Eminent Domain Flashcards
5th Amendment, Takings Clause
“nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”
Doesn’t grant power, only limits eminent domain
Eminent Domain
The right of people or the government to take private property for public use
Economic Efficiency
Relationship btwn legal rules and economic effects; focus on increasing wealth
Distributive Justice
Fairness in how stuff is allocated
Kelo v. New London
- Govt CAN exercise eminent domain when it is keeping BOTH the land and title
- Government CAN exercise eminent domain if it keeps the title and leases the property to private purchasers
- Economic development qualifies under Takings Clause because it is for public purpose
Public Purpose
for the bettering of society; Aesthetic, economic…etc ; Looked at as a whole, not piecemeal when analyzing public purpose.
Public Use
Difficult to administer; how much has to be used by the public and how much of the time
Possible Effects of Eminent Domain being used for Economic Development Projects
- Gov’t Takes from the poor, politically powerless (usually minorities in low income communities) to replace with “urban renewal”; displaces minorities
- Loss of essential/inherent “propertiness” - expected property rights
Hawaii v. Midkiff
State had power to acquire and redistribute land to private parties for purpose of redistributing land to prevent an oligarchy
Eminent Domain Compensation
May be lower than what the seller would have hoped to get; based on real, current market value - NOT personal and sentimental value; this is done to prevent the bartering/haggling that is done during a private to private sale