Emergency Procedures Flashcards
What is a spin? (AC 61-67)
A spin in a small airplane or glider is a controlled (recoverable) or uncontrolled (possibly unrecoverable) maneuver in which the airplane or glider descends in a helical path while flying at an angle of attack (AOA) greater than the critical AOA. Spins result from aggravated stalls in either a slip or a skid. If a stall does not occur, a spin cannot occur. In a stall, one wing will often drop before the other and the nose will yaw in the direction of the low wing.
Describe several flight situations where an unintentional spin may occur. (AC 61-67)
A stall/spin situation can occur in any phase of flight but is most likely to occur in the following situations:
a. Engine failure on takeoff during climbout—pilot tries to stretch glide to landing area by increasing back pressure or makes an uncoordinated turn back to departure runway at a relatively low airspeed.
b. Crossed-controlled turn from base to final (slipping or skidding turn)—pilot overshoots final (possibly due to a crosswind) and makes an uncoordinated turn at a low airspeed.
c. Engine failure on approach to landing—pilot tries to stretch glide to runway by increasing back pressure.
d. Go-around with excessive nose-up trim—pilot applies power with full flaps and nose-up trim combined with uncoordinated use of rudder.
e. Go-around with improper flap retraction—pilot applies power and retracts flaps rapidly resulting in a rapid sink rate followed by an instinctive increase in back pressure.
What is the recommended procedure for recovery from a spin? (FAA-H-8083-3)
In the absence of the manufacturer’s recommended spin recovery procedures and techniques, the following spin recovery procedures are recommended.
a. Reduce the power (throttle) to idle.
b. Position the ailerons to neutral.
c. Apply full opposite rudder against the rotation.
d. Apply a positive and brisk, straightforward movement of the elevator control forward of the neutral position to break the stall.
e. After spin rotation stops, neutralize the rudder.
f. Begin applying back-elevator pressure to raise the nose to level flight.
What does an aft center of gravity do to an aircraft’s spin characteristics? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25)
Recovery from a stall in any aircraft becomes progressively more difficult as its center of gravity moves aft. This is particularly important in spin recovery, as there is a point in rearward loading of any airplane at which a “flat” spin will develop. A “flat” spin is one in which centrifugal force acting through a center of gravity located well to the rear, will pull the tail of the airplane out away from the axis of the spin, making it impossible to get the nose down and recover.
What load factor is present in a spin? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25)
The load factor during a spin will vary with the spin characteristics of each airplane but is usually found to be slightly above the 1G load of level flight. There are two reasons this is true:
a. The airspeed in a spin is very low (usually within 2 knots of the unaccelerated stalling speed); and
b. The airplane pivots, rather than turns, while it is in a spin.
Discuss the use of an emergency checklist.
In the event of an in-flight emergency, the pilot should be sufficiently familiar with emergency procedures to take immediate action instinctively to prevent more serious situations from occurring. However, as soon as circumstances permit, the emergency checklist should be reviewed to ensure that all required items have been checked. Additionally, before takeoff, a pilot should be sure that the emergency checklist will be readily accessible in flight if needed.
What procedures should be followed concerning a partial loss of power in flight? (AFM/POH)
If a partial loss of power occurs, the first priority is to establish and maintain a suitable airspeed (best glide airspeed if necessary).
Then, select an emergency landing area and remain within gliding distance. As time allows, attempt to determine the cause and correct it. Complete the following checklist:
a. Check the carburetor heat.
b. Check the amount of fuel in each tank and switch fuel tanks if necessary.
c. Check the fuel selector valve’s current position.
d. Check the mixture control.
e. Check that the primer control is all the way in and locked.
f. Check the operation of the magnetos in all three positions: both, left or right.
In the event of a complete engine failure on takeoff, what procedure is recommended? (AFM/POH)
If an engine failure occurs during the takeoff run, the following checklist should be completed:
a. Retard the throttle to idle.
b. Apply pressure to the brakes.
c. Retract the wing flaps.
d. Set the mixture control to “Idle Cut-off.”
e. Turn the ignition switch to “Off.”
f. Turn the master switch to “Off.”
If an engine failure occurs immediately after takeoff, what procedure is recommended? (AFM/POH)
If an engine failure occurs immediately after takeoff, and before a safe maneuvering altitude is attained, it is usually inadvisable to attempt to turn back to the field from which the takeoff was made. Instead, it is generally safer to immediately establish the proper glide attitude, and select a field directly ahead or slightly to either side of the takeoff path.
The following checklist should be completed:
a. Establish an airspeed of 70 KIAS (flaps up) or 65 KIAS (flaps down).
b. Set mixture to “Idle Cut-off.”
c. Set fuel selector valve to “Off.”
d. Set ignition switch to “Off.”
e. Set wing flaps as required (30 degrees is recommended).
f. Set master switch “Off.”
