Emergency contraception Flashcards
Emergency contraception:
Approach to consult for unplanned pregnancy?
1) Background
- timing of menstruation/cycle
- timing of unprotected intercourse in any time frame from 6 days prior to 2 days post possible ovulation
- medications
- are they breastfeeding
2) examination/investigation
- body weight
- beta hcG
- if indicated STI and BBV screening
4) Arrange follow up
- pregnancy test if period later than 7 days (21 days post Ulipristal acetate beta hcG is reliably negative if not pregnant)
- any contraception follow up
Emergency contraception:
1) Cu-IUD
2) Levonorgestrel
3) Ulipristal Acetate
Emergency contraception:
Decision making to choose an option?
1) ≤5 days post Unprotected intercourse
2) The aim should always be for Ulipristal Acetate ($50) unless contraindicated as it is more effective
- severe asthma
- hepatic impairment
- ≤ 28 days since CYP3A4 inducer
3) weight ≥88kg or BMI ≥30 = unknown efficacy of Ulipristal Acetate beyond these ranges
* *double dose Levonorgesterol (3mg) with antiemetic prior if these parameters are met**
Levonorgestrel 1.5mg ($15 - $60)
- repeat dosed if vomited ≤ 2hrs post dose
- will delay period slightly
- common side effects of headache, vomiting
- need a double dose above 70kg
if Levonorgestrel or Ulipristal Acetate used then progestogen containing contraception cannot be started for 5 days
4) If the above is not suitable or chosen = Cu-IUD ($90 and harder to access inserting practitioner)
- Impairs sperm motility
- prevent egg fertilisation,
- prevent ovum implantation
- pregnancy
- active pelvic inflammatory disease or sexually transmitted disease
- abnormal uterine shape