EMT Psychomotor Skills checklist Flashcards
Scene Size-Up
Appropriate PPE Scene Safe? Determine MOI/NOI Number of Patients Additional EMS Needed? Consider Spinal Stabilization
Medical Assessment
Primary Assessment/Resuscitation
Verbalize General Impression of patient Determine L.O.C./AVPU Determine Chief Complaint/apparent life- threat Assess airway/breathing Assess circulation Identify patient priority & make treatment/transport decision *note GCS
Medical Assessment
Assess Airway/Breathing
Assure adequate ventilation (rate &
Initiate appropriate oxygen therapy
Medical Assessment
Assess Circulation
Assesses/controls major bleeding Check pulse (rate, quality & regularity) Assesses skin (color, temp & condition)
Medical Assessment
History Taking
History of present illness - OPQRST &
clarifying questions about signs &
symptoms related to OPQRST
Past medical history - SAMPLE
(onset, provocation/palliation, quality, radiation, severity, time)
(signs & symptoms, allergies, medications, past pertinent medical history, last oral intake, events leading up to present event)
Medical Assessment
Secondary assessment
Assesses affected body part/system
cardio, pulmonary, neuro,
musculoskeletal, integumentary, GI/GU,
Medical Assessment
Vital Signs
BP, Pulse rate & quality, Respirations rate &
State field impression of patient
Verbalize proper interventions/treatments
Medical Assessment
How & when to reassess to determine
Verbal report to arriving EMS
Verbal Report/Telemetry
Age & sex of patient C - chief complaint/MOI H - history I - interventions V - vital signs (BP, P, R, SPO2 & GCS) E - ETA/enroute/transport location decision
Trauma Assessment
Primary Survey/Resuscitation
Scene size-up
Verbalize general impression of patient
Determine chief complaint/apparent life
Airway - opens & assesses, insert adjunct
if needed
Breathing - assess, assure adequate
ventilation, initiates appropriate
O2 therapy, manage injuries
compromising breathing
Circulation - pulse, skin, control bleeding,
treat for shock
Identify patient priority & make transport
decision under 10 min. based on
Trauma Assessment
History Taking
Obtain baseline vitals (BP, P & R)
Attempt to obtain SAMPLE history
Trauma Assessment
Secondary Assessment
Head to Toe Head - inspect & palpate scalp & ears, assess eyes, look in/at mouth, nose & face Neck - trachea, jugular vein, feel C-spine Chest - inspect & palpate thorax, auscultate lungs Abdomen/Pelvis - inspect & palpate abdomen, assess pelvis, verbalize any need for genitalia assessment Legs - inspect & palpate, assess distal motor, sensory function & circulation Arms - inspect & palpate, assess distal motor, sensory function & circulation Posterior - inspect & palpate back, lumbar & buttocks Manage secondary injuries & wounds appropriately
Trauma Assessment
Explain how & when to reassess patient based on current assessment
Bleeding Control/Shock Management
Verbalize PPE Apply Direct Pressure Apply Tourniquet if needed Properly Position Patient Administer High Concentration O2 Take Steps to Control Heat Loss State Need for Immediate Transport
Cardiac Arrest Management/AED
PPE & Scene Safety Check responsiveness Direct partner to get AED & request ALS Check breathing & pulse simultaneously under 10 seconds Begin compressions - 30/2, 5cycles Reassess pulse & breathing up to 10 sec Resume compressions Power on AED, follow prompts & attach AED pads to patient properly Stop CPR for AED to analyze rhythm Ensure all clear & deliver shock Immediately directs rescuer to resume compressions
Long Bone Immobilization
PPE Direct manual stabilization of injured area Assess distal motor & sensory functions & circulation Measure splint Apply splint Must immobilize joint above & below Secure entire extremity Immobilize hand/foot in position of function Reassess distal motor & sensory functions & circulation
Joint Immobilization
Direct manual stabilization of injured area
Assess distal motor & sensory functions &
Select proper splinting material
Immobilize site of injury including bones
above and below joint
Secure entire extremity
Reassess distal motor & sensory functions
& circulation
O2 Administration by Non-Rebreather Mask
PPE Gather equipment Crack valve on tank Assemble regulator on tank (ensure "O" ring is in place) Open tank valve Check tank pressure Check for leaks Attach mask to correct port on regulator Turn on O2 & prefill reservoir bag Adjust regulator to 10L/m or more Attach to patients face & adjust strap
BVM Ventilation of Apneic Adult
PPE Check responsiveness & Request ALS Check breathing & pulse at same time under 10 seconds Open Airway Prepare suction catheter Turn suction on or retrieve manual suction device Insert catheter without suction activated & suction no more than 15 sec. Announce "mouth & oropharynx clear" Reopen airway manually and insert OPA Ventilate immediately (must be under 30 sec. Recheck pulse under 10 sec. & connect BVM to O2 @ 15L/m Ventilate - 10-12 breaths p/m w/visible chest rise
how to calculate score
EYES Spontaneous - 4 To speach - 3 To pressure - 2 None - 1 VERBAL oriented speech - 5 confused speech - 4 misc. words - 3 sounds - 2 none - 1 MOTOR obey commands - 6 localizing pain - 5 normal flexion - 4 abnormal flexion - 3 extension - 2 none - 1