Employment Law Flashcards
a human rights concept that refers to making changes that allow a person or group protected by the Human Rights Code to participate in the workplace.
Administrative Agency
a body created by a statute to administer that statute; They investigate complaints, make rulings, and sometimes issue orders
Administrative Tribunal
a quasi-judicial authority whose rules are typically governed by a subject-specific statute
Adverse Impact discrimination
unintentional discrimination that has an adverse effect on members of certain groups (aka constructive discrimination)
Affirmative Action
a policy designed to increase the representation of groups that have suffered discrimination
a party who has the capacity to bind another party in contracting with others
Aggravated Damages
damages awarded to compensate a party for non-monetary losses intentionally or maliciously caused by the other party’s conduct
Agreements to Vary
agreements between employers and employees to vary from legislated minimum employment standards with respect to daily and weekly maximum hours of work, overtime hours and pay, and vacation time
the party appealing from a previous decision of a lower court or tribunal
a claim of a human rights violation
a person who decides disputes on the basis of evidence submitted by the parties
Attestation Clauses
a clause on a job application form that states that the information provided is true and complete to the applicant’s knowledge and that a false statement may disqualify the applicant from employment or be grounds for dismissal
Bad Faith
improper motivation
Balance of Probabilities
the degree of proof required in civil law cases wherein a proposition is established as fact if it is shown that the proposition is more likely than not to be true
Bargaining Unit
a group of employer’s employees whom the trade union is entitled to represent
requiring a lower court to follow a precedent from a higher court in the same jurisdiction
Bona Fide
in good faith
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ) or Requirement (BFOR)
a reasonably necessary qualification or requirement imposed in a sincere belief that it is related to job performance
Bumping Rights
on a layoff, the right of employees with greater seniority to displace more junior employees
Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC)
an advisory health and safety body that is composed of equal numbers of management and worker representatives; generally required in workplaces with 20 or more workers
Judicial Review
the process where a party asks a court to reconsider a decision of an administrative tribunal to ensure that, for example, it observed the rules of natural justice
Just Cause
very serious employee misconduct or incompetence that warrants a dismissal without notice
Case Citation
A reference for locating a specific case that includes style of cause (case title), year, volume number, series number, page of the case report in which it appears and court
Case/Common Law
law made by judges, rather than legislatures, that is usually based on the previous decisions of other judges
Cause of Action
the factual basis on which a legal claim can be made
in a class action claim, have a civil court judge decide that there are common issues of law or fact involved, a representative plaintiff will adequately represent the class, and a class action is the preferred proceeding
Civil Law
law that relates to private, non-criminal matters such as property law, family law, and tort law; alternatively, law that evolved from Roman law, not English common law and that is used in certain jurisdiction such as Quebec
Collective Agreement
a written agreement between an employer and its employees’ bargaining agent that contains the terms and conditions of employment
Conditional Offer of Employment
a job offer that is subject to certain requirements being met
implied acceptance by one party of the conduct of another party; once misconduct is condoned , an employer cannot dismiss an employee for that misconduct without any new misconduct
a mutual exchange of promises required, along with an offer and an acceptance, to create an enforceable contract.
For example, in an employment contract, consideration is a promise of payment in exchange for a promise to perform the work
Constitutional Law
In Canada, a body of written and unwritten laws that set out how the country will be governed, including the distribution of powers between the federal government and the provinces
Constructive Discrimination
unintentional discrimination that has an adverse effect on members of different groups
Constructive Dismissal
fundamental breach by an employer of an employment contract that entitles an employee to consider herself dismissed and to sue the employer for wrongful dismissal
Contextual Approach
the increasing frequency of courts to view employee misconduct within the overall context of the employment relationship, including length of service and work and disciplinary record, in determining whether the employer had just cause for dismissal
Contra Proferentem
a doctrine for interpreting contracts; where the terms of a contract can bear two or more meanings, the ambiguity is interpreted against the party who drafted it.
Contract Law
an area of civil law that governs agreements between people or companies to purchase or provide goods or services
Contributory Negligence
a common law defense in an action arising from negligence in which it is asserted that the plaintiff’s own negligence directly causes or contributed to the injuries suffered.
compensation for legal fees and expenses that the other party in a lawsuit is entitled to recover
Co-worker Negligence
a common law defense in an action arising from negligence in which it is asserted that the plaintiff’s injuries were caused by the negligence of the plaintiff’s coworker, not the employer
a lawyer employed by the state to prosecute a criminal offense; also refers to the government
losses suffered as a result of the other party’s actions
something that tends to harm a person’s reputation, either through slander (things said) or libel (things written)
in civil law, the party against which an action is brought
treating a person or group differently or negatively, based on a prohibited ground of discrimination under the Human Rights Code
Dismissal for Cause
dismissal without notice or pay in lieu of notice, based on just cause
term used for a precedent from a higher court that a lower court decide not to follow, usually because the facts in the case differ
Due Diligence Defense
the onus on a party in certain circumstances to establish that it took all reasonable steps to avoid a particular event
Duty of Care
a legal obligation to take reasonable care in the circumstances