Emotion Flashcards
What are the 5 basic emotions
Power and dalgleish, 2008Argue that there are 5 emotions. Fear, sadness, anger, disgust, happiness.
What did ekman say about emotions
Originally included surprise to make 6 emotions1973
Why is surprise not included as an emotion?
Oatley and Johnson-laird, 1987Argue surprise is a component of emotion rather than an emotion itself
What does Barrett 2006 argue?
Argues that all emotions stem from a basic set of emotions
What are the components of an emotion?
Power and dalgleish, 2008
Suggest emotion is comprised of several components
These components are, an event, an interpretation, an appraisal, a physiological change, action potential and conscious awareness.
What is the James and Lange 1900 theory of emotion?
Suggest the stimulus comes first, then the physiological change (e.g heartbeat) and then the subjective state( the emotion).
Proposed physiology is primary and emotion is then experienced when the brain reacts to information received from the body
What is the contructivist theory of emotion?
Averill 1980
Emotions are constructed as cognitive appraisals nested inside behavioural script.
What is Darwin’s view on emotion?
Argued emotions developed to serve an evolutionary purpose
First emotion energises adaptive behaviours such as fight or flight.
Second emotion gives rise to signalling and communication systems that confer a significant survival on the whole species
What is cannons central theory?
Cannon 1927
Suggest we feel fear before we even start running
Suggests the thalamus receives the sensory information and at the same time relays it to the cerebral cortex and autonomic nervous system.
Emotions appears directly in the brain without first the need for peripheral feedback
What is said about emotions and goals?
Oatley and Johnson-laird 1987
Suggest emotions play important roles in prioritising, altering and assigning goals
Feel happy when goal is achieved
Sad when we experience failure or loss of a goal
Anxiety when goal is threatened
Anger when goal is blocked or frustrated
Disgust when gustatory goal is violated
What did salovey 2008 say about emotion?
Believes emotion is the wellspring of human motivation
Suggest emotions augment rather than interfere with cognitive practises unlike historical philosophy.
Humans did not evolve to be predominantly rational or emotional beings. They are both and humans ability to adapt depends on the integration of these abilities.
What does Tomkins 1962 say about emotion?
Emotions are “the primary provider of blueprints for cognition, decision and action”
What does Hume argue about emotion?
1739Emotional impulses motivate all action
What does damasio say about emotion?
There is a distinction between emotion and feeling
Emotion is the execution of a very complex program of actions
A feeling is actually a portrayal of what is going on in the organs when you have an emotion
Emotions have a biological/evolutionary purpose for survival
Emotions are set within out genome and modified by individual experience
What did dutton and Aron contribute to emotion?
Had two groups participants cross two bridges
Used thematic apperception test
Participants on suspension bridge more likely to phone back female interviewer and write sexually charged stories
Shows participants miss attributed fear for physical attraction
Shows there is a cognitive appraisal and physiological component
What is wrong with Darwin’s theory?
Not everyone experience the same emotion given the same stimulus
Damasio suggests that we all have the same genome but individual experience modifies this
What pieces of evidence does Darwin provide for basic emotions developed through evolution?
Some emotional expressions appear in non-human animals
Some emotions appear in young children before they can learn them through culture
Some emotions are expressed identically by humans born blind
Many emotions appear similar across human groups
What do Tooby and cosmides 2008 say about the evolution of emotion?
Suggest that many individual program’s evolved such as sleep management, predator vigilance, face recognition etc.
Adaptive problem with these program’s is that if multiple program’s ran at once there would be a conflict
Suggest to avoid these problems the mind must be equipped with super ordinate program’s called emotions
Outline power and dalgleish 2008 spaars model
The mind is a functional goal orientated system(based on oatley)
There is a set of components which make up all emotional states
The emotional state can be distinguished from one another through appraisal.Interpretations are down through the content of a persons mind
Distinction between emotional states, moods and dispositions. Sad mood is temporary tendency to appraise something in a loss related way. Dispositionally sad Is a permanent way
Agrees with basic emotions and them combining for complex emotions
Emotions can be appraised in conscious and unconscious ways. These don’t have to be the same
What role does the amygdala play in emotion?
LeDoux (1987)
Key structure for immediate evaluation of emotionally significant stimuli
Involved in both pathways suggested by ledoux
What does power and dalgleish say about how emotions are appraised?
Emotions are appraised in terms of goals . Theory of oatley 1987There are cycles of appraisal.
What role does the central nucleus of the amygdala play?
Campeau et al (2001)
Suggested central nucleus is most important for emotional activation provoked by adverse stimuli
Davis (1992)
Found that when central nucleus was stimulated by electricity animals showed signs of fear
What are survival circuits?
LeDoux (2012)
Discussed emotions as being part of survival circuits that developed through evolution.
Survival circuits integrate emotion, motivation, reinforcement and arousal to understand how organisms survive.
How do lesions help us understand fear?
Amaral (2003)
Found that normal monkeys show fear when they see a snake, monkeys with amygdala lesions do not.
What are the two pathways suggested by ledoux?
Ledoux (1987)
Suggests emotional stimuli can take two pathways.
A sub cortical pathway which has relatively few synapses and does not include complex appraisal allowing quick almost automatic response
A thalmo-cortico-amygdaloid pathway which has more synaptic connects and involved more complex evaluation
How are emotions social?
Markus and kitayama (1991)
Suggest values which we hold are cultural. We get emotional about things which are personally meaningful to us.
In addition emotions are labels we use to define what we feel. Words are constructed by our culture and the meanings of words differ from culture to culture.
Japanese term oime for a feeling of indebtedness and fureai for connectedness which western cultures do not have.
This means Japanese have emotions which we may find alien.
What evidence is there that survival circuits have their origins in primordial mechanisms?
MacNab and Koshland (1972)
Found that bacteria have capacity to move away from harmful chemicals and to accept chemicals that have nutritional value.
what theorists talk about social factors?
Markus and Kitayama (1991) cultural differences
Averill (1980) social constructivism
Who talks about brain structure in emotion?
Ledoux (1987) amygdala Ledoux (2012) Survival Circuits Campeau et al (2001) central nucleus Davis (1991) Stimulation to central nucleus Amaral (2003) lessions
How can chemicals affect emotion?
Howell (2007) Rhesus monkeys and low serotonin