Eminent Domain Flashcards
What is eminent domain?
When the government takes your property from you for a public use and just compensation must be paid
Where does the authority for eminent domain come from?
The constitution, specifcally the 5th amendment
What kind of property can be taken by eminent domain?
There is no kind of property or property right that cannot be taken by eminent domain.
Initially, what was the public use requirement?
That there had to be a direct use and occupancy by the public
Now, generally, what is the public use requirement?
Just a benefit to the public.
Public use is coterminous with . . .
police powers. Health, safety, welfare.
Who decides what public use is?
Public use is what congress says it is
For public use, if legislation implements a . . .
comprehensive plan, then no piecemeal approach may be used.
Public use
If the end that congress is pursuing is . . .
legitimate, then eminent domain is possible.
It is within the legislature’s power to determine that the community should be . . .
beautiful as well as healthy, spacious, clean, well balanced, and carefully patrolled.