?
up to 300mL/h
How much formula can the small bowel handle?