What is the recommended procedure to be followed for an engine failure while en route? (AFM/POH)
The first priority is to establish a best-glide airspeed. Then, select an emergency landing area and remain within gliding distance. As time permits, try to determine the cause of the failure (no fuel, carburetor ice, etc.). Attempt an engine restart if possible. The recommended checklist for this procedure is:
a. Establish an airspeed of 75 KIAS.
b. Set carburetor heat on.
c. Set the fuel selector valve to “Both.”
d. Set the mixture control to “Rich.”
e. Turn the ignition switch to “Both”; if the propeller has stopped, turn the ignition switch to “Start.”
f. Check that the primer control is pushed in and is “Locked.”
What is the recommended power-off gliding speed in an engine-out procedure? (AFM/POH)
73 KIAS at 2,650 pounds.
After experiencing an engine failure immediately after takeoff (before reaching safe maneuvering altitude), why is it usually inadvisable to attempt a landing on the runway you have just departed from? (FAA-H-8083-3)
The ability to make a 180° turn does not necessarily mean that the departure runway can be reached in a power-off glide; this depends on the wind, the distance traveled during the climb, the height reached, and the glide distance of the airplane without power. The pilot should also remember that a turn back to the departure runway will in fact require more than a 180° change in direction.
Explain the approximate altitude loss and factors to consider when maneuvering an airplane that has just taken off, experienced an engine failure at 300 feet AGL, and is attempting to turn back to the departure runway.
The turn back to the runway will require approximately 270 degrees (180 degrees to get turned around, 45 degrees to get pointed at the runway, and 45 degrees for final alignment with the runway). Using a standard rate turn of 3° per second, it will take approximately 90 seconds to make the turn. If the airplane descends at approximately 500 fpm, it will have descended approximately 750 feet, placing it 450 feet below the runway. Other factors to consider:
a. The initial reaction time of 4 seconds and corresponding loss of airspeed and altitude.
b. The downwind turn must be made immediately, which increases the ground speed and rushes the pilot even more in the performance and planning of the procedure.
c. The apparent increase in ground speed could mislead the pilot into attempting to prematurely slow the airplane down, resulting in a possible stall.
d. The pilot will tend to use steeper bank angles than required for a standard rate turn, resulting in an increase in load factor, stall speed, and rate of descent.
e. The airplane will lose considerable altitude during the turn and might still be in a bank when the ground is contacted.
If an engine failure has occurred while en route and a forced landing is imminent, what procedures should be followed? (AFM/POH)
a. Establish an airspeed of 75 KIAS.
b. Begin a scan for an appropriate field for landing using the following order of preference:
• Paved airport
• Unpaved airport
• Paved road with no obstacles
• Unpaved road with no obstacles
• Grass field
• Plowed field
• Lakes or ponds
• Trees or other structures
c. Attempt an engine restart.
d. Set your transponder to “7700.”
e. Transmit a “mayday” message on either the frequency in use or 121.5.
f. Begin to spiral down over the approach end of the selected landing site.
g. On your final approach complete the forced landing checklist.
Immediately before touchdown in a forced landing procedure, what items should be completed? (AFM/POH)
The Emergency Landing Checklist should be completed:
a. Establish an airspeed with flaps up of 75 KIAS and with flaps down of 65 KIAS.
b. Set the mixture control to “Idle Cut-Off.”
c. Set the fuel selector valve to “Off.”
d. Turn the ignition switch to “Off.”
e. Select the landing down or up depending on terrain.
f. Set the wing flaps as required (30 degrees is recommended).
g. Make sure doors are unlatched prior to touchdown.
h. Turn the master switch to “Off.”
i. Make your touchdown with the tail slightly low.
j. Apply brakes heavily.
In an engine failure situation, what glide ratio will be obtained if the best-glide airspeed is maintained? (AFM/POH)
A loss of 600 feet per 1 nautical mile (i.e., an aircraft at 3,000 feet AGL would have a maximum gliding distance of 5 miles).
If a forced landing is imminent, should the landing gear be left up, or down and locked? (AFM/POH)
There can’t be a hard and fast rule concerning the position of a retractable landing gear at touchdown. In rugged terrain and trees, or during impacts at high sink rate, an extended gear would definitely have a protective effect on the cockpit/cabin area. But weigh this advantage against the possible side effects of a collapsing gear, such as a ruptured fuel tank. As always, the manufacturer’s recommendations as outlined in the AFM/POH should be followed. When a normal touchdown is assured, and ample stopping distance is available, a gear-up landing on level-but-soft terrain, or across a plowed field, may result in less airplane damage than a gear-down landing.
If an engine failure has occurred while over water, and you are beyond power-off gliding distance to land, what procedures should be followed? (AFM/POH)
a. Set your transponder to “7700” and broadcast a “mayday” message on the frequency in use or 121.5 MHz.
b. Make sure all heavy objects are secured or, if possible, jettison them.
c. Select landing gear up.
d. Set flaps to 20–30 degrees.
e. Set power (if available) so as to establish 300 fpm descent and 60 KIAS.
f. Approach and land parallel to heavy sea swells when in light winds, and approach and land into the wind when high winds and heavy seas exist.
g. If no power is available establish an approach airspeed of 70 KIAS with flaps up or 65 KIAS with 10 degrees flap.
h. Open all cabin doors prior to touchdown.
i. Initiate your touchdown in a level flight attitude.
j. Just prior to touchdown, protect body with life vests, clothing, etc.
k. After touchdown, begin evacuation of the airplane. Open the windows to equalize pressure if the doors do not open easily.
l. Inflate life vests and raft if available.
