emp tech quiz 3 Flashcards
it is concerned with the proper manner of communication in the online environment
the netiquettes were adapted from virginia shea’s
core rules of netiquettes
what is the golden rule
do unto others as you would have others do unto you
REMEMBER your written words are read by real people, all deserving of respectful communication HUMAWAK KA KASE DAMO
before you press “send” ask yourself, “would i be okay with this if someone else had written it?”
RULE 1: remember the human
RULE #___
you should do your best to act within the laws and ethical manners of society whenever you inhabit “cyberspace”
RULE 2: adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
RULE #____
the same written communication can be acceptable in one area, where it might be considered inappropriate in another
rule 3: know where you are in cyberspace
RULE #___
electronic communication takes time, it is your responsibility to make sure that the time spend reading your words isn’t wasted and the communication is meaningful.
rule 4: respect other people’s time and bandwith
RULE #____
the quality of your writing will judge you, one of the virtual world’s best things is the lack of judgement
rule 5: make yourself look good online
RULE #____
when you post a question and received intelligent answers, share results with others. this “information sharing” capability is one of the reasons the internet was founded
rule 6: share expert knowledge
it is what people do when they express a strongly held opinion without holding back any emotion
RULE #___
when two or three people exchange angry posts between one another, don’t feed the flames; extinguish them by guiding the discussion back to a more productive direction.
rule 7: help keep flame wars under control
RULE #___
you maybe exposed to some private/personal information that needs to be handled with care. just as you expect others to respect your privacy, so should you respect the privacy of others. be sure to err on the side of caution when deciding to discuss or not to discuss virtual communication
rule 8: respect other people’s privacy
RULE #____
there are people in cyberspace who have more “power” than others, just remember: knowing more than others do or having more powers than others may have does not give you the right to take advantage of anyone
rule 9: don’t abuse your power
RULE #____
at some point, you will see a stupid question, read an unnecessarily long response or encounter mispelled words; when this happens practice kind and forgiveness. if you feel compelled to respond to a mistake, do so in a private mail rather than a public forum
rule 10: be forgiving of other people’s mistakes
sending the same message indiscriminately to large number of recipients
the maximum amount of data transmitted over an internet connection in a give amount of time
the manner of collectively searching for and saving requested information through the computer
online navigation
it is an attempt to be more precise in providing information based on a certain word
online navigation
software systems designed to search for information on www
search engines
the most used search engine
STEP #___
in your desktop, open the browser and search Google and type the word, phrase or thought you want to research
step #1
on the right part of the window, click setting and the google search settings pop-up list will appear, then proceed to advanced search
step #2
step #____
type the keywords that you would like to search and click the advanced search button, you can search through all the words you’ve typed or narrow it down to specific words
step #3
you must think very carefully about the information, it involves the ability to reflect on the information presented to you
critical thinking
a good researcher can organize their collected data and be sure to track where specific information is gathered
data organizing
part of your research is the actual writing, be creative and reflective in writing your research, explain every detail and step into achieving your objective
research presenting