Emergency Memorization Items Flashcards
Engine Emergency before Vr
Brakes: Max - No Skid
Thrust: Idle
Engine Fire
Land as soon as possible
Engine Failure on Takeoff
Best Glide: 100 kts
Landing Gear: A/R
Flaps: A/R
Land Straight Ahead
Rejected T/O
Brakes: Max No Skid
Thrust: Idle
Engine Failure in Flight
- Pitch for Airstart 120-200 Kias
- Turn toward Landing site
- o2 Mask: Above 15,000’ Don, 100%
Unconfined Engine Failure
- Pitch for 120
- Turn Toward Landing Site
- 02 Mask Don, 100%
Abnormal Engine Start
Engine Knob: Off
Engine Button: Press and Hold 15-30 Seconds
Smoke Removal & Cabin Fire
Crew Mask: Don/Emergency
Smoke Goggles Don
Pax O2 Deploy Switch: On
Emergency Descent
AP Disconnect: Press and Release
Thrust Level: Idle
Pitch: -20° (Approx)
Airspeed: VMO 250 MMO .53
Activation Handle: Pull - Both Hands
Emergency Ground Egress
- Engine Knob: Off
*Engine Button: Press (momentarily)
*Batt 1 & 2: Off
*Parking Brake: Set - Egress through Exits
Cabin Altitude High
Mask: Don, 100%
Cabin Differential Pressure High
Mask: Don, 100%
Bleed Switch: Fresh
CAPS Activated Warning
Message Alerts but No Pull:
AP Disconnect Hold for 5 Seconds
Engine Fire Warning
- Thrust Idle
*Pitch for 120
*Wait 15 seconds then… - Engine Fire acknowledge | Lift Guard Toggle
*Left or Right Push to Discharge
*Mask: Don, 100%
Engine Fire on Ground
- Engine Fire acknowledge | Lift Guard Toggle
*Left or Right Push to Discharge
*Engine Knob: Off
*Engine Button: Press
*Evacuate Airplane
Engine Start N1 Warning
Engine Start N1…Abort Start
Stall Warning
AOA - Reduce
Thrust Lever - T/O
Stick Pusher Warning
AOA - Reduce
Thrust Lever - T/O
If Malfunction is expected
*Grip Control Firmly
* A/P Disconnect Press & Hold
*Airplane Control: Maintain
*AP Servo CB (3) - Pull
*A/P Disconnect: Release
Takeoff Pitch Trim
IPS Eng Inlet Underpass Caution
Engine IPS Switch
Cycle Off, On within < 1 Second
SFD Alt Miscompute
SFD IAS Miscompute
SFD Pitch Miscompute
SFD Roll Miscompute
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