What is detonation? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25)
Detonation is an uncontrolled, explosive ignition of the fuel/air mixture within the cylinder’s combustion chamber. It causes excessive temperatures and pressures which, if not corrected, can quickly lead to failure of the piston, cylinder, or valves. In less severe cases, detonation causes engine overheating, roughness, or loss of power. It is characterized by high cylinder head temperatures, and is most likely to occur when operating at high power settings.
What are some of the most common operational causes of detonation? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25, AFM/POH)
a. Using a lower fuel grade than that specified by the aircraft manufacturer.
b. Operating with extremely high manifold pressures in conjunction with low RPM.
c. Operating the engine at high power settings with an excessively lean mixture.
d. Extended ground operations or steep climbs where cylinder cooling is reduced.
What action should be taken if detonation is suspected? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25, AFM/POH)
Detonation may be avoided by following these basic guidelines during the various phases of ground and flight operations:
a. Make sure the proper grade of fuel is being used.
b. While on the ground, keep the cowl flaps (if available) in the full-open position.
c. During takeoff and initial climb, use an enriched fuel mixture, as well as a shallower climb angle to increase cylinder cooling.
d. Avoid extended, high power, steep climbs.
e. Develop habit of monitoring engine instruments to verify proper operation.
What is preignition? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25, AFM/POH)
Preignition occurs when the fuel/air mixture ignites prior to the engine’s normal ignition event. Premature burning is usually caused by a residual hot spot in the combustion chamber, often created by a small carbon deposit on a spark plug, a cracked spark plug insulator, or other damage in the cylinder that causes a part to heat sufficiently to ignite the fuel/air charge. Preignition causes the engine to lose power, and produces high operating temperature. As with detonation, preignition may also cause severe engine damage, because the expanding gases exert excessive pressure on the piston while still on its compression stroke.
What actions should be taken if preignition is suspected? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25)
Detonation and preignition often occur simultaneously and one may cause the other. Since either condition causes high engine temperature accompanied by a decrease in engine performance, it is often difficult to distinguish between the two. Using the recommended grade of fuel, and operating the engine within its proper temperature, pressure, and RPM ranges, reduces the chance of detonation or preignition.
If the engine begins to run rough when flying through heavy rain, what action should be taken? (AFM/POH)
During flight through heavy rain, it is possible for the induction air filter to become water saturated. This situation will reduce the amount of available air to the carburetor resulting in an excessively rich mixture and a corresponding loss of power. Carburetor heat may be used as an alternate source of air in such a situation.
Are there any special considerations necessary when using the auxiliary pump after an engine-driven fuel pump failure? (AFM/POH)
In a high-wing, single-engine aircraft, which has sustained an engine-driven fuel pump failure, gravity flow will provide sufficient fuel flow for level or descending flight. If the failure occurs while in a climb or the fuel pressure falls below 0.5 PSI, the auxiliary fuel pump should be used.
What operating procedure could be used to minimize spark plug fouling? (AFM/POH)
Engine roughness may occur due to “fouling” of the spark plug electrodes. This condition may occur on the ground or in the air and is usually the result of an excessively rich mixture setting which causes unburned carbon and lead deposits to collect on the spark plug electrodes. A pilot may alleviate this problem to some degree by always using the recommended lean setting for the given condition.
During a cross-country flight you notice that the oil pressure is low, but the oil temperature is normal. What is the problem and what action should be taken? (AFM/POH)
A low oil pressure in flight could be the result of any one of several problems, the most common being that of insufficient oil. If the oil temperature continues to remain normal, a clogged oil pressure relief valve or an oil pressure gauge malfunction could be the culprit. In any case, a landing at the nearest airport is advisable to check for the cause of the trouble.
If a loss of oil pressure occurs accompanied by a rising oil temperature, what is indicated? (AFM/POH)
The oil required for cooling has been lost, and an engine failure is imminent. The throttle should be reduced, and a suitable landing area should be established as soon as possible. Use minimum power to reach the emergency landing area.
What procedure should be followed if an engine fire develops on the ground during starting? (AFM/POH)
Continue to attempt an engine start as a start will cause flames and excess fuel to be sucked back through the carburetor.
a. If the engine starts:
• Increase the power to a higher RPM for a few moments; and then
• Shut down the engine and inspect it.
b. If the engine does not start:
• Set the throttle to the “Full” position.
• Set the mixture control to “Idle cutoff.”
