Emybryonic and Foetal Periods Flashcards
When is the embryo’s 3D structure created?
At end of gastrulation, flattened disc of 3 layers from embryo proper. Around the oval disc, attached to the yolk sac, an anchoring point, is where the embryo fold around
Types of folding?
Lateral folding - converts the open coelum into a closed cavity, creating thoracic and abdominal cavities and closing fore and hid gut; mid-gut is the last to close. Pulls edges of endoderm towards anterior aspect and unites to gives the gut tube
Cranial folding - forms the foregut and defines the thoracic cavity; developing heart tube is displaced into thw thoracic cavity
Caudal folding - cloacal membrane and connecting stalk are displaced ventrally alongside the neck of the yolk sac, forming the hindgut, anus and umbilical cord
Characteristics of months in foetal development?
3rd month - face more human-looking (position of eyes and ears), limbs lengthen, 1 O ossification centres in long bones and skull and sex can be determined by external genitalia
4th and 5th months - rapid increase in length
6th month - rapid increase in weight
Describe head vs body development
When head develops, during 3rd month, it is disproportionately large; in later stages, the rest of the foetus begins to lengthen so proportionality is achieved
Why does weight gain occur before birth
In preparation for life outside the womb
Causes of birth defects?
40-60% unknown 15% genetic factors 10% environmental: Infectious agent Radiation Chemical agents % pharmaceutical drugs Nutritional deficiencies Maternal disease
20-25% multifactorial - may be genetic and environmental causes, etc. E.g: spinal bifida (prevention includes folic acid but there are other factors like a genetic predisposition, etc)
Importance of the heart and development?
Begins to develop at week 4 and is essential for continued growth of the embryo
Defects during system development?
For each organ system development, earlier critical parts are more prone to serious defects; later parts tend to be minor
Neural system develops longer, so defects can occur throughout
Abnormalities during 1st two weeks results in miscarriage or embryo completely compensating
Describe development of the heart
Develops around week 4; first step:
Single heart tube that has an inflow and outflow connects to dorsal ?
As soon as cardiac myocytes differentiate, pumping occurs causing unilateral flow
Heart undergoes looping/folding to put future atria superior and posterior to ventricles
In other words, U-shaped to S-shaped structure
Describe normal atrial septation
Growth of 2 septa: Septum primum (flexible) Septum secundum (more rigid) Communication between right and left atria continues (to bypass lungs) until birth -foramen ovale
Describe atrial septation 1
30 days
Ultimately, communication between right and left atria is lost but small areas of cell death form new communication openings in upper part
Describe atrial septation 2
33 days
Describe atrial septation 3
37 days
Important for changes at birth to get rid of communication almost instantly at birth
Function of foramen ovale
Describe normal ventricular septation
Septation of outflow tract
Muscular portion - grown upwards from wall of expanding ventricle
Membranous portion - growth of tissue from endocardial cushions
Ventricular septation closely linked to septation of the outflow tract
Types of congenital heart defects?
Most common birth defect Wide range of defect types inc.: Atrial septal defects Ventricular septal defects Outflow of tract defects, e.g: transposition of the great vessels Combination of defects
What are atrial septal defects?
ASDs - defects of one or both of the atrial septae
Excessive resorption of septum primum
Absent septum secundum
Probe patent foramen ovale - septum primum and septum secundum fail to fuse; mixing of blood prevented due to pressure difference
What are ventricular septal defects?
Muscular defect - most common and least severe
Membranous defect - relatively uncommon and very severe
Failure of full septum formation
Transposition of great vessels - aorta exits right ventricle and pulmonary trunk exits left ventricle so deoxygenated blood is pumped around the body
4 components of tetralogy of fallot?
Pulmonary stenosis - narrowing; entrance into pulmonary trunk is narrow
Hypertrophy of right ventricle - can occur in response to pulmonary trunk stenosis
VSD - Ventricular Septal Defect
Over-riding aorta