Emergencies Flashcards
Hydraulic Pressure > 3200psi (Flight)
Caution light not illuminated
- Land ASAP. Consideration should be given to shutting down the effected engine.
- If flight controls are sluggish - Shutdown affected engine.
- After landing and clear of runway, shutdown affected engine.
- If left engine - taxi with caution, not to exceed 5 knots, minimize side forces, install pins as soon as practical.
Hydraulic Caution Light Illuminated.
- Hydraulic Pressure Indicators - Check.
- If pressure is low - Land ASAP (fire?)
Note: If left engine - taxi with caution, not to exceed 5 knots, minimize side forces, install pins as soon as practical.
LEFT or RIGHT GENERATOR and HYDRAULIC light on same side illuminate simultaneously.
Gearbox Failure
1. Land ASAP
2. If excessive vibration exists - Shutdown affected engine
Note: Right engine no crossover - flaps?
Note: If left engine - taxi with caution, not to exceed 5 knots, minimize side forces, install pins as soon as practical.
Generator Failure (Partial).
- ID affected generator - reference CB panels
- Affected generator - OFF (force crossover)
- If malfunction not corrected:
a. Affected generator switch - OFF
b. Land as soon as practical
LEFT or RIGHT GENERATOR light illuminates (good crossover).
Single Generator failure
1. Adjust RPM to other side of shift range (65-70%).
Note: if not practical to reduce, ONE reset attempt is authorized. A second attempt is authorized after RPM is reduced below shift range.
Warning: If generator caution light illuminates immediately after reset, a short circuit may be the cause… Further attempts to reset could cause a generator FIRE.
2. Generator Switch - RESET then ON.
4. If successful - leave engine in range of successful generator operation until on final, then use throttle as necessary for landing.
5. If unsuccessful - Generator switch OFF, land as soon as practical,
After landing clear runway and shutdown engine.
Caution: If left engine - taxi with caution, not to exceed 5 knots, minimize side forces, install pins as soon as practical.
Left Generator light on
Left Generator failure, no crossover
Note: Pitot Heat is still available.
1. Adjust RPM to opposite side of shift range (65 - 70%).
Note: if not practical to reduce, ONE reset attempt is authorized. A second attempt is authorized after RPM is reduced below shift range.
Warning: If generator caution light illuminates immediately after reset, a short circuit may be the cause… Further attempts to reset could cause a generator FIRE.
2. Generator Switch - RESET then ON.
If successful - leave engine in range of successful generator operation until on final, then use throttle as necessary for landing.
5. If unsuccessful - Generator switch OFF, land as soon as practical,
After landing clear runway and shutdown engine.
Caution: If left engine - taxi with caution, not to exceed 5 knots, minimize side forces, install pins as soon as practical.
Right Generator Light on
Right Generator failure, no crossover
Note: Pitot Heat is Lost.
1. Adjust RPM to opposite side of shift range (65 - 70%).
Note: if not practical to reduce, ONE reset attempt is authorized. A second attempt is authorized after RPM is reduced below shift range.
Warning: If generator caution light illuminates immediately after reset, a short circuit may be the cause… Further attempts to reset could cause a generator FIRE.
2. Generator Switch - RESET then ON.
If successful - consider setting flaps to 60% and trimming the aircraft to level flight (fuel permitting) in the event the generator fails again. Leave engine in range of successful generator operation until on final, then use throttle as necessary for landing.
5. If unsuccessful - Generator switch OFF, land as soon as practical,
After landing clear runway and shutdown engine.
Caution: If left engine - taxi with caution, not to exceed 5 knots, minimize side forces, install pins as soon as practical.
LEFT and RIGHT GENERATOR Lights illuminated
Dual Generator Failure
1. Battery switch - Check ON.
2. Generator switches - RESET then ON.
Note: If one generator resets, refer to appropriate single generator fail checklist.
Warning: If generator caution light illuminates immediately after reset, a short circuit may be the cause… Further attempts to reset could cause a generator FIRE.
3. If both generators fail to reset:
a. Generator switches OFF
b. Land ASAP. Attempt to remain VFR
c. Battery - EMER
Note: With battery switch ON, battery life should be approximately 18 minutes. Use of the emergency bus can extend life to over 45 minutes. Selection of EMER will result in the loss of the caution, warning, and indicator system.
4. Descend to lowest practical altitude above 25,000 feet.
a. Limit VHF transmissions, expect complete electrical failure below 19 volts.
b. Prior to lowering landing gear
1. Battery - ON
2. A no flap landing will required [2x(2,500 + fuel weight)].
Note: With complete loss of electrical power landing gear must be extended via alternate system.
Caution: If left engine - taxi with caution, not to exceed 5 knots, minimize side forces, install pins as soon as practical.
