Employment and the law Flashcards
What are the Pros and Cons of National Minimum Wage?
- Increased Pay
- If increased pay = Increased motivation/productivity (Workers will work and Sell more)
- Labour cost increases which means Decrease in Profit
- Sales Reduce
Impact of not doing National Minimum Wage?
- Large Fine
- Ruins Reputation
- Not ethical
- Lowers Sales
What is The Equality Act?
Pay them the same regardleess of their: Sex, Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, Age, Disablities, Beliefs.
Pros of Equality Act?
Your reputation increases as a firm
Cons of Equality Act?
- Staff training price Increases
- Might have to make a Hand Book Policy which increases cost
Impact of not doing Equality Act?
- Discrimination of your employees
- Ruins your reputation
- Found guilty
What is the Health and Safety At Work Act?
Firms and workers must take responsiblites for Health + Safety
Pros of doing Safety At Work Act?
- Safer work place = Absenteesim = Increase in Productivity
Cons of not doing Safety At Work Act?
- Staff Training cost Increases
- HandBook On Policy cost increases
impact of not doing Safety At Work Ac?
- Might lead to prosecution (Lawsuit)
- Might have to pay compensation
- Reputation decreases