• Continue to try an engine start in an attempt to put out the fire by vacuum.
c. If the fire continues:
• Obtain fire extinguisher and/or fire personnel assistance
• Turn the master switch to “Off.”
• Turn the ignition switch to “Off.”
• Set the fuel selector to “Off.”
• Extinguish the fire using extinguisher
Evacuate the aircraft and obtain a fire extinguisher and/or fire personnel assistance.
What procedure should be followed if an engine fire develops in flight? (AFM/POH)
In the event of an engine fire in flight, the following procedure should be used:
a. Set the mixture control to “Idle cutoff.”
b. Set the fuel selector valve to “Off.”
c. Turn the master switch to “Off.”
d. Set the cabin heat and air vents to “Off;” leave the overheadvents “On.”
e. Establish an airspeed of 105 KIAS and increase the descent, if necessary, to find an airspeed that will provide for an incombustible mixture.
f. Execute a forced landing procedures checklist.
What procedure should be followed if an electrical fire develops inside the aircraft? (AFM/POH)
If an electrical fire is suspected (burning odor), the pilot should initially try to identify the possible source by checking all circuit breakers, avionics and instruments. If the problem is not detected and the odor or smoke continues, the following checklist should be completed:
a. Turn the master switch to “Off.”
b. Set the avionics power switch to “Off.”
c. Set all other switches to “Off” except the ignition switch.
d. Close all air/heat vents as well as any other air vents.
e. Use fire extinguisher.
What troubleshooting procedure should be followed in determining the cause of an electrical fire that is not readily apparent? (AFM/POH)
If the electrical fire is out and electrical power is necessary for continued flight, the following may be performed:
a. Turn the master switch “On.”
b. Check all the circuit breakers for their status; DO NOT RESET.
c. Check that all radio switches are “Off.”
d. Turn avionics power switch “On.”
e. Cautiously turn radio and electrical switches “On” one at a time with a short delay after each until short circuit is isolated.
What procedure should be followed if a cabin fire develops in flight? (AFM/POH)
Typically cabin fires are electrical in nature and identifying and disabling the faulty circuit is the first priority. However, careless smoking by passengers has also been a significant cause of cabin fires. The following checklist should be completed:
a. Turn the master switch to “Off.”
b. Close all air/heat vents.
c. Use a fire extinguisher if available.
d. Land as soon as possible.
What procedure should be followed if a wing fire develops in flight? (AFM/POH)
If a wing fire develops in flight, the following checklist should be completed:
a. Set the navigation light switch to “Off.”
b. Set the strobe light switch to “Off.”
c. Set the pitot heat switch to “Off.”
Initiate a sideslip maneuver to avoid flames from getting to the fuel tank and cabin area, then land as soon as possible.
What are the three main types of aircraft icing? (AC 00‑6)
Structural, induction system, and instrument icing.
Name the three types of structural ice that may occur in flight. (AC 00-6)
Clear Icing—or glaze ice, is a glossy, clear, or translucent ice formed by the relatively slow freezing of large, supercooled water droplets. Clear icing conditions exist more often in an environment with warmer temperatures, higher liquid water contents, and larger droplets. It forms when only a small portion of the drop freezes immediately while the remaining unfrozen portion flows or smears over the aircraft surface and gradually freezes.
Rime Icing—a rough, milky, and opaque ice formed by the instantaneous freezing of small, supercooled water droplets after they strike the aircraft. Rime icing formation favors colder tem-peratures, lower liquid water content, and small droplets. It grows when droplets rapidly freeze upon striking an aircraft. The rapid freezing traps air and forms a porous, brittle, opaque, and milky-colored ice.
Mixed Icing—a mixture of clear ice and rime ice, mixed ice forms as an airplane collects both rime and clear ice due to small-scale variations in liquid water content, temperature, and droplet sizes. Mixed ice appears as layers of relatively clear and opaque ice when examined from the side. Mixed icing poses a similar hazard to an aircraft as clear ice. It may form horns or other shapes that disrupt airflow and cause handling and performance problems.
Note: In general, rime icing tends to occur at temperatures colder than -15°C, clear icing when the temperature is warmer than -10°C, and mixed ice at temperatures in-between. This is only general guidance. The type of icing will vary depending on the liquid water content, droplet size, and aircraft-specific variables.
What is necessary for structural icing to occur? (AC 00‑6)
The aircraft must be flying through visible water such as rain or cloud droplets; temperature must be at the point where moisture strikes the aircraft at 0°C or colder.
Describe the types of icing found in stratiform clouds, and the types found in cumuliform clouds. (AC 00-6)
Stratiform clouds—both rime icing and mixed icing are found in stratiform clouds. Icing in middle and low-level stratiform clouds is confined, on average, to a layer between 3,000 and 4,000 feet thick. A change in altitude of only a few thousand feet may take the aircraft out of icing conditions, even if it remains in clouds. The main hazard lies in the great horizontal extent of stratiform cloud layers.
