Emergency Procedures Flashcards
What is the engine securing procedure after engine failure?
- Throttle - close
- Propeller - Feather
- Mix - cut-off
- Cowl flaps - close
- Air conditioner - off
- Mags - off
- Emergency fuel pump - OFF
- Fuel selector - OFF
- Fuel boost pump - OFF
- Alternator CB - OFF
- Prop synch - OFF
- Electrical load - reduced
- Crossfeed - if required
Engine failure during a normal take-off checklist (85 or below):
If sufficient runway is available:
1. Close the throttles
2. Brake as required
3. Clear the runway
4. Advise ATC
If insufficient runway is available for the stop (over-run risk):
1. Close the throttles
2. Mix cut-off
3. Master - OFF
4. Fuel selectors - OFF
5. Mags - OFF
Engine failure during short field take-off. above 92 but below 104.
If sufficient runway remains for a safe stop:
1. Throttle - close
2. Land - on remaining runway
3. Brakes - as required
if insufficient runway remains and the decision is made to abort the take-off:
- Throttles - close
- landing gear extend (depending on terrain)
- Flaps extend
- airspeed - 87 min
- mix - cut-off
- Master - off
- Fuel selectors - off
- Mags - off
If insufficient runway remains, the terrain ahead is unsuitable for a safe landing and the decision is made to continue the take-off:
- Maintain directional control
- Maximum continuous power
- dead, foot, dead engine. Feather inoperative engine
- Landing gear retract
- 5 degree bank into live engine
- Flaps retract in increments
- Airspeed accelerate to 104 until obstacles have been cleared, then 106.
- Secure engine
When aborting a take-off, and insufficient runway is available:
- close the throttle
- Landing gear down
- Full flapds
- Airspeed 87 min
- Mix - cut-off
- Master off
- Fuel selectors off
- Mags off
In the case of an engine failure during flight or climb, what is the checklist?
- Maintain directional control
- Speed 106
- identify and verify
- Secure engine
What is the engine restart procedure?
- Fuel - flow (if detent, emergency fuel pump ON
- Fuel quantity - check
- Fuel selector - switch
- Mags check
- Restart
Regarding a single-engine go-around. Is a full flap go around possible?
What is the air start unfeathering procedure
- Fuel selector - ON
- Fuel boost pump CB - IN
- Magnetos - ON
- Throttle - open 1/2 inch
- Prop - 1/2 forward
- Mix - Forward
- Starter - engage until prop unfeathers
- Prop - pull back to low RPM position as propeller speed accelerates through 1000rpm.
- Throttle - reduced power until warm, 2000rpm max.
- Alternator - ON
- Engine intruments - check
- Aircon - ON
- Prop manual sync
Engine fire in-flight procedure:
Firewall fuel shutoff - Off
Throttle - forward
Mixture - full rich
Engine - complete engine securing procedures
Electrical fire procedure in flight:
Master switch - OFF
Circuit breakers - check and pulled
All electrical switches - OFF
Master - ON
CBs - isolated faulty CB
Emergency gear extension and how many pumps?:
Airspeed - below 153 KIAS
Gear selector - DOWN
open emerg gear extender and pump till 3 greens. 50 pumps
Gear up landing:
Burn of fuel
Brief pax
Gear selector - up
Autpilot - off
Master - off
When runway is made:
Mix - cut-off
Prop - feathered
Firewall fuel shutoff
Fuel selector OFF
Land and minimum airspeed
Crossfeed procedure with engine failure:
coming out of crossfeed procedure prior to landing:
- fuel selector(inop engine) level flight - either tank
- boost pump CB (inop eng) - IN
- Emergency fuel pump (inop engine) - ON
- Crossfeed - ON
- Fuel selector (op engine) - OFF
- Boost pump CB (op eng) - OFF
- Emergency fuel pump (op engine) - OFF
Same procedure but select inboard tank on inop engine.
Engine failure during a normal take-off checklist (Above 85):
- Directional control - Maintain
- Power (operating engine) - Max continuous
- Prop inop engine - Feather
- Landing gear - retract
- Bank - 5 degrees into operating engine
- Airspeed -95 to 50ft, then accelerate to 104.
- Cowl flaps inop engine - close
- Airspeed - 106 after all obstacles have been cleared
- Secure engine
Engine failure during short field take-off 92 or below.
If sufficient runway is available:
1. Close the throttles
2. Brake as required
3. Clear the runway
4. Advise ATC
If insufficient runway is available for the stop (over-run risk):
1. Close the throttles
2. Mix cut-off
3. Master - OFF
4. Fuel selectors - OFF
5. Mags - OFF
Engine failure during short field take-off above 104:
- Maintain directional control
- Maximum continuous power
- dead, foot, dead engine. Feather inoperative engine
- Landing gear and flaps retract
- 5 degree bank into live engine
- Airspeed accelerate to 104 until obstacles have been cleared, then 106.
- Secure engine
If sufficient runway is available for a safe stop:
1. Close the throttles
2. Brake as required
3. Clear the runway
4. Advise ATC
If insufficient runway is available for the stop (over-run risk):
1. Close the throttles
2. Mix cut-off
3. Master - OFF
4. Fuel selectors - OFF
5. Mags - OFF
Engine failure during flight below 76 (vmca):
- Apply opposite rudder
- Throttles retard
- Lower nose the accelerate above 76
- Increase power
If altitude remains, a restart may be attempted. If restart fails or altitude does not permit:
- Feather inop engine
- bank 5 degrees into live engine
- Complete engine securing procedure
Engine failure during flight above 76:
As per multi training.
- Maintain directional control
- Speed Vyse
- Full mix, pitch, throttle.
- Clean configuration
- Identify and verify
- Rectify
- Secure
- Conserve live