Emotional Vocabulary Flashcards
Define “ambivalent”
having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel
Define “exasperated”
intensely irritated and frustrated
Define “seething”
filled with or characterized by intense but unexpressed anger
Define “wary”
feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems
Define “dissociated”
disconnecting from thoughts, feelings, memories or sense of identity
Define “instinctive”
a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is not learned : a natural desire or tendency that makes you want to act in a particular way
Define “jovial”
cheerful and friendly
Define “invigorated”
to give vigor to; fill with life and energy; energize
Define “rapturous”
characterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm
Define “listless”
lacking energy or enthusiasm
Define “melancholy”
a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause
Define “bereaved”
deprived of a close relation or friend through their death
Define “conscientious”
wishing to do what is right, especially to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly
Define “reproachful”
expressing disapproval or disappointment
Define “ostracized”
feeling excluded from a society or group
Define “wanting”
to feel a need or a desire for; wish for
Define “covetous”
having or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone else
Define “voracious”
wanting or devouring great quantities of food
Define “resolute”
admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering
Define “bereft”
sad and lonely, especially through someone’s death or departure