Dual Transformer Rectifier Failure 1. Remain VMC, if possible Note: Battery can be overcharged, and read above 25 volts temporarily. battery voltage must be monitored. 2. Voltmeter - Check 3. If Voltmeter reads below 25 volts: a. Land ASAP b. Battery - EMER Note: With battery switch ON, battery life should be approximately 18 minutes. Use of the emergency bus can extend life to over 45 minutes. Selection of EMER will result in the loss of the caution, warning, and indicator system.
Hydraulic Pressure > 3200psi (Ground)
Caution light not illuminate
- Shutdown the effected engine.
2. If left engine - taxi with caution, not to exceed 5 knots, minimize side forces, install pins as soon as practical.
XFMR RECT FAIL illuminated)
Single Transformer Rectifier Failure
- Voltmeter - Check
- If BATTERY DISCHARGE light is illuminated, refer to dual failure.
- Remain VMC if possible
- TR circuit breakers - IN
- Land as soon as practical
Electrical Fire
- Oxygen - Select 100%
- Cabin pressure switch - RAM DUMP (below 25,000 feet if possible)
- Battery - EMER
- Generators - OFF
- All non-essential electrical equipment - OFF
- If Fire continues:
a. Generators - RESET then ON
b. Battery - OFF
Smoke/Fumes/Odors in cockpit
unidentified odors will be considered toxic
- Oxygen - Select 100%
- Check for source of smoke, fumes or odors
- If required, Cabin pressure switch - RAM DUMP
(Below 25,000 feet, if possible) - If smoke becomes severe - Jettison canopy
(Below 300 knots, if possible)
Canopy Loss
- Immediately slow to below 300 knots
(Minimum drag is at approximately 225 knots) - Lower seat and reestablish communications
- Land as soon as practical
Cabin Pressure Loss
- Oxygen system - EMERGENCY or 100%
- Descend immediately - Maintain at or below 25,000 feet
- Land as soon as practical
Oxygen System Emergency Operation
- If hypoxia/hyperventilation symptoms are detected, proceed as follows:
a. Supply lever - Check ON
b. Diluter lever - 100% Oxygen
c. Emergency lever - EMERGENCY
d. Connections - Check security - If positive
Engine fire (Ground)
- If a fire light illuminates or ground crew signals aircraft fire:
a. Throttles - OFF
b. Notify ground or tower
c. Advise other crew member of egress intentions
d. Battery/ground power - OFF
Engine Fire (Flight)
- Throttle - IDLE (check fire circuit)
Look for secondaries - Throttle - OFF (if fire light remains on)
If engine can’t be shutdown with throttle use fuel shutoff switch - If fire confirmed - Eject
Oil system malfunction
- If oil pressure not within operating limits or a sudden change of pressure of 10 psi or more at any stabilized RPM
a. Throttle - Adjust to maintain pressure within 5-55 psi - If 5-55 psi pressure cannot be maintained or if engine seizure appears imminent
a. Throttle - OFF (Right engine, check crossover… Consider setting 60% flaps)
Note: loss of both RPM and oil pressure (zero) on the same engine simultaneously indicates a sheared oil pump shaft
Engine failure/shutdown during flight
(Right engine, check crossover)
- Throttle - OFF for 10 before attempting a relight, if conditions permit
- Crossfeed - As necessary
- With less than 250 pounds in either system
a. Fuel boost pump switches (LEFT and RIGHT) - ON
b. Crossfeed switch - ON
Note: Single engine, with low fuel, and two operating boost pumps, placing the crossfeed ON and both boost pumps ON will provide the maximum usable fuel.
Restart (Flight)
- Throttle - OFF, 10 seconds, if conditions permit
- Altitude - Below 25,000 feet
- Engine RPM - Within airstart envelope… 18-20% is the heart of the envelope at all altitudes. (12% minimum)
- Battery switch - ON or EMER
- Boost pumps - ON
- Engine start and ignition CBs - IN (FCP Left console)
- Start button - PUSH
- Throttle - Advance to IDLE
- If restart attempt fails:
a. Throttle - OFF (up to 5 minutes)
b. Crossfeed switch - ON
c. Attempt another start
Compressor stall
- Throttle - IDLE
- Engine start button - Press
- Increase/decrease airspeed as necessary
- EGT/RPM - Monitor
- If engine will not restart or recover:
a. Throttle - OFF
Note: If engine is shutdown, an airstart may be attempted as applicable
Nozzle Failure (Closed)
- Throttle - Retard to maintain EGT within limits
- Land as soon as practical
a. Engine may be used if EGT within limits
b. Max power probably won’t be available
c. Fly straight in approach, consider using single engine procedures for approach and landing
d. EGT may increase above acceptable during roll out
Nozzle Failure (Open)
- Land as soon as practical
a. Expect thrust to be decreased
b. Max power probably won’t be available
c. Fly straight in approach, consider using single engine procedures for approach and landing
Nozzle Fluctuation
- Throttle - Retard until nozzle stabilizes
- Land as soon as practical
a. Possible T-5 failure
b. EGT may fluctuate with nozzle
c. Cross check fuel flow to prevent mistaking this as a fuel control problem
Single Engine Landing
- Landing gear down and check down
- Wing flaps - 60% (set on final prior to descent)
- Wing flaps - 100% (set when landing is assured (optional))
- If left engine - taxi with caution, not to exceed 5 knots, minimize side forces, install pins as soon as practical.
