Emergency Operations - PAR LESSON 29 Flashcards
What do all emergencies Warrant?
All call for landing. Whether its an emergency descent or not
What is the first thing you do if your engine starts rattling and is rough?
If it hasnt died you can trouble shoot and get the plane down as fast as possible. To Navigate use the nearest of the G430, Use your eyes, use foreflight. Where do you go? Put it down in a field depending on how far it was. And declare your emergency always.
Aviate, Navigate, Communicate
You c
What would you do if your Altimeter stopped working?
You probably have a problem with your AHRS, and you could use your standby instruments.
What do you do if you had an airspeed failure?
You can use your alt static source or backup.
PFD goes black, what do you do?
Use your backup system and land.
AHRS Failure? What do you do?
Use standby
ADC Failure,
Use standby altimeter or attitude.
Pitot Static failure Whats affected?
The airspeed.
If your static is blocked what happens?
Altimeter, Vertical Speed Indicator, and Air Speed Indicator do not work.
If pitot is clogged, what happens to airpseed?
It is shown as zero as ASI
What would a flap failure entail?
A faster landing speed, longer roll and floating,
Alternator Failures result in what?
Alternator inop in the CAS Message, check the circuit breaker, or follow the checklist for it.
How to know if a fire is electrical or engine?
Electrical is more rubbery smell whereas an engine fire would be a more oil smell.
What would a vacuum failure look like?
AI, Hi, TC result of a vacuum failure.
What is Induction Icing?
Happens at the Carberator due to the venturi. Structural, Induction and Clear, Rime and Mix
Structural icing
Clear is more dense, rime is not as dense and whiter. Clear is more dangerous because it is heavier and you can’t always see it.
Instrument icing
pitot or static get frozen over.
cannot fly because if reduces airflow and kills lift.
What warrants and Emergency Descent?
Illness, fire in the cabin, hypoxia.
How to perform an emergency descent?
pitch 120kts, 30 to 45 degree bank, Aviate, Navigate, Communicate
Emergency Approach to landing?
ABCD, Aviate, Best Landing,
What is most important in an emergency?
Fly the plane!! First and foremost.
How does one calculate glide speed in emergency? Airplane glide ratio for foreflight?
1000’ per 2 nautical Miles
What are Emergency Squack Codes?
No Coms?
High Jacking?
The Guard is used on what frequency? Monitored by every flight station.
Where can I find the frequencies?
chart supplement
What is a forced landing?
An engine failure, you have to get down.
What is a Precautionary landing?
putting it down to be safe.
What is a Ditching landing?
In Water.
What is the emergency equipment?
ELT, Fire Extinguisher,