Cumuliform Clouds—icing is usually clear or mixed with rime in the upper levels. The icing layer is smaller horizontally but greater vertically than in stratiform clouds. Icing is more variable in cumuliform clouds because the factors conducive to icing depend on the particular cloud’s stage of development. Icing intensities may range from a trace in small cumulus to severe in a large towering cumulus or cumulonimbus, especially in the upper portion of the cloud where the updraft is concentrated and supercooled large drops (SLDs) are plentiful.
During your preflight planning, what type of meteorological information should you be aware of with respect to icing? (AC 91-74)
a. Location of fronts—the front’s location, type, speed, and direction of movement.
b. Cloud layers—the location of cloud bases and tops; this is valuable when determining if you will be able to climb above icing layers or descend beneath those layers into warmer air; reference PIREPS and area forecasts.
c. Freezing level(s)—important when determining how to avoid icing and how to exit icing conditions if accidentally encountered.
d. Air temperature and pressure—icing tends to be found in low-pressure areas and at temperatures at or around freezing.
What is the definition of the term “freezing level” and how can you determine where that level is? (AC 00-6)
The freezing level is the lowest altitude in the atmosphere over a given location at which the air temperature reaches 0°C. It is possible to have multiple freezing layers when a temperature inversion occurs above the defined freezing level. A pilot can use current icing products (CIP) and forecast icing products (FIP), as well as the freezing level graphics chart to determine the approximate freezing level. Other potential sources of icing information are: area forecasts, PIREPS, AIRMETs, SIGMETs, surface analysis charts, low-level significant weather charts, and winds and temperatures aloft (for air temperature at altitude).
What action is recommended if you inadvertently encounter icing conditions? (AC 00-6)
You should leave the area of visible moisture. This might mean descending to an altitude below the cloud bases, climbing to an altitude above the cloud tops, or turning to a different course. If unable to leave the area of visible moisture, the pilot must move to an altitude where the temperature is above freezing. If you’re going to climb, do so quickly; procrastination may leave you with too much ice. If you’re going to descend, you must know the temperature of the air and the type of terrain below.
If you encounter in-flight icing, and ATC asks you to report your conditions, what are the official reportable icing values that you are expected to use? (AIM 7-1-20)
Trace, light, moderate, severe.
If icing has been inadvertently encountered, how would your landing approach procedure be different? (AFM/POH, AC 91-74)
The following guidelines may be used when flying an airplane which has accumulated ice:
a. Maintain more power during the approach than normal.
b. Maintain a higher airspeed than normal.
c. Expect a higher stall speed than normal.
d. Expect a longer landing roll than normal.
e. A “no flaps” approach is recommended.
f. Maintain a consistently higher altitude than normal.
g. Avoid a missed approach (get it right the first time).
Which type of precipitation will produce the most hazardous icing conditions?
Freezing rain produces the most hazardous icing conditions.
Does the stall warning system have any protection from ice? (AFM/POH)
No, but some aircraft may be equipped with a heated stall warning system which consists of a vane, sensor unit and heating element on the leading edge of the wing. Usually this system is activated by the same switch that controls the pitot heat.
What causes carburetor icing and what are the first indications of its presence? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25)
The vaporization of fuel, combined with the expansion of air as it passes through the carburetor, causes a sudden cooling of the mixture. The temperature of the air passing through the carburetor may drop as much as 60°F within a fraction of a second. Water vapor is squeezed out by this cooling, and, if the temperature in the carburetor reaches 32°F or below, the moisture will be deposited as frost or ice inside the carburetor.
For airplanes with a fixed pitch propeller, the first indication of carburetor icing is a loss of RPM. For airplanes with controllable-pitch (constant speed) propellers, the first indication is usually a drop in manifold pressure.
What conditions are favorable for carburetor icing? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25)
Carburetor ice is most likely to occur when temperatures are below 70°F (21°C) and the relative humidity is above 80 percent. However, due to the sudden cooling that takes place in the carburetor, icing can occur even with temperatures as high as 100°F (38°C) and humidity as low as 50 percent. This temperature drop can be as much as 60 to 70°F. Therefore, at an outside air temperature of 100°F, a temperature drop of 70°F results in an air temperature in the carburetor of 30°F.
If an airplane has anti-icing and/or deicing equipment installed, can it be flown into icing conditions? (FAA-H-8083-3)
The presence of anti-icing and deicing equipment does not necessarily mean that an airplane is approved for flight in icing conditions. The AFM/POH, placards, and manufacturer should be consulted for specific determination of approvals and limitations.
15 A pilot flying an aircraft certificated for flight in known icing (FIKI) should be aware of a phenomenon known as “roll upset.” What is roll upset? (AC 91-51, FAA-H-8083-15)
Roll upset is an uncommanded and uncontrolled roll phenomenon associated with severe in-flight icing.
It can occur without the usual symptoms of ice accumulation or a perceived aerodynamic stall.