Single-engine go around
- Throttle(s) - MAX
- Flaps - 60%
- Attain final approach speed minimum
- Landing gear - UP (as required above final approach speed)
a. If left engine, it may require up to 1 minute for gear
Then: at 200 knots - flaps UP
b. If gear won’t come up…
Then: at 220 knots - flaps UP
Controllability Check
- Climb to 15,000 feet AGL
- Configure the aircraft for landing
Note: Consider using Aux flaps - Slow to minimum control speed or touchdown speed whichever occurs first
Note: 3/4 stick travel to maintain level flight represents minimum control speed (MCS) - If MCS is above 200 knots conduct another check at lower fuel weight.
Note: touchdowns up to 200 knots are possible but consider runway length, suitable barrier, or controlled ejection - Once touchdown speed is computed, don’t change due to fuel burned enroute to airfield
- Do not change configuration
- Maintain 20 knots above MCS during descent and approach
- Fly a straight in approach with minimum flare, plan to touch down at 10 knots above computed MCS
- With structural damage, do not aerobrake.
Uncommanded Abrupt Pitch Up (Flaps extended)
Flap-Stab interconnect failure
- Control stick - Full forward to arrest pitch rate
- Throttles - Max
- Flaps - 60%
Note: With flaps 60% or more the required stick position will be beyond the forward trim cutout limit - Landing gear - UP
- Flaps - UP when above no-flap flying airspeed
- Land with flaps retracted
Note: If condition require some use of flaps, 30-45% will provide limited but adequate nose down control authority and manageable stick forces.
Uncommanded Smooth Pitch Up during flap extension
Flap-Stab interconnect failure
Note: Runaway nose up trim may be confused with flap-slab interconnect failure.
1. Flaps - Reposition to UP
2. Throttles - As required to maintain above no flap flying airspeed
3. Land with flaps retracted
Note: If condition require some use of flaps, 30-45% will provide limited but adequate nose down control authority and manageable stick forces.
Stability Augmenter Malfunction
Yaw and moderate rudder roll, or chattering rudder pedals
Note: Stab-Aug yaw system can fail with rudder deflection of 4 degrees. If yaw damper switch is found in the OFF position during flight - Leave OFF
1. Reduce AOA and apply opposite rudder and aileron to control yaw and roll.
2. SAS disconnect switch - DISC
Note: if problem is corrected, the mission may be continued
Flap Asymmetry
- If a rapid roll occurs with flaps extended:
a. Ailerons and rudder as required to counteract roll
b. Throttles - MAX to attain airspeed above 180 knots
c. Flaps - UP
d. Perform no-flap landing - If a roll develops during flap movement:
a. Ailerons and rudder as required to counteract roll
b. Move flap handle to previous position
c. If asymmetry persists:
1) Aux flap switch - EMERG
2) Wing flap lever - Move to set wing flaps to any intermediate position to eliminate the asymmetrical condition
3) If a flap setting less than 60% is used, fly AOA on speed indications on final. With 60% or greater, use normal pattern airspeeds.
d. If the asymmetric condition cannot be corrected
WARNING: Anticipate 9000 feet of ground roll after touchdown
1) Land from a straight-in approach
2) Maintain 20 knots above final approach and touchdown speeds. Do not touch down below 160 knots
3) Do not attempt to aerobrake. However, the landing attitude should be maintained by increasing back pressure on the stick
No Flap Landing
- Burn down fuel to reduce landing roll
(2x(2,500+fuel weight)) - Downwind leg - Extend
- Airspeed - Increase the final turn, final approach, and touchdown airspeeds be 15 knots
- Execute a no-flap full stop landing using aero raking to just prior to loss of elevator authority and perform optimum braking thereafter.
Note: exercise caution when braking above 120knots.
Barrier Engagement
MA-1, MA-1A, BAK-15
- Shoulder Harness - Lock
- Speedbrakes - Confirm closed
Note: MA-1 and MA-1A barrier engagement is unlikely with WSSP (Pod) installed. - Brakes - Release prior to engagement
- Barrier - Engage in a three point attitude
- Brakes - Reapply
Note: BAK-15 engagement may result in canopy entanglement