Employee Development Flashcards
What are the 3 major mentoring functions?
The major mentoring functions are Career: aid career advancement. Psychosocial – enhance sense of competence and identity. And Role modeling – mentor demonstrates attitudes, skills, or behaviors the protégé wants to emulate.
Name 4 commonly used development activities.
- Improve everything
- Best overall skill – build on strength
- Worst overall skill – fix weaknesses
- Most important skills
- Easiest to change skill
- Fix a critical weakness
What are the 3 general types of feedback? Describe each or give a clear example.
Perspective Differences: Your self-assessment compared with the evaluations or judgments of others
Normative Differences: Self or other assessments compared with average scores for your current job or your aspiration job
Ipsative differences: Your relative strengths and weaknesses without reference to external norms or benchmarks
What are the phases of employee development.
The phases of employee development are: assessment (needs analysis); feedback, creation of a development plan, participation in development plan activities, and reevaluation and creation of a new plan.
What are 4 different strategies for employee development (approaches to deciding what to develop)?
- Improve everything
- Best overall skill – build on strength
- Worst overall skill – fix weaknesses
- Most important skills
- Easiest to change skill
- Fix a critical weakness
What is the process for employee development? In other words, what are the steps that are generally followed?
First, make an assessment (needs analysis) to assess the employee’s ability by having multiple sources assess/evaluate the employee. This can be done with a developmental AC or the employee can self-assess.
Then make feedback to tell them how they did on their performance.
This is followed by (3) the creation of a development plan by deciding on the overall strategy, personal career goals, and setting development goals and activities. This plans the strategy looking at how we want to improve skills and what interventions we want to use (coaching, mentors). Fourth, the employee participates in development plan activities, looking out for their progress. Lastly, the development plan is reevaluated and if necessary, create a new plan.
List 4 different interventions that are commonly used in employee development.
- Stretch assignment – Assigned a difficult and new project or task
- Lateral promotion –Effectively cross train on a new assignment
- Mentoring – Assigned or acquire a more experienced person’s counsel
- Coaching - Working with an external expert to improve skills
List and describe two different interventions that are commonly used in employee development.
- Lateral promotion: Effectively cross train on a new assignment. Find ways to use skills in new settings. Know how to apply skill sets to wide range of situations. Cross organizational competence– know how to do more job activities
- Mentoring: Assigned or acquire a more experienced person’s counsel and advocacy. This is helpful for people’s career advancement, enhancing competence and providing a model person to emulate. It also enhances sense of competence and identity in a psychosocial aspect.
What are two reasons one would avoid developing a weak skill and instead focus on a stronger skill?
- If the weak skill is not important, it is not worth investing time into developing it
- The person may not be interested or motivated in improving and using feedback to reach a goal for this weak skill.
What characterizes dysfunctional mentoring relationships?
Problems with mentor mismatch if they have dissimilar values, working styles or personalities. Mentor distancing behavior, as the protégé may be neglected if the mentor focuses on outcomes for him/herself rather than the protégé. Mentor manipulative behavior, as the mentor uses power inappropriately, taking credit or using deception. Lack of mentor expertise, if the mentor lacks interpersonal or technical competence.
Is multi-rater feedback associated with performance improvement? How much and what is the evidence?
Smither, London, and Reilly (2005) did 24 longitudinal studies.
They found small positive effects on average, suggesting multirater feedback does not have a huge impact. They also found effect sizes were not homogenous, and that there were no differences observed for research design.
This is expected because feedback does not necessarily lead to change. Something needs to be done about the feedback as the feedback doesn’t tell employees what to do or how to do it.
What are the three major types of feedback?
- Perspective Differences: Your self-assessment compared with the evaluations or judgments of others
- Normative Differences: Self or other assessments compared with average scores for your current job or your aspiration job
- Ipsative differences: Your relative strengths and weaknesses without reference to external norms or benchmarks.
What are the major benefits of mentoring for the protégé?
These benefits include job and career satisfaction, career success with better salary or promotions. Also, studies found better socialization regarding organizational goals, and learning interpersonal skills, as well as increased motivation. Overall, there is an improved performance through enhance DK, PK, and motivation. And mentoring improves outcomes through politics or sponsorships.
What are the major benefits of a mentoring relationship for the mentor?
Job and career satisfaction and may obtain income. Other benefits include satisfaction of helping others, developing a personal support network, receiving information and feedback, and recognition.
What are the major benefits of a mentoring relationship for the mentor?
The mentor has greater career satisfaction and income. Other benefits include satisfaction of helping others, developing a personal support network, receiving information and feedback, and recognition.
What program antecedents (features of the program) are associated with mentoring outcomes?
-Selecting participants
- Matching
- Roentation of training
. Frequency of meeting guidelines
- Goal setting
- Rrogram objectives