Emergency Procedures Flashcards
High side governor failure
NG, T4, NR increases
EOS will prevent exceeding 109% N2
Immediately reduce FFL, NR between 385-394
Continue flight
EOS malfunction
N2 / NR decreases to approx 80%
Enter auto
Pull EOS breaker, if N2 / NR recovers continue flight
If no recovery, complete auto
RPM hunting, Torque fluctuating, T4 jerks
Change collective
If surging persists with fuel and oil pressure normal, slightly reduce FFL
If surging persists Land As Soon As Possible
Tail Control Failure
IAS 70 kts
HYD TEST 5 seconds
Run on landing
No Fuel Pressure
Confirmed by FUEL P light
Low Fuel Pressure
Confirmed by F. FILT light
Low Oil Pressure
Test CWL Light does NOT illuminate -Torque low, auto -Torque ok, Land As Soon As Possible Light illuminates -Torque low, Land As Soon As Possible -Torque ok, Land As Soon As Practicable
Oil Temp High
Low speed or Hover -Land, shut down In Flight -80kts, temp should fall -Temp does not drop, Land As Soon As Possible
NG Failure
Use torque or T4 limits
Torque Failure
T4 750C or less
T4 Failure
NG 96% or less
HYD off
Land As Soon As Possible
Land, Lock, Shutdown
Reduce Power Land As Soon As Possible
Test CWP for MGBP Does NOT illuminate -Land As Soon As Possible Does illuminate -Land and check oil level
Reduce Power Check oil pressure -If 0 or low, check Torque -Torque low Shut Down -Torque ok, Land Immediately If both oil and torque ok, Land As Soon As Possible
Attempt to Reset If unsuccessful shed least essential consumer circuits (22 volts mini) 50 mins day 20 mins night Land As Soon As Practicable
Land As Soon As Possible
Reduce Engine Power
- Light goes out continue flight
- Light ON, Land As Soon As Possible
Reduce Engine Power
Monitor MGBP and MGBT
If pressure is normal only 1 pump is bad
If pressure 0, both pumps bad, fly below 5000ft