Emergency Management Flashcards
What must you give to the owner of requisitioned property?
A written statement specifting the property that is requisitioned and the person unddr whose control the property is to be placed.
Under sec 90 of CDEMA 2002, what items can be requisitioned?
Any land, building, vehicle, animal, boat, apparatus, impement, earth moving equipment, equipment, construction materials or equipment, furniture, bedding, food, medecines, medical supplies or any other equipment, materials or supplies.
What are the 4Rs of emergency management?
Risk reduction of emergencies
Readiness for emergencies
Response to emergencies
Recovery from emergencies
What are the timeframes in the incident action plan called?
An operational period.
What is an optimum span of control?
3-7 but optimal is 5
What are the four major components that CIMS is build around?
What are the three main incident priotities?
Incident stability
Property conservation