EMS Content Flashcards
Not fail EMS. To hell if I am doing this twice.
What are the three main goals of quality assurance program in EMS?
The three goals are to measure:
individual performance
System performance AND
Identifying system needs (areas of improvement)
What are four advantages of pre-hospital protocols?
Consistency and standardization of therapies
Quicker and immediate management
Evidence base therapy
Reduces the need for physician involvement
What are 5 EMS performance indicators?
Unit-hour utilization
Response time, transport time, STEMI time
OHCA success rates
Compliances rate with protocol
Procedural success rates: intubation, IV
In order not to transport a patient, what four things need to happen?
Paramedics are able to appropriately relay risks and harms
Patient must have capacity: understand the consequences of actions and appreciates risk
Patient has ability to care for themselves
Patient agrees to sign a form of refusal for medical care
What are the four levels of paramedics?
Emergency medical responder
Critical Care paramedic
What 5 medications can a PCP give? What other 2 skills do they have?
Glucagon, glucose
Nitroglycerin, Narcan
AED and Lead II rhythm interpretation
What are 6 skills in the scope of practice of an ACP?
Expanded medication administration
Peripheral IV and interosseous
Endotracheal intubation
Needle Thoracotomy
Manual defib, cardioversion, and
transcutaneous pacing
12 lead ECG interpretation
What are 6 skills in the scope of a critical care paramedic?
Expanded medication
Transvenous pacing
Mechanical ventilation
Use of IV infusion
Emergency cric
Management of chest
tubes, Foley, NG
What are the two “tiers” of EMS response?
Single tier - every response receives the same type of personal expertise and equipment
Multi-tier - combination of ACP and PCP depending on the call
What is the difference between an on-line and off-line in EMS? What are 5 examples of on-line scenarios?
Off-line - Paramedics practice under the indirect authority of the off lined MD via standing orders
Requires: medical director, medical directives, CQI, training
Paramedics are not a regulated health profession and therefore cannot perform any controlled acts unless delegated by a physician
Use protocols: pre-authorized medical directives
Provincial + auxiliary directives that may be instituted in certain areas
On-line - Direct and concurrent medical supervision/orders from a physician
Used in scenarios outside of the scope of standing orders, when variance is required, or for
medico-legal issues - such as:
A high risk low volume procedure ex. Needle thoracostomy
Reaching the end of a cardiac resuscitation protocol to TOR
The patient does not stabilize after protocol treatment and additional treatment is needed
The paramedics wishes to consult the physician for situations and critical patients
outside of the scope of medical proactice
For advice on medico-legal issues
What are three types of EMS transport?
Primary transport: transition an unstable and undifferentiated patient from the scene to a higher level of care
Secondary transport: interfacility transport between Eds with a partially diagnosed and stabilized patient
Tertiary transport: interfacility transport of one inpatient that is stable
What are 5 steps in the AHA chain of survival?
Public awareness (BLS)
EMS activation
Rapid Defibrillation
Pre hospital ACLS
What are five broad considerations for land vs flight transport?
Location: is there road access? Is there a place for the helicopter to land?
Patient: flight physiology
Resources of the crew, land paramedics ex. Are the land paramedics busy with other
Weather conditions, visibility
Time by land and time by air; should be >30 mins or 1 hour round trip to warrant air travel
What are 3 absolute contraindications to flight?
Imminent obstetrical delivery
Unlikely to survive
Cardiac arrest in progress
What are 6 relative contraindications to flight transport?
Severe hypoxia
Trapped gas that cannot be vented ex. bowel obstruction, pneumothorax
12-24 hours after SCUBA diving or decompression illness
Active labour
Psychosis, violent, or dangerous patient
What is rotor wing vs fixed wing transport? What are five differences between them?
Fixed wing cons - have to land at airports (need runway), might need refuel, need land transport from airport to hospital
Fixed wing pros - longer distances at faster speeds, MD on board, can pressurize cabin, less cramped, less noisy, more stable
Rotor wing cons - not pressurized, loud, bumpy, cramped, weight restricted, weather restricted
Rotor wing pros - flexibility in where they land, service larger area ie wilderness, fly lower to the ground less impact on physiology, no traffic land on roof
What is Henry’s law? Why does it matter in flight transports?
Mass of gas absorbed in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid
In diving: rapid ascent (decreased pressure) can cause gas to come out of solutions into the blood stream resulting in decompression sickness. Sudden decompression of aircraft at high altitude may result in DCS
Remember - Henry’s Law = Hyperbarics
What is Charles’ Law? What are the two considerations for flight transport?
As temperature increases volume also increases
Temperatures fall with altitude; patients travelling via air may be hypothermic on arrival.
Less moisture in the air and patients can get dehydrated, use humidified oxygen
Remember: Charles law = Celcius
What is Boyle’s law (including the formula)?
List 5 medical conditions and 3 equipment considerations relating to flight transport and Boyle’s law
P1V1 = P2V2
Pressure is inversely related to volume. Gas in an enclosed space will expand at altitude as pressure decreases
Issue for trapped gases: bowel obstruction, pneumothorax, air embolism, sinuses, middle ear, ruptured globe
Equipment: foley, ETT balloons, air casts, ruptured globe
Remember: Boyle Law = Barotrauma
What is Dalton’s Law? (Including the formula) What are two considerations for flight transport?Who are 2 at risk groups for these concerns?
PT = P1 + P2 + P3
Total pressure of a gas mix is equal to the sum of the partial pressures. Partial pressure of all gases change in proportion with a change of total pressure. Partial pressure of oxygen is lower at high altitudes even if FiO2 remains the same
For the same amount of FiO2 you have lower O2 saturations.
At risk populations: COPD, low HgB, V/Q mismatch w poor diffusion (PE, large
pneumonia), areas sensitive to hypoxia (recent MI, recent stroke, limb ischemia).
Supplemental oxygen for all; you cannot transport someone
who is already at 100% Fio2 at sea level
Remember - Dalton = D’em gases
What are the requirements for a TOR with a PCP crew?
Not witnessed by EMS, no shock, no ROSC
’No shock, no ROSC, not seen by team’
What are the criteria for a TOR with an ACP crew?
Not witnessed by EMS, no shock, no ROSC, not witness by bystander, no bystander CPR
’No shock, no ROSC, not seen by team. The patient dropped with no CPR to intervene’
What are 2 reasons for a TOR with any paramedic crew?
Valid DNR
Obvious incompatibility with life: rigorous mortis, transection
What are 4 requirements for a trauma TOR?
Age >16, no pulses, no shock, asystole OR PEA with transport time >30 mins
When can a TOR not be advised?
Non-cardiac ethology: hypothermia, toxicologic, electrocution, suspected PE, airway obstruction
Penetrating trauma with signs of life
Unexpected: paediatric or young adult