Pilots flying certificated FIKI aircraft should be aware that severe icing is a condition outside of the aircraft’s certification icing envelope. The roll upset that occurs may be caused by airflow separation (aerodynamic stall), which induces self-deflection of the ailerons and loss of or degraded roll handling characteristics. The aileron deflection may be caused by ice accumulating in a sensitive area of the wing aft of the deicing boots.
What is the recommended recovery procedure for a roll upset? (AC 91-74)
a. Reduce the angle of attack by increasing airspeed. If in a turn, roll wings level.
b. Set appropriate power and monitor the airspeed and angle of attack. A controlled descent is a vastly better alternative than an uncontrolled descent.
c. If flaps are extended, do not retract them unless it can be determined that the upper surface of the airfoil is clear of ice, because retracting the flaps will increase the AOA at a given airspeed.
d. Verify that wing ice protection is functioning normally by visual observation of the left and right wing.
What is meant by decompression? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25)
Decompression is the inability of the aircraft’s pressurization system to maintain the designed “aircraft cabin” pressure. For example, an aircraft is flying at an altitude of 29,000 feet but the aircraft cabin is pressurized to an altitude equivalent to 8,000 feet. If decompression occurs, the cabin pressure may become equivalent to that of the aircraft’s altitude of 29,000 feet. The rate at which this occurs determines the severity of decompression.
What are the two types of decompression? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25)
Explosive decompression—Cabin pressure decreases faster than the lungs can decompress. Most authorities consider any kind of decompression which occurs in less than 1⁄2 second as explosive and potentially dangerous. This type of decompression could only be caused by structural damage, material failure, or by a door “popping” open.
Rapid decompression—A change in cabin pressure where the lungs decompress faster than the cabin. Rapid decompression decreases the period of useful consciousness because oxygen in the lungs is exhaled rapidly. The pilot’s effective performance time is reduced by one-third to one-fourth its normal time.
What are the dangers of decompression? (FAA‑H‑8083‑25)
a. Hypoxia
b. At higher altitudes, being tossed or blown out of the airplane
c. Evolved gas decompression sickness (the bends)
d. Exposure to wind blast and extreme cold
When would an emergency descent procedure be necessary? (FAA‑H‑8083‑3)
An emergency descent is a maneuver for descending as rapidly as possible, within the structural limitations of the airplane, to a lower altitude or to the ground for an emergency landing. The need for this maneuver may result from an uncontrollable fire, a sudden loss of cabin pressurization, or any other situation demanding an immediate and rapid descent.
What procedure should be followed in establishing an emergency descent? (FAA-H-8083-3)
Generally the maneuver should be configured as recommended by the manufacturer. Except when prohibited by the manufacturer, the following procedure may be used:
a. Reduce power to idle;
b. Place propeller control in low pitch (high RPM)—acts as an aerodynamic brake;
c. As quickly as practical, extend landing gear/full flaps (maximum drag);
d. Establish a 30- to 45-degree bank for the purposes of clearing the area below.
What standards are you expected to maintain when demonstrating an emergency descent? (FAA-S-ACS-7)
You will demonstrate the ability to:
a. Clear the area.
b. Establish and maintain the appropriate airspeed and configuration for the scenario specified by the evaluator and as covered in the POH/AFM for the emergency descent.
c. Demonstrate orientation, division of attention, and proper planning.
d. Use a bank angle between 30° and 45° to maintain positive load factors during the descent.
e. Maintain appropriate airspeed +0/-10 knots, and level off at specified altitude, +/-100 feet.
f. Complete the appropriate checklist.
What instruments are affected when the pitot tube freezes? (FAA-H-8083-25)
a. Pitot tube blocked and associated drain hole remains clear—Airspeed decreases to zero, altimeter and vertical speed read normal.
b. Pitot tube and drain hole blocked—Airspeed indicator acts as an altimeter; reads high in climb and low in descent. Altimeter and vertical speed read normal.
What instruments are affected when the static port freezes? (FAA-H-8083-25)
Airspeed Indicator—Accurate at the altitude frozen as long as the static pressure in the indicator and the system equals outside pressure. If the aircraft descends, the airspeed indicator would read high (outside static pressure greater than that trapped). If the aircraft climbs, the airspeed indicator will read low.
Altimeter—Indicates the altitude at which the system was blocked.
Vertical speed—Indicates level flight.
Does the pitot system have any protection from ice? (AFM/POH)
Yes. The heated pitot system consists of the following components:
a. A pitot tube with a heating element,
b. A “pitot heat” rocker switch, and
c. A 10-amp push-to-reset circuit breaker.
What corrective action is needed if the pitot tube freezes? If the static port freezes? (FAA-H-8083-25)
Pitot tube—Turn pitot heat on.
Static port—Use alternate air if available, or break the face of a static instrument (either the VSI or A/S indicator).
What indications should you expect while using alternate air? (FAA-H-8083-15)
In many unpressurized aircraft equipped with a pitot-static tube, an alternate source of static pressure is provided for emergency use. If the alternate source is vented inside the airplane, where static pressure is usually lower than outside, selection of the alternate static source may result in the following indications:
Altimeter will indicate higher than the actual altitude
Airspeed will indicate greater than the actual airspeed
Vertical speed will indicate a momentary climb then stabilize if altitude is held constant
Note: Always consult the AFM/POH to determine the amount of error.
