Emotions Flashcards
My … for that woman grows daily.
admiration {n}
admiring {adj} - obdivný, obdivujúci
zbožňovanie, hlboký obdiv, hlboký cit
very strong love or worship (uctievanie) for someone
adoration {n}
adoring {adj} - obdivný, obdivujúci
the feeling of being entertained or made to laugh
amusement {n}
amusing {adj} - zábavný, veselý, žartovný
úzkosť, strach, (silná) obava
anxiety /æŋˈzaɪ.ə.ti/ {n}
anxious {adj} - [ˈæŋkʃəs] - plný úzkosti
údiv, úžas, ohromenie
very great surprise
To the … of his colleagues, he resigned.
astonishment {n}
astonished {adj} - by sth ohromený, udivený čím
vystatovačnosť, chvastavosť
boastfulness {n}
boastful {adj} - vystatovačný, chvastavý
zvedavosť (vlastnosť)
an eager (dychtivý) wish to know or learn about something
curiosity {n}
curious {adj} - zvedavý
povzbudenie, podpora, vzpruha
words or behaviour that give someone confidence (dôvera) to do something
Children need lots of … from their parents.
encouragement {n}
encouraging {adj} - povzbudivý
an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen
fear {n}
afraid {adj} - bojazlivý, plný strachu
zúrivosť, hnev
extreme anger
She flew into a … at the suggestion.
fury {n}
furious {adj} - zúrivý, besný, rozzúrený
be in a fury - zúriť, byť od hnevu bez seba
the feeling or quality of being grateful
gratitude {n}
grateful {adj} - to sb for sth vďačný komu za čo
rozhorčenie, pobúrenie
anger about a situation that you think is wrong or not fair
indignation {n}
indignant {adj} [ɪnˈdɪgnənt] -
at/about sth pobúrený, rozhorčený, pohoršený čím
make sb indignant pobúriť, pohoršiť koho
rozčúlenie, podráždenie
the feeling of being angry or annoyed, or something that makes you feel like this
irritation {n}
irritated {adj} - nahnevaný, podráždený, nazlostený
the quality of not talking about or not trying to make people notice your abilities and achievements
She does a lot of work for charities, but her … forbids her from talking about it.
modesty {n}
modest {adj} - skromný, nenáročný, jednoduchý (vybavenie ap.)
pýcha, hrdosť (pocit sebauspokojenia)
a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get because you or people connected with you have done or got something good
He felt such pride walking his little daughter down the street.
pride {n}
proud {adj} - of sth hrdý, pyšný na čo