Emergency Procedures And Malfunction Analysis Flashcards
Flight Control Malfunctions
Hot Start
Smoke And Fume Elimination
Fuel Boost Pump Failure
Engine / Fuselage Fire - Flight
Loss Of Tail Rotor Effectiveness
Ditching - Power Off
Emergency Shutdown
Engine Surges
Mast Bumping
Land As Soon As Possible
Land without delay to the nearest suitable area (I.e., open field) in which a safe approach and landing is reasonably assured. The primary consideration is to ensure the survival of the occupants.
Emergency Equipment
a. A fire extinguisher is located on the center pedestal between the pilot and co-pilots stations. b. A first aid kit is located in one of the pouches by the passenger seat. c. Emergency Locater Transmitter (ELT): See chapter 2.
Air Conditioning Malfunction
Electrical Fire - Flight
Ditching - Power On
Engine Underspeed
Low Inlet Pressure / Engine Icing
Fixed Pitch Settings
Hydraulic Power Malfunction
Engine Restart - Duing Flight
Autorotational Airspeeds
Low Engine Oil Pressure / High Engine Oil Temperature
VFR, A+ Generator Failure - No Output
Clutch Fails To Disengage
Loss Of Tail Rotor Components
Engine / Fuselage / Electrical Fire - Ground
Engine Compressor Stall
Engine Failure At A Hover
Engine Overspeed
Chip Detectors
Engine Failure - Low Altitude / Low Airspeed or Cruise
Landing In Trees
Land As Soon As Practicable
The landing site and duration of flight is at the discretion of the pilot. Extended flight beyond the nearest approved landing area is not recommended. The primary consideration is the urgency of the emergency.
Main Drive Shaft Failure