Emotions, Stress, and Health Terms Flashcards
A response of the whole organism, involving physiological arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experience resulting from one’s interpretations
The theory that our experience of emotion occurs when we become aware of our physiological responses to an emotion-arousing stimulus
James Lange Theory
The theory that an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers physiological responses and the subjective experience of emotion
Cannon Bard Theory
The idea that “releasing” aggressive energy relieves aggressive urges
The scientific study of human flourishing, with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive
Positive Psychology
Self-perceived happiness or satisfaction with life. Used along with measures of objective well-being (ex:physical and economic indicators) to evaluate people’s quality of life
Subjective well-being
The process by which we perceive and respond to certain events, called stressors, that we appraise as threatening or challenging
Selye’s concept of the body’s adaptive response to stress in three phases - alarm, resistance, exhaustion
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
Under stress, people often provide support to others (tend) and bond with and seek support from other (befriend)
Tend-and-befriend response
A subfield of psychology that provides psychology’s contribution to behavioral medicine
Health Psychology
The study of how psychological, neural, and endocrine processes together affect our immune system and resulting health
The clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle; leading cause of death in many developed countries
Coronary Heart Disease
Friedman and Rosenman’s term for competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, and anger-prone people
Type A
Friedman and Rosenman’s term for easygoing, relaxed people
Type B
Alleviating stress using emotional, cognitive, or behavioral methods
Attempting to alleviate stress directly- by changing the stressor or the way we interact with that stressor
Problem-focused coping
Attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stress and attending to emotional needs related to our stress reaction
Emotion-focused coping
The hopelessness and passive resignation humans and other animals learn when unable to avoid repeated aversive events
Learned hopelessness
The perception that outside forces beyond our personal control determine our fate
External locus of control
The perception that we control our own life
Internal locus of control
The ability to control impulses and delay short-term gratification for greater long-term rewards