Empirical Methods Flashcards
What is internal validity ?
If the quality of the research design, and the quality of the data are good
What is external validity?
Can the results be generalized beyond the particular study (other populations, times)
What is construct validity?
Do the mesures used capture the construct that is the focus of the study
What’s the reliability (fiabilité)
Does the measurement produce stable results lead to identical results if the situation is unchanged
What’s an economic experiment ?
We observe the behavior of real people who are motivated by real economic incentive. We observe the behavior under controlled conditions
What is design?
It’s a specific combination of treatments to investigate a particular question
What are the different design the principles ?
-realism and framing
-efficient design
What is a partner design?
The same proposal and responder are matched over several periods
What is a stranger design?
In every repetition, you randomly rematch the responders and the proposers
What is the perfect stranger design?
Random rematch with a new proposer in every period
What are the mesures of Central location to describe Data ?
Mean, median and mode
What is standard deviation?
C’est l’écart type, il sert à visualiser si une valeur est extrême
What is the problem about standard deviation and what is the remedy?
The problem is the comparison between standard deviation depends on the scaling, and the remedy is the coefficient of variation
What’s the problem about the coefficient of variation and what is the remedy?
The problem is standard deviation is sensitive to outliers (valeurs aberrantes) and the solution is using the interquartile range (difference between the 25th and a 75th percentile)
What are the mesures of dispersion to describe data?
Standard deviation, coefficient of variation and interquartile range