Emergency Procedures & Fire Exam Flashcards
What is the procedure for an aborted (rejected) take-off?
Assess conditions; calm and reassure customers, while commanding “Remain Seated!”
______ turbulence is defined as a definite strain against seatbelt, unsecured objects move about; food service and walking are difficult.
Which Flight Attendant(s) on the scene of a fire will move POBs away from the fire?
FAs 3, 4, & 5
True or False
If a Flight Attendant becomes incapacitated during a flight, you should brief a paramedic and have that person occupy “C” jump seat and ensure one uniformed crew member is up front and one is in the back.
Symptoms of Hypoxia
-Blue coloring of skin/lips/fingernails
-Respiratory changes
True or False
If a Flight Attendant or PAX sees an engine torching, an evacuation should begin immediately without contacting the Flight Deck
The Fire Containment Bag is used in the event _______ overheats.
PEDs (Personal Electronic Device)
In a slow decompression, there may be no noticeable indication in the cabin until the cabin pressure reaches ______ feet and the oxygen masks drop from the PSU.
The _____ flight attendant on the scene will retrieve the crash axe from the Flight Deck.
True or False
After a decompression, the FAs should wait for a PA from the Flight Deck notifying it is safe to remove oxygen masks.
After a decompression, what should FAs assess after a PA from the Flight Deck says it is safe to remove oxygen masks?
Lavatories, passengers, and cabin
Which fire extinguisher is preferred to extinguish a paper notebook?
Water Extinguisher
True or False
You should use a Halon Extinguisher to put out a cigarette lighter fire.
Does a FA need to make an additional announcement regarding the Fasten Seatbelt Sign if the Flight Deck already made an announcement?
True or False
When the FSB sign is illuminated, FAs should make an announcement and conduct a compliance check if it is safe to do so.
True or False
You should repack all masks into the PSU after an oxygen mask drop
If a Flight Attendant becomes incapacitated inflight, which jumpseat(s) need to be occupied still for landing?
A & B
(Uniformed crewmembers only)
What is a Flight Attendant’s most important role?
To provide the greatest amount of safety to the customers.
Chain of Command
- Captain
- First Officer
- FA “A”
- FAs “B, C, D, E”
True or False
As a Flight Attendant, it is okay to delay a Flight Deck call
True or False
If a Pilot becomes incapacitated, the other pilot will communicate with the cabin and assist, and a Flight Attendant proceeds to the Flight Deck.
How will a Flight Attendant access the Flight Deck if a Pilot becomes incapacitated?
Access Code
True or False
In the event that a pilot has become incapacitated, the remaining pilot may get up and open the door to request assistance from a crewmember
Pilot must stay in cockpit
What is…
any instability in the atmosphere causing air to travel in irregular directions.
True or False
In the event of any personal injury, notify the Flight Deck and follow-up with Inflight Leadership.
True or False
If Flight Attendants feel conditions in the cabin are more severe than anticipated, they should take a seat and notify Flight Deck.
True or False
FAs may continue service as long as turbulence is no greater than Moderate.
No greater than LIGHT turbulence
If Turbulence jeopardizes the safety of a service and/or compliance check, FAs should make the ________ ________ announcement.
“Turbulence Unsafe” Announcement
List the 4 types of Turbulence
- Light
- Moderate
- Severe
- Extreme
Flight Deck response to Expected Turbulence…
Advise FAs at least 5 minutes prior, and turn ON the Fasten Seatbelt Sign
True or False
It’s ok to serve hot liquids during in-flight service with unexpected turbulence.
True or False
If necessary, FAs during unexpected turbulence should be seated with seatbelt and shoulder harness secured, take nearest seat in the cabin or sit on the floor
Which FA should resume communication with the Flight Deck on turbulence conditions?
Flight Attendant “A”
The cabin will pressurize at ______ feet.
What is…
A loss of cabin pressure whereby the atmosphere inside the aircraft becomes equivalent to that of the altitude at which the aircraft is flying.
Two types of Decompression
Decompression Procedures
Immediate use of oxygen is critical.
*Immediately don the nearest oxygen mask.
*Sit down; fasten seat belt, or grasp a fixed object.
*Continue to hold on (anchor on to something.)
Causes of Slow Decompression
*Air leak
*Malfunction of pressurization system
First noticeable indication of Slow Decompression may be when cabin pressure reaches ______ feet and the oxygen masks drop.
Causes of Rapid Decompression
*Cracked windowpane
*Structural damage to Fuselage
*Malfunction of the pressurization system
Indications of Rapid Decompression
*Structural damage
*Explosive noise
*Sudden decrease in air temperature
*Fogging in the cabin
*Rush of air and unsecured items towards opening
True or False
Air Leaks can cause Hypoxia
What is the Time of Useful Consciousness for Slow Decompression at 35,000 ft?
30 - 60 seconds
What is the Time of Useful Consciousness for Rapid Decompression at 35,000 ft?
15 - 30 seconds
True or False
In the rare event of an Inadvertent Mask Drop, FAs should advise the Flight Deck and PAX not to touch or repack any masks, and allow compartment(s) to remain open.
3 Elements of FIRE
3 Classes of FIRE
A. Material
B. Flammable
C. Electrical
In the event of a cabin pressurization issue, pilots have the ability to descend from 39,000 feet to 18,000 feet in under _____ minutes.
5 minutes
L - Location
S - Severity
S - Smoke
S - Steps Taken
Fire Characteristics:
Class A
Ashy smell (gray/brown smoke)
Fire Characteristics:
Class B
Burnt oil/petrol smell (black smoke)
Fire Characteristics:
Class C
Distinct acrid smell (light grey or white smoke with bluish tinge)
Fires double every ______ seconds.
30 seconds
How long do you have to evacuate an aircraft?
90 seconds
True or False
Fire from Trash Receptacle is usually a material fire
Use Water Extinguisher
How to feel a door for heat?
Use the back of hands
True or False
During a Seat Fire, use seat cushion from another seat to smother flames and help inhibit flame height.
True or False
If a circuit breaker pops, push it back in
Tell Captain immediately
True or False
It’s ok to prop open a spring-loaded trash flap
Other types of In-Flight Fires
-APU Torching (not as dangerous)
-Fluorescent Light Ballast Fire (not as dangerous)
-Engine Torching
-Tire or Break Fire
True or False
With a Hidden Fire, be aggressive and fight the fire
FA 1 Fire Fighting Duties
-Obtain Extinguisher & PBE
-Assess type/severity of Fire
-Supply FA 2 with equipment after
FA 2 Fire Fighting Duties
-Obtain additional extinguisher and supplies from FA 1
FA 3, 4, 5 Fire Fighting Duties
-Move POBs away
-Communicate w/Flight Deck
-Calm PAX, instruct to breathe thru clothing
True or False
Lithium-Ion Batteries can be found in Laptops and can overheat, ignite and/or explode.
On a Fire Containment Bag, you should use a ______ extinguisher.
Water Extinguisher
True or False
It’s ok to cover a fire containment bag after putting out the flames.
Covering it will act as a blanket and could ignite again
Smoke Control Procedures:
“Cover your nose and mouth”
“Get below the smoke”
2 Unusual Situations (Fire)
-Smoke Condensation from Air Pack
True or False
You can use the Megaphone to replace the PA/Interphone system if unopperable
True or False
If there is a Jetway Malfunction/Fire at Gate, use 2R Alternate (A320) and 4R Alternate (A321)
FA ____ informs FA _____ that 1L is in-op due to Jetway Malfunction.
FA “A” informs FA “B”
True or False
Distinguishing different odors on the aircraft is NOT important.