Employment Flashcards
Unemployment Level
Number of people who are looking for jobs but cannot find one
Employment Rate
A % of those unemployed vs in the labour force.
Claimant Count (Def + Pros/Cons)
The number of people claiming JSA, Universal Credit.
Pros - Easy / Cheap to collect
Cons - Govt. can manipulate who can claim benefits to alter unemployment figure, excludes those unable to claim benefits.
Labour Force Survey (Def + Pros/cons)
Sample Population - Asked those who are not working if they are looking for work.
Pros - More accurate than CC, International accepted method
Cons - Expensive to collect, The sample may be unrepresenative
Structural Unemployment
Occurs when the demanded markets do not match the skills of the workforce.
Cyclical Unemployment
Caused by falling AD due to the economic cycle
Seasonal Unemployment
Unemployment that occurs due to changing demand patterns throughout the year, eg. Xmas
Frictional Unemployment
When people are unemployed for short time periods between jobs.
Geographical Immobility
When FoP cannot commute to where they are needed, eg. due to weak infrastructure, cost of living
Occupational Immobility
When labourers’ skills cannot be transferred to the desired market.
Real Wage Unemployment
When wages are set above the equilibrium price, eg. trade unions or NMW, leading to workers being let go.
Natural Rate of Unemployment (NRU)
The level of unemployment experienced when the labour market is in equilibrium.
This is determined by the quality and quantity of factors of production + the factor mobility
Non-Accelerating Inflationary Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU)
The lowest rate of unemployment that can be achieved in the long run, without increasing inflation.
Demand-Side Policy to reduce Cyclical Unemployment
Boost AD during recessions (for Cyclical Unemployment)
Expansionary FP / MP
Information Provision
Supply-side Policy to reduce Structural/ Frictional Unemployment
Improving Labour Flexibility - 1. Labour Mobility, 2. Wage Mobility + 3. Flexible work arrangements
Reduced power of TU / NMW = firms offer lower wages in recession, rather than unemployment
Improve Information Provision
Supply-side policy
Consequences of unemployment (individuals)
Falling disposable income / consumption
Increased poverty (absolute / relative)
Falling living standards - less willing/able to consume
Consequence of high unemployment (economy)
Signals an ineffective Govt.
Unattractive to investment / low confidence
high crime rates
Increased welfare spending - increase budget deficit
Electoral unpopularity