Emotion and Cognitive Processes Flashcards
Emotions involve: -Physiological responses -Overt behaviors -Conscious feelings Function: marshal body’s resources to respond to important situations.
*is the emotional vividness of an object, person, or word
Emotional valence has been show to affect performance even on the most simple of task such as a serial reaction time task
serial reaction time task: participants on this task respond as rapidly as possible to stimuli typically;
Ekman and Friesnan
indicate that emotions are universal (innate), but appropriate display differs by culture (nurture).
Ekman’s Universal Emotions
Happiness Sadness Anger Fear Disgust Surprise
bodily responses that prepare to face threat (fight-or-flight response).
Responses Include:
- Increased blood flow to muscles
- Increased respiration
- Depressed digestion
- Depressed immune function
Bodily Changes by autonomous nervous system (ANS)
- Sympathetic division of ANS becomes active (especially cardiovascular system).
- Increased respiration is needed for high oxygen saturation
How ANS processes of bodily changes
ANS sends signal to adrenal glands, which secrete stress hormones, including:
-Epinephrine (or adrenaline) which…
Quickly increases heart rate, blood pressure, respiration.
- Glucocorticoids (including cortisol)
James Lange Theory
-James-Lange theory of emotion = see the danger, bodily reaction (increased breathing), and then feel fear.
Stimulus → Bodily Response → Feelings of Emotions
Modern Emotional Theory
Modern emotional theory = see the danger, bodily reaction, interpret the danger based on the context, & then you feel fear.
*Look at notes for diagram
Emotions and Encoding of Memory
emotions strengthen explicit memories
Flashbulb Memories
emotional-event memory quickly formed; preserve vivid detail.
- Shocking event has “consequentiality” or personal significance.
- Act like “flash photographs.”
Zajonic and Lazarus
on specific role of emotion in cognition
- Zajonc believed emotions occurred before and were independent of cognition
- Lazarus proposed that cognition was used to understand emotion
Circumplex Model
- used the axes of valence and arousal to interpret emotional state
- This allows for the parsing of emotional responses due to context and assessment of emotional levels
Approach - Withdraw model of cognition
It is a spectrum model
-Some emotions are approach emotions (e.g. happiness)
We approach things that make us happy
-Some emotions require withdraw
Avoiding depressing movies or traumatic new stories
Recovered Memory
are generally thought to be false
Loftus and colleageus created false memories by using plausible childhood events, family support, doctored photos.
- may involve the use of semantic memory and schemas to create a false episodic memory