What instruments may be relied upon in the event of a complete vacuum system failure while operating in instrument meteorological conditions? (AFM/POH)
Turn and Slip/Turn Coordinator—bank information
Magnetic Compass—bank information
Airspeed—pitch information
Altimeter—pitch information
Vertical Speed Indicator—pitch information
Is there a backup system available if the engine-driven vacuum pump were to fail? (AFM/POH)
Some general aviation aircraft may be equipped with a backup vacuum system. This system may be electrically driven or could be an engine-driven vacuum pump running in parallel to the primary pump.
What recommended procedure should be used in resetting a tripped circuit breaker? (FAA-H-8083-30; AC 120-80)
A tripped circuit breaker should not be reset in flight unless doing so is consistent with procedures specified in an approved AFM, or unless, in the judgment of the PIC, resetting the breaker is necessary for safe completion of the flight. Repeated resetting of a circuit breaker can lead to circuit or component damage, or worse, the possibility of a fire or explosion.
Interpret the following ammeter indications. (AFM/POH)
a. Ammeter indicates a right deflection (positive).
After starting—The power from the battery used for starting is being replenished by the alternator. Or, if a full-scale charge is indicated for more than 1 minute, the starter is still engaged and a shutdown is indicated.
During flight—A faulty voltage regulator is causing the alternator to overcharge the battery.
b. Ammeter indicates a left deflection (negative).
After starting—Normal during start. Other times indicates the alternator is not functioning or an overload condition has occurred in the system. The battery is not receiving a charge.
During flight—The alternator is not functioning or an overload has occurred in the system. The battery is not receiving a charge.
What action should be taken if the ammeter indicates a continuous discharge (left needle) while in flight? (AFM/POH)
The alternator has quit producing a charge, so the master switch and the alternator circuit breaker should be checked and reset if necessary. If this does not correct the problem, the following should be accomplished:
a. The alternator should be turned off; pull the circuit breaker (field circuit will continue to draw power from the battery).
b. All electrical equipment not essential to flight should be turned off (the battery is now the only source of electrical power).
c. The flight should be terminated and a landing made as soon as possible.
What action should be taken if the ammeter indicates a continuous charge (right needle) while in flight (more than two needle widths)? (AFM/POH)
If a continuous excessive rate of charge were allowed for any extended period of time, the battery would overheat and evaporate the electrolyte at an excessive rate. A possible explosion of the battery could result. Also, electronic components in the electrical system would be adversely affected by higher than normal voltage. Protection is provided by an overvoltage sensor which will shut the alternator down if an excessive voltage is detected. If this should occur the following should be done:
a. The alternator should be turned off; pull the circuit breaker (the field circuit will continue to draw power from the battery).
b. All electrical equipment not essential to flight should be turned off (the battery is now the only source of electrical power).
c. The flight should be terminated and a landing made as soon as possible.
If the low-voltage warning light illuminates, what has occurred? (AFM/POH)
Illumination of the low-voltage light along with a discharge indication on the ammeter can occur during low RPM conditions with a full electrical load on the system. This event usually occurs on the ground with low RPMs while taxiing. Another possibility is the alternator has been shutdown; the airplane is equipped with a combination alternator/regulator high-low voltage control unit which, when an over-voltage condition occurs, will shut down the alternator and illuminate the warning light. The battery is now supplying all current to the electrical system. The ammeter will indicate a discharge.
If a positive gear down indication is not received, what action is recommended first? (AFM/POH)
Several preliminary checks can be made prior to using the emergency extension procedure:
a. Check that the master switch is set to “On.”
b. Check that the “Landing Gear” and “Gear Pump” circuit breakers are in.
c. Check both “Landing Gear” position indicators by using the “Press-To-Test” feature and by rotating the dimming shutter.
d. If a bulb has burned out, you can use the other operating bulb as a temporary replacement.
What recommended procedure should be used if the landing gear fails to retract after takeoff? (AFM/POH)
If the landing gear fails to retract normally, the following checklist should be completed.
a. Check that the master switch is set to “On.”
b. Check that the landing gear lever is in the full up position.
c. Check that the gear pump and landing gear circuit breakers are “In.”
d. Check the gear up light.
e. Recycle the landing gear lever.
f. Check for proper gear motor operation by examining the ammeter and listening for noise.
Note: If you still hear a gear motor noise after 1 minute, pull out the gear pump circuit breaker to avoid overheating the motor. You can reinstall the circuit breaker when needed for landing.
How is the emergency gear extension system operated? (AFM/POH)
There is a hand-operated pump, located between the front seats, which may be used for manual extension of the landing gear in the event of a hydraulic failure.
