Employment Issues Defintions Flashcards
Training and education in a trade
Use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute, they make a final & (binding) decision on a dispute between two parties
Document that outlines and employees minimum pay and conditions
Training in a full time job, with time allocated to attend Uni/tafe
Collective wants?
Goods/services that are for the use of the whole community
Common law (employment) contract?
When an employer & an individual employee negotiate a contract covering pay conditions
It’s like mediation; but the conciliator can suggest possible solutions
Enterprise agreement?
Agreement about pay and conditions made at workplace: enterprise level
Non-wage benefits such as long service leave/ sick leave
Broad based tax of 10% on the supply of most goods/services consumed in Australia
Grievance procedures?
Number of predetermined steps that are followed to solve a dispute (disagreement)
Labour force?
People 15+ employed or unemployed
Compensation that’s for causal employees for lack of entitlements
When a third party helps those involved in a dispute to reach a solution acceptable for both sides
Participation rate?
Proportion of people aged 15+ either looking for a job or who are employed
Piece workers?
People paid according to the amount of items they make
Primary industry?
Industry involved in growing or extracting natural resources
Pro rate?
Proportion of normal full-time benefits related to the hours worked
Quaternary industry?
Industry involved in the transfer & processing of information & knowledge (eg. ICT, telecommunications)
Quincey industry?
Industry involved in providing domestic services (eg. Cleaning)
When a person/ group is no longer needed for the job, they are no longer needed to perform the job, sometimes due to technological changes
Secondary industry?
Industry involved in turning raw materials into finished or semi-finished products
A way of saving so an employee has money for retirement
Part of our income taken by the government to pay for collective goods & services