EMT block 2 Flashcards
active muscular part of breathing
passive process
gas exchange and removal of waste
exhaled air is ?
16% O2
3%-5% carbon dioxide
rest nitrogen
pulmonary ventilation
process of moving air into and out of lungs, is necessary for oxygenation and respiration to occur
teardrop-shaped piece of soft tissue that hangs from back of throat,prevents food and liquid from going up your nose
leaf-shaped flap of cartilage, prevents food and liquid from entering the larynx during swallowing
pharynx is composed of ?
nasopharynx, oropharynx, and
trachea or windpipe is?
C-shaped cartilaginous rings
phrenic nerve is found?
thorax in diaphragm muscle
during inspiration… (active process)
intercostal muscles move up and outward, diaphragm moves downward
Blood flow through…
heart Enters RA through Venae Cavae, Enters RV through Tricuspid Valve, Exits RV through Pulmonary Valve and Enters PA, PA sends to Lungs, Returns to Heart through PV into LA, Enters LV through Mitral Valve, Exits LV through Aortic Semilunar Valve to Enter Aorta, Aorta to Body
Normal respiratory rates
12-20 breaths/min in adults 12-40 breaths/min in children
abnormal breathing =
crackles stridor wheezing grunting absent breath sounds(silent chest)
liver, stomach, gallbladder, duodenum, right kidney, pancreas, right adrenal gland
liver, stomach, pancreas, left kidney, spleen, left adrenal gland;
appendix, reproductive organs, right ureter
left ureter, reproductive organs
Liver does what?
regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile
pancreas does what?
plays essential role in converting food we eat into fuel for body’s cells
bile ducts…
transport bile
appendix does what?
designed to protect good bacteria in the gut
urinary system does what?
filters blood and creates urine as a waste by-product
gallbladder does what?
stores and concentrates bile
Anaerobic metabolism
temporary backup system to allow cells to function at low energy levels for a short time, use of fats/carbohydrates as an alternative fuel supply in the absence of oxygen results in buildup of lactic acid
your body creates energy through the combustion of
carbohydrates, amino acids, and fats in the presence of oxygen: glycolysis, transition
reaction forming Acetyl Coenzyme A, citric acid(Krebs cycle), electron transport chain,
Hypoxic drive
backup system” to control respiration, stimulates breathing when there is less oxygen, areas in the brain, walls of the aorta, carotid arteries act as oxygen sensors, easily satisfied by minimal levels of oxygen in the arterial blood
activated charcoal
1 to 2 kg for adults
1 to 2 inhalation
160 to 325 mg; 160-to-325-mg chewable tablets for chest pain
0.3 Adults 0.15 children
0.3-0.4 mg SL, 0.4 mg spray
oral glucose gel(glutose)
1/2 to 1 tube
2 mg IN or IM auto-injector
used to treat wheezing and shortness of breath from lung problems such as asthma, COPD, bronchitis, and emphysema
visceral peritoneum
the layers of tissue that cover the outer surface of most organs in the abdomen, including the intestines
pariental pertonteum
is the portion that lines the abdominal and pelvic cavities
Kussmaul respirations
body’s attempt to reduce acid level by releasing more carbon dioxide through the lungs; typically indication that the body or organs have become too acidic
kidney does?
major regulators of blood pressure, fluid balance, electrolyte balance and acid-base homeostasis, rids the body of waste, stimulates red blood cell production, produces urine, controls balance of water and salt
progressive disease of the joints that destroys cartilage, promotes the formation of bone spurs in joints, and leads to joint stiffness
2 beta blockers
atenolol and metoprolol,
damage to heart muscle as result of high BP, heart valve disease or other causes
150-200 bpm
ventricular fibrillation
disorganized, ineffective quivering of the ventricles
inflammation of the meningeal coverings of the brain and spinal cord
Bones that form the pelvis
Bones that form the pelvis
different layers of blood vessels
tunica intama
tunica media
tunica adventitia
phrenic nerve
found in thorax responsible for diaphragm contraction
vegas nerve
connects the lungs
functions of the chemo receptors medulla
indicate ph and breathing
makes breathing easier
-aide in perfusion and alveoli
measures CO2 in exhaled air monitor ventilation
pt will protect what is hurting them
pulsus paradoxus
an exaggeration of the normal decrease in systolic blood pressure that occurs with respiration(due to changes in the pressure within the chest)
staff bacterial infection
resistant to many antibiotics
toxic induced hepatitis
not contagious & no vaccine causing liver disease pg.572
viral hepatitis
chronic infection
A&B have a vaccine
Treatment for gastric distention in a patient that’s receiving positive pressure ventilation?
Positive pressure in the thorax during ventilation impedes venous blood return to the right side of the heart, decreasing cardiac output. Excessive ventilation rates during positive pressure ventilation result in a decrease in cardiac output and perfusion.
Heart Obstructive
adventitious sounds=
abnormal breath sounds
Which of the following signs is commonly observed in patients with right-sided heart failure?
Dependent edema
How does CPAP improve oxygenation and ventilation in patients with certain respiratory problems?
It forces the alveoli open and pushes oxygen across the alveolar membrane
The _____ is a muscular dome that forms the inferior boundary of the thorax, separating the thorax from the abdomen.
The space between the base of the tongue and the epiglottis is called ____.