EMR Flashcards
What is the SAMPLE history?
Signs and Symptoms Allergies Medications Pertinent medical history Last oral intake Events leading up to accident
What does AVPU stand for?
What are false contractions called?
Braxton Hicks
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
What is Standard Precautions?
The assumption that all body fluids are possibly infected
What is scope of practice?
the range of skills allowed to be performed
What are an EMR’s Primary responsibilities?
Ensuring safety of self and bystanders Gaining access to patient Determine any threats to patient's life Summoning more advanced personal as needed Providing needed care for patient
What is the Standard of care?
the criteria established
What is Competence?
The Patients ability to understand things
What is Expressed Consent?
Verbal, Gesture. If miner must be from parent/Guardian
What is Implied consent?
Unconscious, confused, mentally impaired, seriously injured, seriously ill. Miners when Parent or Guardian is not present. Emancipated Miners
What is Prone?
Patient is lying face down
What are the 4 chambers of the heart?
Right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle
What are the 6 rules for dragging a patient?
- Keep back locked in postition
- Use a power grip
- Use a power lift or squat lift- use legs
- Reach no more than 20 inches from the body
- Use log rolling- spinal injuries
- push rather then pull if possible
What does HAINES stand for and what is it used for?
High Arm IN Endagered Spine Spinal injuries
What is 360 assessment?
Looking in all directions
What are the ABC’s?
Airway-open airway
Breathing- look, listen and feel
Circulation- pulse
What does OPQRST stand for?
Onset Provocation Quality Region Severity Time
What does DOTS stand for?
Open Injuries
When preforming a physical exam where should you start?
The head
What is the normal Respiratory rate?
12-20 breaths per min
What is the normal Pulse rate?
60-100 beats per min
What is the normal Blood Pressure?
What is Respiratory Distress?
Difficulty breathing
What is Respiratory arrest?
not breathing at all
What is the ratio for giving ventilation’s for adults?
1 every 5 seconds
What is the ratio for giving ventilation’s for children?
1 every 3 seconds
How long should you suction an adult’s mouth?
no more then 15 sec
How long should you suction a child’s mouth?
no more then 10 sec
How long should you suction an infant’s mouth?
no more then 5 sec
What are the 4 oxygen delivery devices?
Nasal Cannela, non-re-breather mask, resuscitation mask, BVM
What is V-fib?
The heart quivers
what is another word for hear attack?
myocardial infraction
What is the ratio of chest compression’s and ventilation’s when preforming CPR?
30 Chest compression’s to 2 ventilations
What does AED stand for?
Automated external defibrillator
What does FAST stand for?
What are the two types of diabetes?
Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia
What are the 4 ways poison enters the body?
What are the symptoms of Anaphlaxis?
Difficulty breathing/ wheezing
swelling of face, tough, neck
rash or hives
What should you do if you run into a behavioral emergency?
call for more advanced care and be calm.
What is another word for Shock?
What should you do to help a patient that has gone into shock?
Put a blanket on them. Keep them comfortable
What are characteristics of arterial bleeding?
Blood is bright red, spurts, hard to stop
What are characteristics of veinal bleeding?
darker red color, steady flow, easier to stop
What are characteristics of capillary bleeding?
Darker red color, oozing, spontaneous clotting
What should you apply on the wound first?
What are the different types of wounds and how are they different?
Abrasion: scrape
Amputations: when a limb is removed
Avulsion: part of the skin is partially torn away
Crush injuries: high degree of pressure
Puncture/Penetrations: when skin is pierced
Laceration: smooth or jagged edges due to a sharp object
What are the Degrees of a burn and their symptoms?
Superficial- 1st degree- turns red
Partial Thickness- 2nd degree- blisters
Full thickness- 3rd degree- charred/waxy/pearly skin
What are the 4 basic types of injuries?
Fractor: bone-break or damage to bone
Dislocation: Joint- bones from a joint separate
Sprain: Ligaments- Bone to bone
Strain: Tendons- muscle to bone
What are the rules for splinting?
Splint only for transporting
assess circulation
immobilize above and below injury
don’t push protruding bones back
What is manual stabilization?
stabilizing the head with use of hands
When do you use the APGAR score?
1 min and 5 min after birth
What are the three components of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle?
What are decreased in elderly people?
sensations of pain, taste, and smell
What are the two type of roles an EMR may assume?
What 5 pieces of equipment must an EMR must have when responding to a situation involving extrication?
Helmet with chin strap Protective eyeware Puncture and eye resistant clothes Heavy protective gloves boots with steel toes and insoles
What are the safety zones for a HAZMAT incident?
Hot Zone
Warm Zone
Cold Zone
What are the four colors for triage?
Green (White)
What does CBRNE stand for?y
Chemical Biological Radioactive Nuclear Explossive
What are the 3 types of non-swimming rescue assists?