Emergency Procedures Flashcards
Engine fire during start up or shutdown
Starter- continue to motor the engine
Throttle- full close
Fuel valve switch- OFF
IGN ENG circuit breaker- out
Complete shut down
Engine fire during flight
Throttle- Closed
Immediately enter autorotation
Fuel valve switch - OFF
Batt switch - OFF
Accomplish autorotative descent and landing
Cabin vent
Vent - open
Cabin windows - open for maximum ventilation
Engine failure (Autorotation)
Collective pitch - adjust as required to maintain rotor rpm, 90-107%
Cyclic control- adjust to obtain desired autorotative airspeed for existing conditions
Airspeed 60-80 MPH
If altitude permits, attempt engine air start
At low altitude, close throttle and flare as required to lose excessive speed
Apply collective pitch as flare effect decreases to further reduce forward speed and cushion landing
Maximum autorotation speed
115 mph (100 knots)
Autorotation above this speed results in high rate of descent, and low rotor speeds. Blue radial is installed on the airspeed indicator as a reminder.
Engine air start
Collective pitch - adjust as required to maintain 90-107% rotor rpm
Reduce forward speed to desired autorotative airspeed 60-80 MPH (52-69 knots) IAS for existing conditions
Gen switch - OFF
Preform normal restart procedure
Do not attempt air start above 12,000 feet. TOT rises to fast to control
Fuel control and/or governor failure
Engine fuel and/or governor is evidenced by a change of power or rpm. There is no manual fuel control on the engine. CONTROL POWER WITH THROTTLE IF ENGINE OVERSPEEDS.
Maintain RPM with collective pitch if engine underspeeds.
Establish autorotative glide if power is very low or if engine must be shut down.
Prepare for power off landing
Driveshaft Failure Warning
Failure of main rotor driveshaft to transmission will result in complete loss of power to main rotor. Although cockpit indications for a driveshaft failure are similar to an engine overspeed, it is imperative that autorotative flight procedures be establish immediately. Failure to react immediately to rotor low rpm light and audio and dual tachometer can result in loss of control
Driveshaft Failure indication
Indication of a transmission to engine failure is left yaw, rapid decrease of rotor rpm with ROTOR LOW light, accompanied by an increase of power turbine RPM. Noise level may increase due to engine overspeeding and driveshaft breakage.
Driveshaft failure
Collective pitch- adjust to maintain rotor RPM 90-107%
Cyclic - maintain heading and altitude control, adjust to obtain 60-80 MPH (52-69 KIAS)
Throttle - open to provide power to tail rotor
Complete autorotation landing and helicopter shut down
Tail rotor control failure - complete loss of thrust
Reduce throttle to flight idle, immediately enter autorotation and maintain a minimum airspeed of 58 MPH (50 knots) IAS during the descent.
Tail Rotor Failure note
Airflow around the vertical fin may permit controlled flight at low power levels and sufficient airspeed when a suitable landing site is not available; however, the touch down shall be accomplished with the throttle in full closed position.
Tail Rotor Failure - Fixed Pitch Failure (Pitch change slider control failure, etc)
Depending on the pitch position of the tail rotor, at the time of the failure, engine power and airspeed shall be varied as follows:
Power - adjust as required to minimize excessive yaw
Airspeed - Adjust to determine best velocity to minimize yaw
Hydraulic System Failure
Reduce airspeed to 70 to 80 MPH (61 to 69 knots) IAS
HYD BOOST circuit breaker- out; if power is not restored - in
Control boost or hydraulic system switch- On; Off is power is not restored.
Land as soon as practical and investigate
A run on landing at 12-17 MPH (10-15 knots) is recommended. Maintain airspeed above translational lift speed for best control at touchdown.
Audio warning system - Engine out
When this system is activated an intermittent audio signal is produced and the ENG OUT light is illuminated. (N1 less than 55%)
Audio warning system - Rotor Low RPM
When this system is activated the ROTOR LOW RPM light is illuminated and a steady audio signal is produced. The low RPM warning system is activated when collective pitch is off the down stop and rotor RPM is less than 90%
Rotor RPM Low caution light
Rotor rpm is below normal (approximately 90%). Reduce collective pitch and ensure throttle is full open.
Trans oil pressure light
Main transmission pressure is below minimum, check gauge. Land as soon as possible.
Trans oil temp light
Main transmission oil temperature is at or above redline and check gauge. Reducing power will help alleviate the condition. Check transmission oil pressure. Land as soon as possible.
Battery temp light
Battery case temperature has reached 130F (54.5C) or higher. Turn battery switch off until battery cools (light extinguishes) then battery switch on.
Battery light Note
Frequent and repetitive Battery Temp indications may be indicative of marginal battery condition. It is recommended that if this occurs the battery should be removed and inspected in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations at the first convenient opportunity
Engine chip light
Metallic particles in engine oil. Land as soon as possible.
Transmission chip light
Metallic particles in transmission oil. Land as soon as possible.
Tail rotor chip light
Metallic particles in tail rotor gearbox oil. Land as soon as possible.
Generator fail light (if installed)
Generator has failed. Gen switch - Reset, then on. If Gen Fail light remains illuminated - Gen switch Off. Land as soon as practical.
Baggage Door light (If installed)
Baggage compartment door open. Land as soon as practical.
Fuel filter light (if installed)
Engine fuel filter is clogged. Land as soon as practical. Clean before next flight.
AF Fuel Filter Light (If installed)
Airframe fuel filter clogged. Land as soon as practical. Clean before next flight
Fuel pump light Warning
Operation with both fuel boost pumps inoperative is not authorized. Due to possible fuel sloshing in unusual attitudes or out of trim conditions and one or both boost pumps inoperative, the unusable fuel is 10 gallons.
Fuel pump light
On or both fuel boost pumps is inoperative. Descend to below 6000’ pressure altitude if flight permits. Land as soon as practical.
Fuel pump light note
The engine is designed to operate without boost pump pressure under 6000’ pressure altitude and one boost pump will supply sufficient fuel for normal engine operations under all conditions of power and altitude. Both pumps shall be on for all normal operations
Low fuel light (if installed)
Approximately 20 gallons of fuel remaining. Land as soon as practical
Electrical Power Failure
Gen Fail light (if installed) - illuminated
Gen switch - Reset then On. If power is not restored:
Gen switch - Off
All electrical equipment - Off to conserve battery
Required electrical equipment - On, only as needed
Land as soon as practical
Electrical Power Failure warning
Reduce altitude below 6000’ pressure altitude if flight permits for possible failure of boost pumps
Engine oil pressure low, high or fluctuating
If engine oil pressure is below minimum or above maximum, land as soon as possible.
If engine oil pressure fluctuates but does not exceed limit, monitor engine oil pressure and temperature. Land as soon as practical.
High engine oil temperature
If engine oil exceeds limits, land as soon as possible
Fuel system failure
Fuel system failures are dived into two types consisting of helicopter fuel system failure and engine fuel system failure. With low fuel quantity (approximately 20 gallons) land as soon as practical.
Autorotation max glide speed
80 mph or 69 knots
Autorotation max speed
115 mph (blue radial on tach)