Emergency Procedures Flashcards
Power failure due to engine failure indication
Change in noise level, nose left yaw, an oil pressure light or decreasing engine RPM
In case of power failure , possible indication and procedure
Engine or drive system failure, indicated by low RPm horn.
Immediately lower collective to enter auto rotation.
Power failure caused by drive system indication
It’s indicated by an unusual noise or vibration, nose right or left yaw,mor decreasing RPM while engine RPM is increasing.
Engine fire during start on ground
. Continue to attempt start
. If engine starts run at 50-60 RPM for a short time, shut down and inspect for damage.
. if engine refuses to start shut off fuel and mastery battery switch
. Extinguish fire with fire extinguisher, wool blanket or dirt. Inspect for damage.
Fire in flight
Enter auto rotation
.master battery off
.cabin heat off
.Cabin vent on
.if engine is running perform normal landing and immediately shut off fuel valve.
. If engine is not running, immediately shutoff fuel valve and perform autorotation landing.
Electrical fire in flight
.Master battery off
.ALT switch off
.Land immediately
.Extinguish fire and inspect for damage.
Tachometer failure
If rotor or engine tach malfunction in flight, use remaining tach to monitor RPM.
If it’s not clear which tach is malfunctioning or both are malfunctioning, allow GOV to to control RPM and land as soon as practical.
Governor failure
If the engine RPM GOV malfunctions, grip throttle firmly to override governor, then switch governor off. complete flight using manual throttle control.
Oil warning light
Indicates loss of engine power or oil pressure.
Check engine tach for power loss
Check oil pressure gauge
-if pressure loss is confirmed land immediately
Indicates excessive temperature of main rotor gearbox.
If light accompanied by vibration, noise, or temperature rise, land immediately.
Indicates metallic particles in main rotor gearbox.
If light accompanied by vibration, noise, or temperature rise, land immediately.
Indicates metallic particles in tail rotor gearbox.
If light accompanied by vibration, noise, or temperature rise, land immediately.
Low fuel warning light
Indicates approximately 1gallon of useable fuel remaining in an all aluminum tank, the engine will run out of fuel in approximately 5 mins.
For a bladder style tank it indicates that approximately 1.5gallon of fuel is remaining and will last for about 10mins.
Indicates clutch actuator circuit is on
If the lights comes on and does not go off approximately 10secs, pull clutch circuit breaker and land as soon as practical.
If there are other indication of drive system failure, reduce power and land immediately( prepare for autorotation.)
Indicates low voltage and possible alternator failure.
Turn off nonessential electrical equipments and switch alt off and back on after one sec to reset voltage relay.
If light stays on, land as soon as practical.
Brake light
Indicates rotor brake is engaged
Release immediately
Starter on
Indicates starter motor is engaged
If it does not go out when ignition switch is released from start position, immediately pull mixture off and turn battery switch off.
Have starter serviced.
GOV off
Indicates RPM throttle governor is off
Carbon Monoxide
Indicates elevated levels of (CO) in cabin.
Shut off heater and open nose and door vents.
Land if hovering or transition to forward flight.
If symptoms of CO poisoning, land immediately.
Full throttle
Indicates near full throttle
Lower the collective as required to extinguish light.
(The gov will be ineffective because it cannot increase throttle to maintain RPM.)
Low RPM horn and caution light.
It indicates that rotor RPM May be below safe limits.
To restore RPM, immediately roll throttle on, lower the collective, in forward flight, apply aft cyclic.
The horn and caution light are disabled when collective is full down.
Right roll in low G condition
Gradually apply aft cyclic to restore positive G forces and and maintain rotor thrust.
Uncommanded pitch, roll, or yaw resulting from flight in turbulence
Gradually apply controls to maintain rotor RPM, positive G forces, and to eliminate sideslip.
Minimize cyclic control movement in turbulence, do not over control.
Inadvertent encounter with moderate, severe or extreme turbulence
If area is isolated, depart the area; otherwise, land the helicopter as soon as practical.
Emergency water landing- power off
Lower collective immediately to maintain rotor RPM
Adjust collective to keep RPM between 97 and 110%, or apply full down collective if light weight prevents attaining above 97
Maintain cyclic flare until surface is approached to reduce rate of decent and forward speed
Raise cyclic just before touching water to cushion landing
Apply lateral cyclic when aircraft contacts water to stop rotors.
Release seat belt quickly and clear aircraft when rotors stop.
Emergency water landing- power on.
.Descend to hover above water
.Unlatch doors
.Passenger exit aircraft
.Fly to safe distance from passengers to avoid possible injury by rotors
.Switch battery and alternator off
.Roll throttle off into over travel spring
.Keep aircraft leveled and apply full collective as aircraft contacts water
.Apply lateral cyclic to stop rotors.
.Release seat belt and quickly clear aircraft when rotor stops.
Loss of tail thrust during forward flight.
Failure is usually indicated by nose right yaw which cannot be corrected by applying left pedal.
Immediately enter autorotation
Maintain at least 70KIAS if practical
Select landing site, roll throttle off into overtravel spring and perform autorotation landing.
Loss of tail rotor thrust during hover
. Failure is usually indicated by nose right yaw which cannot be stopped by applying left pedal.
. Immediately roll throttle off into overtravel spring and allow aircraft to settle.
. Raise collective just before touchdown to cushion landing.