What is the recommended procedure if the landing gear will not extend normally? (AFM/POH)
If the landing gear fails to extend normally, the following checklist should be completed.
a. Check that the master switch is “On.”
b. Check that the landing gear lever is “Down.”
c. Check that the gear pump and landing gear circuit breakers are “In.”
d. Extend the handle and pump the emergency hand pump until heavy resistance is encountered (about 30–40 times).
e. Check that the gear down light is “On.”
f. Secure the pump handle.
What procedure should be followed if a pilot does not receive a positive indication of the gear being down and locked? (AFM/POH)
Attempt to extend the gear manually. If this action is unsuccessful, plan for a gear-up landing. The following checklist should be completed:
a. Complete the “before landing” checklist.
b. Establish a normal approach configuration with full flaps.
c. Check that the gear pump and landing gear circuit breakers are “In.”
d. Initiate a tail low landing.
e. Use a minimum amount of braking.
f. Taxi slowly.
g. Shut down the engine and then inspect the gear.
What is the recommended procedure in dealing with a flat main landing gear tire? (AFM/POH)
a. Establish a normal approach configuration with full flaps.
b. Touchdown with the good tire first on that side of the runway and keep the aircraft off of the flat tire for as long as possible.
c. Use braking on the good wheel as required to maintain directional control.
What is the recommended procedure to follow if the nose gear is unsafe or the tire is flat? (AFM/POH)
a. Complete the before landing checklist.
b. Shift weight to the rear by moving passengers and/or baggage to the rear.
c. Set the flaps to the 30° position.
d. Unlatch all doors.
e. After committing to a landing, set both the avionics and master switch to the “Off” position.
f. Initiate touchdown in a slightly tail low configuration.
g. Set the mixture control to the “Idle-Cutoff” position.
h. Set the ignition switch to the “Off” position.
i. Set the fuel selector to the “Off” position.
j. Hold the nose off as long as possible.
k. After landing, evacuate the aircraft as soon as possible.
Why should taxiing on a slush, snow, or ice covered taxiway in a retractable gear airplane be avoided? (AC 91-13)
During thawing conditions, mud and slush can be thrown into wheel wells during taxiing and takeoff. If it then freezes during flight, this mud and slush could create landing gear operational problems. The practice of recycling the gear after a takeoff can be used as a preventive procedure. However, the safest procedure is to avoid these surface conditions with retractable gear aircraft.
What is an “asymmetrical” flap emergency? (FAA‑H‑8083‑3)
An asymmetric “split” flap situation is one in which one flap deploys or retracts while the other remains in position. The problem is indicated by a pronounced roll toward the wing with the least flap deflection when wing flaps are extended or retracted.
What procedure should be followed in an asymmetrical flap emergency? (FAA‑H‑8083‑3)
The roll encountered in a split flap situation is countered with opposite aileron. The yaw caused by the additional drag created by the extended flap will require substantial opposite rudder, resulting in a cross-control condition. Almost full aileron may be required to maintain a wings-level attitude, especially at the reduced airspeed necessary for approach and landing. The approach to landing with a split flap condition should be flown at a higher than normal airspeed. The pilot should not risk an asymmetric stall and subsequent loss of control by flaring excessively. The airplane should be flown onto the runway so that the touchdown occurs at an airspeed consistent with a safe margin above flaps-up stall speed.
What procedure should be followed if loss of elevator control occurs? (AFM/POH)
a. Extend the landing gear.
b. Lower flaps by 10°.
c. Set trim for level flight.
d. Using throttle and elevator trim control, establish an airspeed of 70 knots.
Do not change the established trim setting. Maintain control of the glide angle by adjusting power. At the landing flare, the elevator trim should be adjusted to full noseup and the power reduced. At the moment of touchdown, close the throttle.
What procedure should be followed if a cabin door accidentally opens in flight? (AFM/POH)
a. Establish a straight-and-level flight configuration.
b. Trim the aircraft for approximately 80 KIAS.
c. Open a window.
d. Momentarily push the door outward and then pull the door to closed position and lock.
What procedure should be followed if a baggage door opens in flight? (AFM/POH)
Baggage compartments tend to be located in the aft section of the airplane and under no circumstances should the pilot allow anyone to attempt to close the doors while in flight. By design, the baggage compartment door will tend to remain closed during flight due to airflow pressure.
What two factors should be considered in choosing the type of survival equipment to carry for a flight over an uninhabited area? (AIM 6-2-6)
a. The type of climate
b. The type of terrain
What additional equipment is required if an aircraft is operated for hire over water and beyond power-off gliding distance from shore? (14 CFR 91.205)
If an aircraft is operated for hire over water and beyond power-off gliding distance from shore, approved flotation gear readily available to each occupant and at least one pyrotechnic signaling device.
What do you have in the aircraft that can be used to aid in survival?
a. The compass will keep you going in one direction.
b. Gasoline will help make a fire.
c. Oil can be used for smoke signals.
d. Seat upholstery may be used to wrap around feet or hands.
e. Wiring may be used for tie strings.
f. The battery may be used to ignite fuel.