Emergency Procedures/Lab Safety Procedures Flashcards
what are the 5 steps in case of FIRE?
- evacuate the room
- pull the fire alarm station
- evacuate the building
- contact security at x6-7777
- remain in the area, a safe distance from the building (security and other responders would want to get on-site details from you)
what should you NOT do in case of FIRE?
do NOT try to extinguish fires unless you are trained by JHU to do so
what are the 4 steps in case of MAJOR medical incident?
- If it is safe to do so, remove the victim from any exposure (to chemicals, etc.)
–> If you do not know why a victim is down in a lab, do not approach. There are many reasons that the situation may be dangerous to you as well (electricity, unbreathable lab atmosphere, etc.), and you may add
yourself to the list of victims. Call x6-‐7777 and wait for professional rescuers. - Contact Security at x6-‐7777
- Remain with the victim and administer first aid if you know how
- Send a bystander to meet the ambulance and conduct the Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) to the scene
what is considered a MAJOR medical incident?
anything that requires more than first aid (ie. you cannot stop the bleeding)
what are the 2 steps in case of MINOR medical incident?
- Apply necessary first aid if you are trained; If you are not trained, call Security at x6-‐7777 and request first-‐aid assistance; the Hopkins Emergency Response Organization will respond with a certified first-‐aid provider or EMT.
- Get medical assistance. JHU has facilities to handle minor medical issues during business hours.
a. If you were injured on the job (meaning doing work for which you are paid when you were injured) should go to Occupational Health Services; call first to advise the
nurse that you are coming.
b. Otherwise, go to the Student Health and Wellness Center; call first to advise the nurse that you are coming.
c. Outside business hours, proceed directly to the emergency room at Union Memorial Hospital (tell triage nurse you are from JHU and have a lab injury) - escort the injured person to medical assistance
what is considered a MINOR medical incident?
one that requires ONLY first aid (ie. minor stoppable bleeding)
what is a facilities emergency?
any physical plant condition that creates a life safety issue or is causing serious ongoing property damage
what to do in case of facilities emergency?
- Report facilities emergencies to Security at x6-‐7777
- Report non-‐emergency facilities problems immediately to the department
office or to Facilities Management at x6-‐8063
what are the 2 steps in case of hazardous materials incident?
- If the incident is more than you can handle easily by yourself, evacuate the laboratory (and pull the fire alarm and evacuate the building if it is warranted) and call Security at x6-‐7777.
- If you can handle it easily by yourself, which means:
a. It’s small enough to clean up with spill control supplies you already have on-‐hand;
b. You’ve been trained to clean up small spills; and
c. The chemical is not highly hazardous (carcinogenic, highly toxic, etc.)
–> then you can clear up the spill and dispose of the waste with the regular chemical waste
In case of threatening or suspicious situation…
call Security at x6-7777
For any emergency occurring in a lab…
Notify the principal investigator (PI) as soon as possible AFTER the situation has been stabilized by Security or other emergency response
what are the 3 things to do for a chemical splash in the eyes?
must use Eyewash station
1. immediately flush your eyes for at least 15 min
2. keep your eyes open to clear any contamination
3. seek medical attention
where should broken glass be disposed of?
SHARPS (red) container
where should syringe needles be disposed of?
SHARPS (red) container
what should you clamp vs not clamp?
do NOT clamp beakers
ALWAYS clamp erlenmeyer flasks, round bottom flasks, and vacuum filter flasks
where should hot plate/stirrers be plugged into?
Hot plate/ stirrers should ONLY be plugged directly into outlets (located on the UPPER left/ right panel of the fume hoods)
where should heating mantles be plugged into?
Heating mantles should ONLY be plugged into the VARIAC (located below the fume hood on the right panel), and not directly into outlets (located on the upper left/ right panel of the fume hoods)
what do CHWS and CHWR stand for?
CHWS - chilled water supply
CHWF - chilled water return
what are corrosive chemicals and the major classes?
substances that cause visible destruction or permanent changes in human skin tissue at the site of contact
The major classes of corrosive chemicals include
strong acids, strong bases, and dehydrating agents
what is the standard operating procedures for corrosive chemicals?
Decontamination procedure: Immediately flush contaminated area with copious amounts of
water after contact with corrosive chemicals
what are considered flammable liquids?q
flammable liquids are chemicals that have a flash point below 100F
what is the flammable spills response?
- Remove or Turn off all sources of Ignition(Vapors are what actually burns).
- Flammable liquids are best removed through the use of spill pads.
- All used absorbent materials should be placed in heavy duty poly-bags which are then sealed, labeled, and disposed
how to dispose of excess acids/bases
lease note that you will need to neutralize any excess acid/base that you may have collected by appropriately neutralizing it (ONLY in the container provided
in the waste hood designated for this purpose), checking the pH (pH paper), and then pouring it down the sink. Sodium bicarbonate is provided in the designated waste disposal fume hoods for this purpose.
Sometimes, neutralized acidic/ basic waste should not be poured down the sink, if this waste is also
contaminated with traces of an organic solvent, Instead, this particular waste will need to disposed
of into a specially labeled waste container for this purpose
what are the 3 specific instructions for waste chemical disposal?
- Organic liquid chemicals containing ONLY “C, H, and O” – need to be disposed of into the red “C, H, O” Waste Container (some examples: diethyl ether, hexanes, ethyl acetate, etc.)
- Organic liquid chemicals containing Halogens “C, H, O, and Halogens” – need to be disposed of into the red “C, H, O, and Halogens” Waste Container (examples:
dichloromethane, bromobenzene, etc.). - Organic liquid chemicals containing Nitrogen “C, H, O, and Nitrogen” – need to be disposed of into the red “C, H, O, and Nitrogen” Waste Container (for example, amines)
examples of INORGANIC solid waste? how to dispose of inorganic solid waste?
examples: drying agents such as Anhydrous MgSO4, Anhydrous CaSO4, Anhydrous CaCl2, and Anhydrous Na2SO4
they can be disposed of into the biohazard waste boxes, unless otherwise specified