Emma Holiday Cards Flashcards
Right ventricular infarct
V4-V6; may show ST segment depression
S/s: Hypotension, tachycardia, clear lungs, JVD
Tx: Fluid resuscitation to improve preload; DO NOT GIVE NITRO
Coronary angiography indications for CABG
Left main disease
> 3 vessel disease
> 70% occlusion
Pain despite maximum medical tx
Post-infarction angina
Work-up for unstable angina (no toponins and negative EKG after chest pain)
Exercise EKG
-Exercise echo if the pt. is on Digoxin, has baseline ST elevation, or old LBBB
-If pt. has chest pain reproduced, ST depression, or hypotension, test is positive
=»Coronary angiography
Post-MI pt. who has “step up” in O2 conc. from RA to RV
IV septal rupture
Post-MI pt. who has persistent ST elevation and systolic MR one month later
Ventricular aneurysm
Canon A-waves
Pt. with bounding jugular veins
-Indicates AV dissociation in post-MI pts.; could be 3rd degree block as well
Pt. with canon a-waves on exam and has a regular P-P and R-R interval
EKG shows irregular PR intervals
Multifocal atrial tachycardia
Patient with a regular rhythm but HR between 150-220 bpm
Pt. has palpitations and dizziness
EKG shows rapid HR with barely any Repolarization time
DOC: Carotid massage THEN adenosine
Holosystolic murmur that radiates to the left axilla w/ LAE
Mitral regurgitation
Rumbling diastolic murmur with an opening snap, LAE, and possible A-fib
Mitral stenosis
Young pt. who has a history of viral infxn and now presents with signs of CHF
Consider myocarditis
CXR with “thickened peritracheal stripe and splayed carina bifurcation”
Possible mediastinal tumor
Light’s Criteria
Transudative if:
LDH <200
LDH eff/LDH serum <0.6
Protein eff/Protein serum <0.5
Best prognostic indicator for COPD
FEV1 value
Goal for SpO2 in COPD
Hypercapnea keeps their respiratory drive going
CXR showing nodules with eggshell calcifications
***Pts. need yearly TB testing
Patchy lower lobe infiltrates with thermophilic actinomycetes
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
“Farmer’s lung”
Sarcoidosis findings that are sometimes thrown out there (3 things)
Increased ACE
Pts. haver hypercalcemia due to increased Vit D from pulmonary macrophages
25% have anterior uveitis =» GET OPTHO REFERRAL
Lung nodule with “popcorn calcification”
Lung nodule with eccentric calcification or spiculated calcifications
Signs of malignancy; get biopsy
Effusion in adenocarcinoma
High in hyaluronidase and exudative