Emergency Preparedness Flashcards
Sentinel lab
Lowest level- hospital, clinic, or private lab where most lab techs works and where most medical testing is conducted
Establishes methods on how fed dept and local agencies will work together
National Response Framework
Strategic National Stockpile
Massive storage of medicine, vaccines, antidotes
Fit tested
Procedure to ensure that the make, model, style and size of respirator are appropriate for the wearer
Test result requiring confirmation by higher level lab
Comprehensive Emergency Management
System that provides for carrying out the functions of emergency management and encompasses four phases:
Mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery
Laboratory Response Network
Public and military lab organized into 3 level system for processing chemical or biological specimens in an emergency. Responds to emergencies that involve natural disasters and to events that involve biological and chemical terrorism
Disaster Medical Assistance Teams DMAT
Group of medical professionals and support staff sent by National Disaster Medical System to supplement local medical resources
Emergency response
A coordinated action to meet the needs of communities affected by an emergency
Biohazardous waste
Med waste consisting of body fluids, blood products, lab specimens from various procedures or biopsies
Who provides mass vaccinations or pharmaceutical treatments
National Pharmacy Response Team
Type of man-made disaster intended to make people ill
Recovery phase
Includes activities and programs that help a community return to normal
Needed by hospitals to be accredited by joint commissions
Hospital Emergency Management Agency
Emerging infectious disease
New or previously limited infection that spreads rapidly in the population
What federal agency requires a written emergency action plan?
Push pack
Container of drugs, vaccines, medical supplies. Ready to deploy container with enough med supplies and medication to treat thousands
National Response Framework
Guideline for how governmental, nongovernmental, private sector and local agencies will work together in responding to an emergency. Ensures that the federal gov’t can quickly deliver federal support to community
What PPE requires fit testing?
Respirator mask
Who has primary responsibility for emergency management and response?
Local gov’t
Who must originate a request for fed disaster relief
Hospital Incident Command System
System that clarifies roles and responsibility and enables facilities to handle an emergency w/out delay by establishing chain of command and specifying staff responsibilities
How often should hospitals do drills?
Twice a year
Emergency Management Assistance Compact
Mutual aid agreement among states for disaster relief. Facilitates the sharing of resources, personnel, and equipment
A jurisdiction such as town, city, metropolitan are or county
Minimum temperature for incineration
1800 F
Can administer mass vaccines to hundreds of thousands
National Pharmacy Response Team
National Pharmacy Response Team NPRT
Resource that provides lab training courses in clinical, environmental, and public health lab topics
The deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other agents that can cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants
Phenomenon experienced by healthcare facilities following a disaster.
Patient surge
Provides written record of hospital personnel roles and responsibilities in emergency
Job Action Sheet
Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA
Part of US Department of Homeland Security and lead federal agency during any national emergency, has lead responsibility for coordinating a regional response and providing management and respond staff. Also in charge of providing shelter, food, and 1st aid to victims.
What waste should be destroyed first?
Biohazardous waste
Needed to receive federal assistance for disaster relief
Presidential declaration
Job action sheet
Written responsibilities of healthcare professionals participating in an incident command system
Nonmedical volunteer opportunity
Community Emergency Response Team
Who is the lead in national disaster occurrence?
Risks or dangers to humans, property, and the environment
Who is responsible for sending medical teams, equipment, and supplies to a disaster area?
National Disaster Medical Stystem
Mutual aid agreement among states for disaster relief
Emergency Management Assistance Compact
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Stress reducing technique that lasts up to 2 to 4 hours- technique used to help a group of disaster workers process their experience
Presidential declaration
When governor of state requests that president declares a federal disaster enabling the deployment of federal resources
National laboratory
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, Naval Medical Research Center - highest level of the 3-level System in LRN- responsible for identifying specialized strains of biological and chemical agents
Cohorted patients
Patients with same symptoms
Scope of practice
Legal and professional definition of training and responsibilities of allied health professionals
All-hazards approach
An approach that provide preparation and training that can be applied in a wide range of emergency situations
Droplet precautions
Wearing medical mask when examining with respiratory infection
Standard and Universal precautions
Hand washing, PPE, good hygiene - established by CDC
Mutual aid
Agreements arranged with neighboring communities or institutions to assist each other in an emergency
Who provides victim identification and mortuary service?
Disaster Mortuary Operations Response team DMORT
Response phase
Occurs immediately before during or after a disaster occurs
Litter bearers
Ppl who move victims on stretchers
National Incident Management System
Comprehensive national approach to managing all types of emergencies. Provides a national template that enables all levels of gov’t, the private sector, and nongov’t organizations to work together to manage emergencies
Five task groups
Command Operations Planning Logistics Finance Administration
National Disaster Medical System NDMS
Federal system of rapid response of medical teams, equipments, supplies sent to a disaster area; moves ill and injured patients from the disaster to a safe area, and provides care for patient in hospitals away from disaster site
How many days should a go bag last?
Emergency System for the Advanced Registrations of Volunteer Health Professionals
Designed to assess and preregister volunteers to work within their own states and in other states during emergency
PTA’s role after a disaster
Help evacuees with daily activities
Emergency operations plan EOP
Written procedures and protocols for responding to emergency
Community emergency response team
Non-medical volunteer opportunity- program for volunteers that educates ppl about disaster preparedness and trains them in basic response skills
How does START System categorize level
Temperature code
Who provides rapid response that supplements local medical resources
Disaster medical assistance team DMAT
Set up by the federal gov’t to send medical teams, Equipment, and supplies to disaster area
National Disaster Medical System
Emergency response providers
Ppl such as public safety workers, police, fire fighters, and emt and paramedics who are trained in advanced to respond to emergencies
Simple triage and rapid treatment
Method of sorting mass casualty patients
Point of distribution
Temporary station for dispensing vaccines, medicines, antidotes in a large scale - set up by local gov’t agency and is supported by federal resources
To prevent or minimize emergencies that occurs from hazards
Infection that rapidly spreads around the world
Incidents that threaten public, safety, health, and welfare. Some are limited and others require a more rigorous response
Medical Reserve Corps
Federal group that organizes and deploys healthcare volunteers. Organized by local communities to enhance emergency and public health resources already in place
Maintains primary responsibility for emergency management and response.
Emergency Operations Center EOC
Place where leaders of an emergency operation gather to coordinate response
Requirement for working as a volunteer in a disaster area
Where do you preregister to volunteer?
Brief informal procedure used to help disaster workers. 10-30 minutes
Hospital emergency operations plan
Plan designed for hospitals to deal with emergencies
Just-in-time training
On the scene training
What was the site of federal medical Response Team after hurricane Katrina
New Orleans Airport
Mass prophylaxis
Dispensing if vaccines, medicines or antidotes on a large scale
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Federal agency responsible for workplace safety
Part of emergency operations plan that clarifies reporting roles
Chain of command
Risks or dangers that have the potential to harm people, property and the natural environment
Chain of command
A system in which reporting relationships are clarified thereby eliminating confusion caused by multiple conflicting directives
Vendor managed inventory
Second phase of fed distribution of medicine during an emergency - specific medications sent if needed for a surge in patients by manufacturers
An emergency that requires outside assistance
Reference lab
2nd level of the three. Labs have reagents and tech to conduct more sophisticated tests for biological and chemical agents
Incident Command System
Management system that organizes and coordinates emergency response
Emergency preparedness
Act of making plans to prevent, respond to, and recover from emergencies
Local Emergency Management Agency
Community gov’t agency that is responsible for public safety, emergency medical services and emergency management
Establishes uniform procedures for responding to disasters across the country
National Incident Management System
People who are injured or become sick as a result of an emergency or disaster
What organization establishes standard and universal precautions?
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Which abbreviation refers to acts of terrorism?
CBRN chemical biological radiological nuclear
Memorandum of understanding
Agreement to receive patients in case of evacuation
Disaster Mortuary Operations Response Team
Sent by NDMS to provide victim ID and Mortuary services.